Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I've finally seen CoBtv part three.....
Now I'm even more anxious for the album.. it sounded very very interesting.. And off course they've had fun...

And that storm.. wow.. I've seen newsarticles about it, but it really was insane.. didn't think it was this bad..
Nothing better than an amazing storm (except for the likes that tear trees off their roots and roofs off houses). Too bad I missed it.
Finally :) Nice stuff, thanks a lot to the guys. If there's one thing I could tell out of that, it's that they seem to have had tons of fun :lol: Mr. Hyde seems to be a funny guy too, looks like the chemistry between them works well, so I'm taking this and the few little samples of new stuff as a promising sign for the new album :)

Alexi's cat rules btw.
It seems to be fast, tight stuff. That's totally welcome. At 2:32 Janne is doing the support on D. I think that means they're tuned to D standard in that particular song, but since they wanna stay heavy maybe not the whole album. That keyboard part at the end with the guitars sounds steroid.
it was cool to see but honestly i wish there were more riffs. the way my band does it is we do some of that random antics shit (none of it is planned, it just kinda happens haha) but we also show a lot of riffs to truely give people a taste of the new sound/how we record.

check it out if you want but I really wish they did something more like this; being able to hear a couple parts of the songs instead of the tiny bits would've given the feeling, but not the entire song away. with the parts i heard honestly i don't even really get a feeling so while it was entertaining, it didn't really do much for me.

either way i'm still really stoked on hearing the album and the few things i did hear seemed complex and janne seemed involved so one can only hope for fast, technical, brutal, yet atmospheric as fuck!
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I think it's my 'lack of musical knowledge', but that marching thing Alexi did near the beginning, sounded pretty weird to me. Is it because he messed up or does it make sense with all instruments added I wonder..
I think it's my 'lack of musical knowledge', but that marching thing Alexi did near the beginning, sounded pretty weird to me. Is it because he messed up or does it make sense with all instruments added I wonder..

Those marching things always sound odd when playing by yourself. It just is like that, there is no way around it.

But add the band all over it and it all comes together.:Smokedev:

Listen to Hate Me! at 1:35-1:37.
It seems to be fast, tight stuff. That's totally welcome. At 2:32 Janne is doing the support on D. I think that means they're tuned to D standard in that particular song, but since they wanna stay heavy maybe not the whole album. That keyboard part at the end with the guitars sounds steroid.

The one just before the end?? Yep, looked weird but promising imho, I'd maybe count on that being the album opener if they don't go again with a balls to the wall fast track like on BD or HCD and go back to actual intro thingies like FTR or AYDY. I really like the bit after they're on the lake and Janne's whining to Jaska that they have a producer and everything but they're instead naked on the lake.

I think it's my 'lack of musical knowledge', but that marching thing Alexi did near the beginning, sounded pretty weird to me. Is it because he messed up or does it make sense with all instruments added I wonder..

I think it sounded tight, and once with all the instruments it'll probably sound pretty interesting. Plus, if there's one thing you can be sure with Alexi, is that nothing in the whole CD will be out of timing or playing, it'll be spotless, at least in the album.
The one just before the end?? Yep, looked weird but promising imho, I'd maybe count on that being the album opener if they don't go again with a balls to the wall fast track like on BD or HCD and go back to actual intro thingies like FTR or AYDY.

To me it sounds like some trance song sequence meant for pumping up the mood. Maybe it would be too similar to LDB as album opener, but I could imagine it as some middle part of a song or part of an intro. I think that would serve nice as outro of opening track, it would make an electric way to kick off the album...

Wonder when can we expect announcements on album title, song titles and cover artwork. I'm guessing the album title will be revealed in some magazine in a couple months, but that's just a guess.

As for the new material, why not release a single for the Christmas market, and then another on MySpace preceding the album release by a month or so.
My guesses and only guesses (and to all of you fact-lovers free-open-discussion-about-our-favourite-band-haters, remember this is the ON TOPIC section and that this is allowed here) are that we will start getting info on tracks and general vibe in a month (more or less after the Zakk Wylde bullshit tour is done), album title somewhere near Christmas probably acompanied by a single, maybe another online or radio single and then the album late February/early March, because they say it's gonna be out early 2011, but I don't think anyone can expect a January release, and if they go into April-May that is not early 2011, so there you go those are my guesses.

