Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Exactly because of that it drives me nuts that people goes "BD and AYDY are bad". No they're not. You may not like them, even hate them, but they're not bad. Tr00 death metallers bash Bodom albums (all of them and the first three in particular) for beeing too melodic and too many solos and call them bad. Does that make them bad? No. Same with the other three and people in love with melodies, which btw are still quite present at the last albums.

He's a'gurbl, waiting for you, O young padawan

also: Anal Cunt

I still got nothing :lol: But you made me laugh, congrats ;)

wow, off topic must be really boring these days if you need to find your drama from here. Go back to off topic and take Matias with you :lol:

:lol::lol::lol: Thanks, you made my day.
Why even discuss it?Neither side is right or wrong,it's all a matter of opinion.What's good to me I'm sure is awful to someone else.Just accept it and move on.
Now about the new album,I don't care if it sounds like old or new cuz I like the both.I just want something fresh,new,and pleasant to my ears.Something I can run to the store buy and leave in the cd player for a good while.:)
That's just the thing-- there is no objectivity to this matter. It is all subjective, based on personal taste.

And Arcane, just because some new riffs are more technical or harder to play than some older riffs, this does not automatically make the new riff "better" or "good". Some of the most beautiful music ever written is very simple music indeed. Not at any level complicated in the writing. Sorry, but you need to open your mind a little more. Just because you look cool playing some superfast shit, it doesn't necessarily mean you are playing good music. Take MAB for example.
And again, it's all a matter of personal preference.


I think what many of us are missing is the feeling of the green and blue albums. It's more important than sheer speed or technically difficult riffs to many people. Each album has a good side and a bad side.
About Hip Hop, I don't care that people here don't liek it but it's not a bad kind of music. Indeed there is music, it's more than just raping, it's all about rythm and when you listen to the best of them you'll found out they have a great ear. Anyway, as Nerve said, hopefully the band listen to different type of music.
About Alexi's lifestyle, I think too many bands are taking music too seriously. COB is fun, innovative, catchy, inspired, professional. He always comes up with a different album, new ideas and even if I understand why some fans would like to hear more of old COB, they are evolving being better musicians, better composers and better at the production of their work. I'm not worried about the new album, he's more than just an excellent guitarist, he's an amazing composer, he has his own style, he's FUN, he's aware of the entertainment part of his job.
I have to agree with that. First, RAP is as much musical as BLACK METAL. Which means : depends on your position. I can't stand when people say that rap isn't music, especially metalheads. You can't say that their lyrics suck while you listen to songs named "The Enchanted Dragon Land", "Power Of The Viking Legendary Sword" or "Spirit Of The Ancient Cuthalatungha Wizard".
About the music, NOBODY here -and actually I'm pretty serious, NONE of you, until you prove me wrong- can program and play a decend hip hop track. Nor sing it. Nor write it. And I know many people are excellent metal players here. But you can't support the "I say rap sucks because rappers say metal sucks" stupid war.

And about Alexi having fun with his music, at least he didn't felt in the "serious-faced-dark-terrorizer" metal cliché. Nobody blamed Edguy when they released Hellfire Club (which contains "Lavatory Love Machine", how serious is it?), so why does everybody blame COB when they incorporate an evident and original FUN part in metal ? Playing in a metal band MUST be something quite funny and enjoyable, if not, your band splits after three shows. It's a kind of job, remember it. What would be your everyday job if you were serious and professionnal all day long ? Boring, isn't it ?
Im actually liking the direction this discussion is heading to. I used to be one of those "rap/hiphop sucks, its not real music" idiots and Im glad I have finally started to appreciate every musicians work, no matter what musicgenre they are representing. I dont understand it all, but I dont have to. I may not like artists who have started their career through Idols but well, I dont have to listen to them.

