Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

With Finnish you can do million times more tricks.
True. It's also very funny language to trick with because there are kazillion people who have never heard a single Finnish word (not counting classics like "perkele", "vittu", "saatana" etc).
Vittu saatana perkele! said man who developed from monkey and took control over the world killing everything. I just saw an episode of Madventures that involved a lot of African voodoo people slitting little dogs' throats open.. all I could think of was if only I could go in there with a sable and dispose of those hypocrite demons. COB should dedicate a song.. Hellhounds On My Trail for these poor souls who slay innocent good-willing animals and think they can get away with it. If you're aware of say the Chinese Animal Massacre you know what I mean.
Even to a native English speaker, this title does sounds rather awkward, as though the words have been chosen at random from a dictionary or thesaurus, by someone not very fluent in the English language, and then clumsily strung together.

Might it not be an awkward way of saying "Relentlessly Reckless Forever"? With the word relentless used as an adverb the sentence would actually make sense, and the removal of the "ly" suffix may as well follow the logic that had the word "real" be increasingly used as a synonym to "really" by native speakers. I realize this would be stretching it, but then again...
We won't know for sure until either we see the title on the album cover or when someone of the band pronounces it. Interviews will definitely get very repetitive for them.
We won't know for sure until either we see the title on the album cover or when someone of the band pronounces it. Interviews will definitely get very repetitive for them.

Yeah, it got annoying last time with Blooddrunk and now it'll get even more annoying. "It's about our partying lifestyle, you know, and going ahead no matter what, like when I had to pull off gigs with broken shoulder and lungs." It's ok when it's asked two times but ten is too many. Can't wait for those interviews :D
The title is just as good and grammatically correct as Hatecrew Deathroll, Just a mash of words that sounds cool and describes the band. I kind of like it :)
Can't wait for the music and album cover!
I already know that it surpasses AYDY and BD, and I hope it goes up there with the "classics", but I'm pleased if its just as good as HCDR or similar.
Dude It couldn't get any worser by bodom standards, unless they pull a Limp Bizkit! :(
But why the Label is now Universal? The last years it was Spinefarm, what happens?

Universal distributes in the US, Spinefarm in Europe. And the piece on COBHC has been written targeting the US. End of story.

Spinefarm says WIWI will go to radio play immediately after the year change. So this would mean it's gonna be released for Christmas. That's quite early, since the album is coming out only March 9th. Maybe them saying at the very beginning of the year means February or something.. Or maybe it's a radio release like Blooddrunk was? Shit audio quality on the long-awaited first listen, terrific. If it's a matter of some days and there's no weekend in between I'll rather wait for the CD and read people's thoughts beforehand.

Well, the radio versions for BD and Looking Out My Back Door that I have are pretty neat. I remember Joe was the first one to upload it, with not so good quality, but after a couple hours after the radio release, there were some pretty good versions of them, so I'll be very happy to check whatever it is. And that's just a bit over a month and we'll have the first real bit, cool! :kickass:
I dont want this album to be very AYDY :D
just my opinion , i really hope it will melodies like HB and FTR and some heavy sound of HCDR and ofcurse alexi's blooddrunk voice :D
I personally believe that the new album will be very similar to that Hatecrew Deathroll style. Trash , fast , with some cathy melodies.
Heh, I bow down to your divination skills.If you have any, that is.

I think that statement is a safe bet at this point. After hearing those sound samples, I think it's pretty obvious that Alexi has some great ideas and melodies this time around.
The ipod app video thing with the producer and alexi talking over a song(s) from the new album. The solo from that video alone is enough for me to confirm my faith in the album at least being "better" than AYDY and BD.
I think that statement is a safe bet at this point. After hearing those sound samples, I think it's pretty obvious that Alexi has some great ideas and melodies this time around.

what multiple disappointments from overly high expectations of upcoming products have taught me over the years is one simple rule: don't believe it till you hear it. So, I'll respectably reserve my judgment for now.

I personally believe that the new album will be very similar to that Hatecrew Deathroll style. Trash , fast , with some cathy melodies.

Not an unreasonable guess, since every album since HCDR has followed its model, to various degrees of success. IMO, HCDR is one of those "breaking point" albums where the change in direction of a band's work becomes apparent (for better of for worse).