Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

No. Agree on the two terms causing gray hair but I guess Alexi has reason for it. Forever kinda saves the title. I would've maybe thought of better synonymes for the terms tho. It doesn't sound very "satanic" tho. Wow, Alexi must've been on some shrooms when typing these titles. Let's see the artwork, if it gives it more purpose.
I dont understand this title. Is it even an english phrase? Its just three words mashed together.

It just makes no sense. It's a few "kewl"-sounding words slapped together. If anything, "forever" only makes it worse, makes it sound like some sort of J-rock title.
I don't see what's so bad about this title, I actually think it's pretty good and wraps up nicely the feeling they are saying that this is their best effort. About it beeing a title track, I think it's well possible, since we've seen even longer titles within Bodom (DEWEDFN, WNGF, YBOD, TLAOD...), and only SW didn't include the album title as a track title.

Don't expect too much. I've seen the same high expectation before AYDY and BD were released and what happens after they came out?...^^

The were two kickass albums that got flamed to death because the band didn't take the easy road and make FTR Pt. 2 and 3.
Yeah but it's not so horrible I'd like someone to pop my eyes off their sockets for seeing it. I guess we're not having the follow the reaper thing back, but just relax and use some of your own imagination. The music is most important after all.
Don't expect too much. I've seen the same high expectation before AYDY and BD were released and what happens after they came out?...^^

yeah i can understand your point, but ive got to say.
AYDY was made in a rush, i quess Bodom didnt used much time on blooddrunk either.
they are like almost doing a half year about this album. or i must be wrong.
from what ive heard like in COBTV part3 and the leaked studio record that was here a few pages back. (was on youtube but deleted )

it sounded pretty cool
Title makes perfect sense to me. Its the perfect description of their modus operandi..... Relentless touring, Reckless attitude, and devotion to their band Forever. Not the best flowing title but it works.

As far as the "party" track.... it should feel very similar to Needled 24/7
The were two kickass albums that got flamed to death because the band didn't take the easy road and make FTR Pt. 2 and 3.

As a band's listener I really don't care if the went the easy way or not, those albums just don't sound good.

Also, HB, FTR and HCDR aren't Something Wild part 2, 3, and 4, but they are still a lot better than AYDY and BD.
I still got trouble remembering the damn name.
Relentless Reckless Forever.. It will take a while.
The title does stand for what CoB is.
Relentless: not giving up, sturdy
Reckless: incautious, not concerned about the consequences
Forever: continue till they die.

Or Alexi just thought the words sounded cool together.
I knew I should have gone to the forum last night.. Something inside me said to check it out.. off course I didn't... And now I missed this...

Got to work this morning, open Twitter.. and the first thing I saw was the announcement of the new album.. wth..

I like the title, it's a bit of a mouthfull, but I guess with a little practise it should not be too bad..
Together with the soundclips we've already heard, my nerves are on breakdown..

Is it March already?
We're being promised some satanic yet high-energy type of Bodom which makes me feel this album could be in for a lot of spinning. The single is said to be in radio at the beginning of the year. I hope it'll make every motherfucker out there realize COB is good stuff. ;)
The title is a nightmare for other than native English speakers, but I think there's a catch: it's like Latin; no-one knows what it means but it "rhymes" on the tongue.
Everyone should know what it means.
They're three words put together.
The fact that you're comparing the syntax of their album title to Latin is ridiculous.
Stop making delusional speculations without a logical reason or warrant.
Like Alexi said, people should not look for anything "deep or poetic," and I think the album title backs up that claim.
It's just a stupid title.
Everyone should know what it means.
They're three words put together.
The fact that you're comparing the syntax of their album title to Latin is ridiculous.
Stop making delusional speculations without a logical reason or warrant.
Like Alexi said, people should not look for anything "deep or poetic," and I think the album title backs up that claim.
It's just a stupid title.

He said that about "Ugly"