If CoB would be that kind of band which takes everything serious and never laughs or smiles in the gigs etc, Im not sure if I had never even got into them. The song which got me to listen them wasnt Downfall, it wasnt Lake Bodom or Everytime I die but their Britney Spears-cover. I got into them because they had made a kickass coversong which was good, hilarious and funny and really got me into good mood. Like Alexi has said, you have to have fun. And thats what all the coversongs are representing, thats what they do in their gigs.

Ok, this is starting to go bit offtopic now so better stop.
About the music, NOBODY here -and actually I'm pretty serious, NONE of you, until you prove me wrong- can program and play a decend hip hop track. Nor sing it. Nor write it. And I know many people are excellent metal players here. But you can't support the "I say rap sucks because rappers say metal sucks" stupid war.

I could program a decent one!:lol: for sure!
But I don't consider myself a metalhead nor do I 'hate' rap music so you're not talking to me :D
I understand what you're saying and I agree with you but I guess it's useless... :rolleyes:
wow, off topic must be really boring these days if you need to find your drama from here. Go back to off topic and take Matias with you :lol:

:lol: :blush:

I am still going to give my speculation on what's going to happen. I think they will break down the tempo, go entirely back to drop C or even try different tunings. The melodies will be there but only in the chorus...I think Alexi this time around will do more AYDY-ish Harsh singing vocals because that's what he does live.

I base this on their tour with Slipknot :lol: I won't say they copy every band they tour with but knowing Alexi likes Slipknot I think the next album will have considerable amount of those "groove riffs" and more of a riffing thing than really leady-solo thing. My head is going to get ripped of now though. In short, I think the riffs will be more evolved and show the same kind of progression as HCD=>AYDY=>BD and the solos will be more or less the same.

Basically they still can't copy Slipknot anyway because a really major thing of Slipknot is the melodic vocals which I very much doubt Alexi could do anyway.

Just taking the speculation to a whole new level and making some braver guesses :lol:
More like random guesses actually :lol: Indeed touring with Slayer affected Blooddrunk's writing, but they didn't get rid of melodies at all but actually make somehow a comeback from the smaller amount of them AYDY had. Nor did they decrease the amount of solos. So even though he's not going to go back to neoclassical, I don't think that saying they're going to go Slipknot way is accurate at all, and to be honest I really hope I'm right here :lol:

And about Alexi having fun with his music, at least he didn't felt in the "serious-faced-dark-terrorizer" metal cliché. Nobody blamed Edguy when they released Hellfire Club (which contains "Lavatory Love Machine", how serious is it?), so why does everybody blame COB when they incorporate an evident and original FUN part in metal ? Playing in a metal band MUST be something quite funny and enjoyable, if not, your band splits after three shows. It's a kind of job, remember it. What would be your everyday job if you were serious and professionnal all day long ? Boring, isn't it ?

If CoB would be that kind of band which takes everything serious and never laughs or smiles in the gigs etc, Im not sure if I had never even got into them. The song which got me to listen them wasnt Downfall, it wasnt Lake Bodom or Everytime I die but their Britney Spears-cover. I got into them because they had made a kickass coversong which was good, hilarious and funny and really got me into good mood. Like Alexi has said, you have to have fun. And thats what all the coversongs are representing, thats what they do in their gigs.

This. You both have my whole support on this. Couldn't have said it better.
I'm pretty sure It will change...I still prefer AYDYs atmosphere to Blooddrunk. Just is easier listening and more bodom. I doubt they get rid of the solos...which Slipknot actually hasn't either. They have a solo in like every song on the new album. Quite nice ones too! I still have to say the new album of theirs lack energy although i bet it's more accepted by the wide/general public.
Well, sure it won't be Blooddrunk 2, but Blooddrunk is ages away from Slipknot in terms of style, no matter which album you take. Slipknot is chugging riffs and some drum showing off with, since last album, solos. And somehow melodic/clean vocals. Is far away from Bodom's melodical style. Take All Hope Is Gone and Banned From Heaven, or Psychosocial and Smile Pretty For The Devil. Where's the similarity?
Want to hear, as much as possible, elements from the old Bodom. Nothing more to say, I'm a little scared thinking of a new COB album. I'm a old fan from the band, but fanatism apart: the reality can't be denied, Blooddrunk was not good. Bodom have other purpose and sense, they don't need to reinvent their style to a kind of modern metalcore. They can do whatever they want, but personally I think they should take old influences and inspiration, so they can get the best performance again, back to their tecnological music of Follow The Reaper and Hate Crew Deathroll with all the Something Wild and Hatebreeder elements. And of course, without doubts, they can kick our ass again!
The reality can't be denied : some people need to get their ears trained to listen to their new stuff.

