Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

Apparently some of us have gypsy magic up the ass which can predict the sound of the new album. How far do I have to shove this ladder up there so I can climb in and grab some magic for myself? 'Cause I can't fucking wait to hear Relentless.

You just became my favorite Goddamn person on the entire fuckin' forum.
Excuse me but there's no fucking voodoo to it. We're quoting what the band has described the music like plus the released song samples.
I'd think she's aiming more at the "it'll suck Bodom are not Bodom anymore skateboards are lame omfg I want the old days" comments. I don't think anyone'd be an ass to mock the natural discussion about the album from those of us actually interested in the album.
Anyhow, Joonas, have they said how will the single air? Will it be like last time with Blooddrunk meaning we can also hear it even if we're not in Finland with an actual radio?

Also, where are the interviews? We are some 20 days away from the release of the first single and there are almost no interviews :erk:
The album is so good they don't have to do interviews! :) The single will air on some small Finnish radio show and no-one will manage to rip it and only the lucky one or two mofos get to hear it before February, and even they will miss the intro and outro because a bored radio voice speaks on top.
Well they'll have to do some, and then there's the complete tracklist and the artwork to be revealed. I was not talking of the rip, but about if we will be able to listen to the radio station online when it airs and listen to it too or it'll be an only Finland thing. Also, I don't think the actual single (you know, CD and all that you can buy or iTunes release or whatever) will take much longer to be released once it's played on the radio.
I really don't know if they get profit by selling the "single release" for the radio show or if the intent is just to get it out there to the ears of metal heads so they might get interested in buying the album. Maybe you reach more listeners broadcasting it in the radio than by selling the single as CD. I'm guessing it'll be released in stores as well next year, maybe 4-6 weeks before the album release. Not even the single artwork has been released yet so it's not coming this year. About the channel, I dunno. My connection probably is too slow for live streaming. Let's see if COB still has some fans to handle it like when Blooddrunk came out.

I really don't understand why they wouldn't release the single in myspace the same night it gets played in radio.

The lack of interviews / information all the way has been disappointing. I guess they're waiting for the Jan/Feb mags to get headlines concerning the album, which would mean making the interviews during this month and the next.
Well, hopefully they do release the single somehow for everybody else to hear too and not only Finland, because people will still buy the album in Finland, if it's a marketing tactic then they should play it worldwide or release it somehow. I hope we get to listen to it too like last time.

Same here. Also, if it's true and the single goes to play the moment the year changes, most people will be out partying, so not many people would listen to it.

Well I hope so and that as soon as January turns and the single is released we start getting some news, because the lack of them is getting bad.
Also, I don't think the actual single (you know, CD and all that you can buy or iTunes release or whatever) will take much longer to be released once it's played on the radio.

But, of course, every day seems like too much of a wait when something like this is concerned. D=

Also: I hate your new sig... Especially that picture of Mike Babcock. XP
^Kind of, yeah, but you know, the album is three months away from being released, we should have some info.

Fuck off, the Wings rock and so does Babcock, I don't know why the NHL is so butthurt and doesn't give him the best coach award once and for all. I guess you have to hate him since he knocked you guys down in the Olympics with Team Canada :lol: I just wish it had been some other player than Crosby with the game and tournament winner, say Eric Staal for example. I'm loving our game this year, even though we lost today to San Jose in the stupidest of ways, we're up there top in the standings with less games played than anybody else (4 behind Crybaby and his Penguins and Ovi and his Caps, 3 behind Montreal which we should crush when they visit the Joe, it's time to get Carey Price down and get Howard atop), and once again atop the West where we belong. At the begining of the season had a Stanley Cup prediction that featured a Caps-Wings final with the Wings taking it because of experience (Ovi HAS to win the Cup one day, but the Caps need an unsuccessful trip to the finals I think, just like the Pens, and Detroit'd be happy to play hosts to that again). I'll take that, it'll figure two good teams with good hockey and will be a good goodbye present for Lidstrom and Modano. GO WINGS!
Haha. Whoa man! It was just a comment in passing- I hate the wings 'cause they're always such a pain in the ass to every other team in the league. It's like all 29 teams against the wings, try to beat them out of the cup- because they're that good and that's the only way two other teams are gonna make it to the final. And babcock is a great coach, but damnit he is funny looking, and I don't think I've ever seen him even begin to smile ever. XP
^Kind of, yeah, but you know, the album is three months away from being released, we should have some info.

