Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I don't know but they will have to take it up a notch and quit releasing mediocre half assed albums to catch my interest again.

Let's just say I do understand that from a person who loved the earlier albums.

:lol::lol::lol: Sorry, but coming from you you have to admit that it's fucking hilarious :lol:

Ey man, there's a difference between whining and presenting critical arguments with reason.
Ey man, there's a difference between whining and presenting critical arguments with reason.

That's a good point, but people don't always see the difference.

No matter how you express your opinion, for some people it's always whining when you tell that you dislike something.
:mad: Ignore him!! You don't pour gasoline in the fire to stop it do you? Just ignore them. Even I am tempted to insult bodom to make you react this way!!! :lol: :p

There's a difference: I know you from here and I know you're not here just to talk shit :)

So because he feels the newer albums are mediocre and half-assed, he's retarded and a troll?

wat in the nine fucks bahd

No, because of the way he said it.

yeah Jose, calm down. just cuz he expressed his opinion, it doesn't make him "retarded". everyone's entitled to say how they feel about old and new bodom, since after all, this thread basically calls for it.

Let's just say I do understand that from a person who loved the earlier albums.

It's not about expressing his opinion. You both prefer old Bodom too, but don't say it that way. It's the way he said it. You can express your opinions in a polite way or crush into a forum you never visit just to talk shit.

Ey man, there's a difference between whining and presenting critical arguments with reason.

Joonas, while you usually contribute with nice stuff and thoughts and, belive it or not, I appreciate it, you can't deny that sometimes you whine quite a bit. Much less than before, but still a bit ;)
No, because of the way he said it.

It's not about expressing his opinion. You both prefer old Bodom too, but don't say it that way. It's the way he said it. You can express your opinions in a polite way or crush into a forum you never visit just to talk shit.

He said it the same way any disappointed, crestfallen fan would've.

The fact that he rarely comes here is meaningless.
^ I know we already had a discussion about your triple-ass monkey-goat whatever picture but......I still don't know where you got that from or if you have a real triple-ass monkey-goat in your living room. Please enlighten me !!
:lol: It´s my pet sheep Mopple and I got him as a birthday gift from my bf two years ago. He´s fat and likes lurking around together with a blue sheep, built as a handbag, and a white sheep (nothing weird to tell about this one) in my living room. And yes, I do eat lamb although I like sheep :)
hahaha OH I know what it's a really creepy emm......thing ! I'd be fucking scared if I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that thing standing on the edge of my bed, just staring at me haha (can we say ``staring`` since his eyes are actually asses ?)
A few kilometers away from me? :P
Tbh everyone who asked me where I live is nodding "Aaah" when I tell them "Near Hoffenheim", but no one knows where it is.
hahaha good answer ! you win another triple-ass monkey-goat !

but....yeah I don't recall any city in Quebec called Hoffenheim haha
I live near Montreal maybe you know ?
Didn´t know that. Once I´m gonna visit Canada for sure, must be overwhelming. But since I even didn´t manage to get to Scotland yet, and that´s only a 1,5 hours flight, it will take a few years I suppose :(
You don´t seem to be interested in soccer, otherwise you´d have heard about their team refreshing the German soccer league :)