I think most of people get into this band by listening to their new stuff because it's simple and easy to listen to, with considerable lack of depth when compared to much of the older material. I'm not taking sides with new or old, I'm just being realistic. (When I was 18-19 I thought AYDY is their best album because it's omg heavy.)

COB should imo be making songs like Warheart, Silent Night Bodom Night, Bed Of Razors, Follow the Reaper, Children Of Decadence, Everytime I Die, Kissing the Shadows... There's a lot of good on what came after but there's a more special vibe in the older material, but I guess they couldn't get to America with that.
I think most of people get into this band by listening to their new stuff.
I heard them live for the first time and they played mostly old stuff.Blooddrunk and hell hounds were the only new songs I remember on the setlist.Everything else was the old stuff.
The reality can't be denied : some people need to get their ears trained to listen to their new stuff.

I agree with this,but I like both old and new so
I heard them live for the first time and they played mostly old stuff.Blooddrunk and hell hounds were the only new songs I remember on the setlist.Everything else was the old stuff.

What we like to call the "new stuff" is everything since the Hate Crew Deathroll album. You know, the heavy stuff.
@ Joonas : :lol: yeah don't get me wrong I like both old and new. Sometimes I miss old and sometimes I'm fine with their new directions. I only think their new work is far from being bad or simple.
Want to hear, as much as possible, elements from the old Bodom. Nothing more to say, I'm a little scared thinking of a new COB album. I'm a old fan from the band, but fanatism apart: the reality can't be denied, Blooddrunk was not good. Bodom have other purpose and sense, they don't need to reinvent their style to a kind of modern metalcore. They can do whatever they want, but personally I think they should take old influences and inspiration, so they can get the best performance again, back to their tecnological music of Follow The Reaper and Hate Crew Deathroll with all the Something Wild and Hatebreeder elements. And of course, without doubts, they can kick our ass again!

Got till there, didn't bother reading more. If you really think that, get your ears in tune. Then, give me one valid objective reason why that is true. Everyone who has said that has up to this day failed to do so.

The reality can't be denied : some people need to get their ears trained to listen to their new stuff.

More than getting their ears trained is forgetting about the "old was better" bullshit and listening to the new stuff without those prejudices. If you listen to something asuming it's going to be bad, it'll most likely don't get to you.

I think most of people get into this band by listening to their new stuff because it's simple and easy to listen to, with considerable lack of depth when compared to much of the older material. I'm not taking sides with new or old, I'm just being realistic. (When I was 18-19 I thought AYDY is their best album because it's omg heavy.)

COB should imo be making songs like Warheart, Silent Night Bodom Night, Bed Of Razors, Follow the Reaper, Children Of Decadence, Everytime I Die, Kissing the Shadows... There's a lot of good on what came after but there's a more special vibe in the older material, but I guess they couldn't get to America with that.

I am really sorry, Joonas, but as much as I love KTS, it's pure guitarwanking. 80% of the song are the solos and the couple of melodies and the fact that Alexi used to sing and play them live. SNBN, kind of the same thing. The hot spot are the double leads. Every Time I Die, great song, but tell me what makes it better than Angels Don't Kill or Banned From. Same goes on for the rest. And if you're going to answer, make it with valid arguments please. SouthernWarheart's post didn't include any.