Fuck off, the Wings rock and so does Babcock, I don't know why the NHL is so butthurt and doesn't give him the best coach award once and for all. I guess you have to hate him since he knocked you guys down in the Olympics with Team Canada :lol: I just wish it had been some other player than Crosby with the game and tournament winner, say Eric Staal for example. I'm loving our game this year, even though we lost today to San Jose in the stupidest of ways, we're up there top in the standings with less games played than anybody else (4 behind Crybaby and his Penguins and Ovi and his Caps, 3 behind Montreal which we should crush when they visit the Joe, it's time to get Carey Price down and get Howard atop), and once again atop the West where we belong. At the begining of the season had a Stanley Cup prediction that featured a Caps-Wings final with the Wings taking it because of experience (Ovi HAS to win the Cup one day, but the Caps need an unsuccessful trip to the finals I think, just like the Pens, and Detroit'd be happy to play hosts to that again). I'll take that, it'll figure two good teams with good hockey and will be a good goodbye present for Lidstrom and Modano. GO WINGS!

No. It won't happen because the Montreal Canadians will eliminate Detroit like they did with the Pens and the Caps last year. :heh: (Yeah we got lucky...thanks to Halak)
I didn't even click it. :Smug: Nothing leaks before promos are sent, and there are no promos for the single. And no bananas in the video. And no video for promos, and you know. No bananas for promos etc.
And, even if it was a leak, posting it here would be a "BAN ME PLEASE!" kind of call.

Haha. Whoa man! It was just a comment in passing- I hate the wings 'cause they're always such a pain in the ass to every other team in the league. It's like all 29 teams against the wings, try to beat them out of the cup- because they're that good and that's the only way two other teams are gonna make it to the final. And babcock is a great coach, but damnit he is funny looking, and I don't think I've ever seen him even begin to smile ever. XP

I know I know, but it always feels good to rant about how good they have been the last 20 years :lol: Yep, Babcock is as funny as they come (what could he do with his name?), but he's a hell of a head coach. And we have the best scouting team in the league, you just need to look at Hekke and Pavs, 6th and 7th round superstars! Where do you see that? Also, we love Sweden and Sweden pays us back with tremendous players all the time :lol:

No. It won't happen because the Montreal Canadians will eliminate Detroit like they did with the Pens and the Caps last year. :heh: (Yeah we got lucky...thanks to Halak)


Sure thing. Pray not to find us on our way to the Stanley Cup, because if you do you're going down (that is if injuries respect us and we don't have the same guys playing all year long like last year, because that stinks come playoff time). We'll get a taste soon at the Joe if I'm not mistaken. I think Carey will be giving out the "top wins in the league" to Jimmy Howard that night ;) You got extremely lucky last year with Halak, but I'm sorry, your hockey was terrible, it was just so boring to watch. The Canadiens have been a lot, and have a shitload of history and Cups, but their hockey on last years playoffs was just ugly. Only problem for you was that you weren't the ugliest team in the playoffs, Philly came along with their "let's get it in in the ugliest and roughest way possible, nice plays suck" style. I can't emphasize how happy I was that Chicago (even though the rivarly we have with them) took the Cup home. Pronger is a funny dude in press conferences, but fuck him in the ass while playing, he's as dirty as they come, same for Carcillo and company. And also I can't understand how the fuck he's ahead of Lidstrom on the All Star voting, I just don't get it. I can't stand them. I like Bobrovsky tho.