As far as album sound and all, from what I heard I would say that it's gonna stay melodic but go a lil bit more rock (while remaining metal, I am by no means saying that 7th is gonna be a rock and roll album).
Yeah indeed it's a Zakk Wylde bullshit tour. They've just given birth to new album and then have to go warming up that band. But I guess it's good to stay in form, and obviously make some income...

Just really hope there's some interesting composions, something new and different. Blooddrunk sounded too normal. Just imagine if they have tracks like Silent Night, Bodom Night and stuff that derive from their usual pattern... it's possible at least in theory.

Now it would be best to forget about it for two months when the tour ends, after that they do the new song video and some interviews, I guess we can expect some information for around Christmas, unless Alexi approves to a magazine interview during the tour. Maybe he could already reveal something but no-one's asking.
I read somewhere the new album is coming out in February...can't remember where I read it though. Also at the time the new Rockhouse method DVD's will be out, except for the 4 disc Guitar Center exclusive set that is supposed to be out in October some time.

Why all the hate for BLS? They fucking kick ass. Always have. Zakk is a phenominal player...wouldn't have been picked to play with Ozzy at 19 if he wasn't. And I doubt CoB would have wanted to open for them if they themselves didn't like them.
Why all the hate for BLS? They fucking kick ass. Always have. Zakk is a phenominal player...wouldn't have been picked to play with Ozzy at 19 if he wasn't. And I doubt CoB would have wanted to open for them if they themselves didn't like them.

Alexi himself has mentioned he's a huge fan of Zakk's playing; also, he's named at least one BLS riff in a favorite riffs list.

BLS rules, so does Clutch, and both bands already have legendary status. For all their hardwork and all the ass they kick, the fact remains that COB are in a privileged position to be on this tour. Good for COB for making the decision to get out there and slay rather than just waiting for the next album to come out; hopefully, it will also serve to diversify their fanbase in time for the release of the new record. I'll be just as happy to see them playing with two amazing bands until the next album comes out as I will be to see them headline again once it does. Even if I weren't stoked about this tour (and, clearly, I am), COB would still be worth their 45-minute set and a shitload of beer breaks while the other bands play. Metal \m/.
Alexi himself has mentioned he's a huge fan of Zakk's playing; also, he's named at least one BLS riff in a favorite riffs list.

BLS rules, so does Clutch, and both bands already have legendary status. For all their hardwork and all the ass they kick, the fact remains that COB are in a privileged position to be on this tour. Good for COB for making the decision to get out there and slay rather than just waiting for the next album to come out; hopefully, it will also serve to diversify their fanbase in time for the release of the new record. I'll be just as happy to see them playing with two amazing bands until the next album comes out as I will be to see them headline again once it does. Even if I weren't stoked about this tour (and, clearly, I am), COB would still be worth their 45-minute set and a shitload of beer breaks while the other bands play. Metal m/.

Hell yea!

Someones on the same page as me. Couldn't have said it better man.
Between me and the album is the forecasted coldest Finnish winter in thousand years. I might as well forget this place until new year. Plus, the first announced release date has a tendency to get postponed by a month or two. So there's hundreds of days time to think and process all the tiny bits of information, and then try to be surprised.
Whatever, Zakk Wylde's an arrogant asshole, the less they get from him the better. About the album, according to Henkka in this interview release date is 7th of March if I got it right.

You think he is arrogant?

I meet him years ago at a guitar expo when I was like 17 and he was one of the nicest guys I have ever meet. Signed a picture for me, gave me his pick, and then when he played he got on the folding chair right in front of me and proceeded to shred my fucking face off. It was a great time. Maybe he has changed though so who knows.

It's basically the same as people not likeing Alexi because he is "gay". My neighbor can't stand Alexi all because of the kissing shit. What does sexual preference or someones attitude have anything to do with the music?
Exaggerated rock star roles, that's all. They're both probably cooler people in real life than on stage. Which always makes me wonder the necessity of the on-stage attitude.