Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

I've had to listen to Cradle of Filth quite a lot and "From Cradle to Enslave," "Cthulhu Dawn" and "Her Ghost in the Fog" were the only ones I liked a bit.

If you like those songs you must like certain others too, like the ones I just listed. Pure brilliance. I have nearly their whole discography but haven't listened to every album for many times.

Anything else I cannot stand in the least. Dani Filths vocals are annoying.

I think his high vocals are the best there ever was. Incredible stuff. But that's part of the fun, to find a kind of extreme music most people hate but you happen to enjoy (at least partly).
Well yeah, whatever. There isn't much point in arguing over other bands here. Your second pleasure is CoF, mine is Gojira. Ain't much point in bringing those into this topic.
Let's not turn the CoB forum into a CoF forum. (Besides, Midian is their best album and after Nymphetamine all the albums became really generic to me. Okay to listen to while doing something else, nothing more.)
Yeah, their newest album stinks like sellout. Not extreme anymore. Not gonna buy. And yeah, Midian is one of the best, maybe best. Their early work is as extreme as it gets. CoF is a good example of the cycle. Dani Filth is also a happy looking dude and incredibly skilled verbally. Check any of his interviews. Like COB, COF is not to be taken so fucking seriously all the time, but there's diversity in songs etc.. unlike Dimmu or something. These are all part of a band's characteristic charm.
Joe you're just lame. You talk about problems and about addictions when you're the one who has said countless times how much COB is not good nowadays and how much COBOT sucks and how boring it is and how you're not coming back yet it takes you two days to be back, and just lurk the on-topic section to jump on however has had too much of the same shit and old arguments for the last 6 years. There's just no point in arguing with you, you're just too fond of yourself and belive yourself to be something around here. This is a forum, online discussion, internet, equal meaningless, if you really don't give a shit as you claim then just leave.

Lord Abortion, Cthulhu Dawn, Promise of Fever, Gilded Cunt, Gabrielle, Heaven Torn Asunder, Shat Out of Hell, Darkness Incarnate... try them all and you'll love the band.

I'm sorry, I know those and I think they are bullshit. But hey, I won't try getting you to like The Offspring, each to their own =)
I like a couple of songs of Offspring :lol:

What are you gonna do. Not all who like music likes metal. Not all who likes metal likes COB. Not all who likes COB likes a particular album, and most likely even disagree about songs within an album if they happen to like the same album. It's hard to find like-mindedness in plain music.
Joe you're just lame. You talk about problems and about addictions when you're the one who has said countless times how much COB is not good nowadays and how much COBOT sucks and how boring it is and how you're not coming back yet it takes you two days to be back, and just lurk the on-topic section to jump on however has had too much of the same shit and old arguments for the last 6 years. There's just no point in arguing with you, you're just too fond of yourself and belive yourself to be something around here. This is a forum, online discussion, internet, equal meaningless, if you really don't give a shit as you claim then just leave.

I don't get what any of this has to do with anything :lol: even if it's all true and not hyperbole, what does it mean in the context of our current discussion? I don't recall saying COB sucks except to annoy people like you :p I'm not hardcore into them as I was when I was 16. I grew up, my tastes changed but I still like the band. When I first joined this forum, I was like you, pissing and moaning that people didn't like AYDY and all that stuff. The fact you're still on the whiteknight trip is kinda sad dude. Being an asshole for fun with people you've known for years is one thing, being a crybaby on the otherhand, is just... well you can imagine how others perceive that.

I only spoke up now because any time I come on this forum, you're waving the banner for COB in the most overdramatic way. I've literally been reading your bullshit for months, sorry I had to say something. I find it funny you don't see the logic and continue to defend yourself. I'm not saying you're wrong or right with what you say, more like if you're so convinced it's right then why bother? Don't you get sick of saying the same shit over and over? I'm tired of reading it, that's for damn sure. My scroll wheel can't even skip it fast enough :lol:

The band doesn't give a shit, so neither should you. People talk. When I'm trying to find out info on when the new video is gonna drop and I'm sifting through pages of your bullshit because someone said they think this CD is gonna suck... get a grip.
Don't you get sick of saying the same shit over and over? I'm tired of reading it, that's for damn sure. My scroll wheel can't even skip it fast enough :lol:

lol :D

It's just when people's tastes are different their visions are different. Anybody who thinks COB's change in music style went to a better direction thinks people who are suspicious about them selling out are conspiracy fools and idiots.
This has gotten lame. I'm always thinking there's news, or someone has something good to say, instead its just bitching, nitpicking and other such personal attackts and other lame stuff nobody cares about. I'm really just surprised to see so much drama on the board.
I think we've reached the point where it feels dumb to keep speculating because we're so close to the release. Facts next, reviews and stuff.
The only exceptional element about Blooddrunk is the keyboard ideas fused into the songs to make them good. If they have done stuff like Shovel Knockout they'll be fine. But WIWI seems like a commercial. If I want to listen to heavy music I listen to Mortician or something. Maybe they just do what happens to sound good and don't think about styles like we do.
True that. Blooddrunk is nearly the same as AYDY, only better mixed, better keys and a better guitar tone. AYDY is still my fav album though...
What exactly is so mainstream about Blooddrunk or AYDY? Everybody is saying they're mainstream, but I really don't see where you're getting that from.
IMHO BD and AYDY are only "mainstream" for a lot of you guys because COB became more famous during the last years and tour a lot through the states. I bet most of you guys who think COB make mainstream music nowadays are just pissed of because Bodom isn't an underground band anymore. Touring a lot more in the states than in europe + all those win an Alexi guitar contests (which are 90% in US) + EMP is full of Bodom clothes + 50% of all 11-17 years old kids have heard of Bodom or wearing a shirt of Bodom makes Bodom a mainstream band.
"All the same, it’s the first time that a Children of Bodom song has had any ‘clean’ singing on."
It sounds like he refers to the cover there, but he is wrong here. (Rebel Yell)
Must! Listen! Now!
I think he means a song written by COB.
I don't think what they've gone through after HCDR is evolution, it's devolution. Not all change is good. HCDR was a great album that sounded "heavier" than earlier stuff, and had moved away from classical influences more into blues influences. AYDY and BD simply sound like a more simplified, more "accessible" version thereof. And I'm not really sure where you all are getting the "complex harmonies" thing - I can't say I hear any
The harmonies from AYDY and BD are more complex because they are better structiured through the whole songs and more complicated.

I don't get what any of this has to do with anything :lol: even if it's all true and not hyperbole, what does it mean in the context of our current discussion? I don't recall saying COB sucks except to annoy people like you :p I'm not hardcore into them as I was when I was 16. I grew up, my tastes changed but I still like the band. When I first joined this forum, I was like you, pissing and moaning that people didn't like AYDY and all that stuff. The fact you're still on the whiteknight trip is kinda sad dude. Being an asshole for fun with people you've known for years is one thing, being a crybaby on the otherhand, is just... well you can imagine how others perceive that.

I only spoke up now because any time I come on this forum, you're waving the banner for COB in the most overdramatic way. I've literally been reading your bullshit for months, sorry I had to say something. I find it funny you don't see the logic and continue to defend yourself. I'm not saying you're wrong or right with what you say, more like if you're so convinced it's right then why bother? Don't you get sick of saying the same shit over and over? I'm tired of reading it, that's for damn sure. My scroll wheel can't even skip it fast enough :lol:

The band doesn't give a shit, so neither should you. People talk. When I'm trying to find out info on when the new video is gonna drop and I'm sifting through pages of your bullshit because someone said they think this CD is gonna suck... get a grip.

I don't know you but Jose is right. I think he's the only person in the on-topic section who has some really good arguments and I think he's not that butthurt because anyone says anything about his favourite band.
The over analyzing of every little fucking in this thread is still going strong.... ROFL.

The review makes me happy in the pants.

I wanna comment on AYDY and Blooddrunk, though. Songs like trashed, bastards of bodom, hellhounds, and smile pretty for the devil could have easily been on HCDR and you guys would praise the living shit out of those songs. AYDY and Blooddrunk has a heavier and simpler rhythm bits but the leads and solos are as good as they've ever fucking been. I'll admit, I only really listen to half the songs on both albums (because honestly some of the songs REALLY are pretty poor such as lobodomy) as opposed to pretty much all of the songs of the previous three. I think AYDY has some of the best solos Alexi ever wrote... e.g. Next in Line.

I also want to say that the tone on Blooddrunk, imo, is the worst of all of their albums besides something wild. The leads sound stale and the rhythm is generic sounding and it gets drowned out. On the other hand I think the tone from AYDY is the best they've ever accomplished, but to be honest I think they're perfecting it with RRF. Call my fanboy or w/e but the lee jackson/VHT combo is fuckin music to my ears ... it's really hard for me to understand how anyone else wouldn't agree its their best tone.

Lastly, I too get annoyed when people come into this forum and say shit like 'I listened to COB a lot when I was 16' or 'I hardly listen to COB anymore, maybe one or two occasional songs' and use that to clear any kind of bias or to justify their arguments. You're not putting yourself in a position over anyone else by saying something stupid like that. I don't give a shit if you don't listen to COB anymore or you think you've 'grown out' of them, just don't start labeling other people.
I was just listening to Smile Pretty for the Devil thinking how much better it would sound if it was on any previous album.... the leads during the chorus sounds so stale to my ears. Then the dual guitar harmony before the solo sections sort of hurts to listen to. I don't know how to explain it but I think the tone doesn't do a great job of blending the harmonies. In FTR the dual guitar melodies blend really nicely
I never said he was butthurt. But I'm glad that someone who respects him can at least see how he acts and admit that he's being a whineass but overall is "not that butthurt". :lol:
I personally think that AYDY was good album, but certainly not better than the first 3 ones (taking out HCDR cause it sounds a liiiiittle bit simular). I like every single song on it, but I disagree that it's the same as Blooddrunk. On blooddrunk there some songs that I can't stand, but hey that's just my opinion. I find those two really different. Oh and btw to children of COB - dude you said it yourself, this is "forum" it's full of "discussion", so it's absolutely normal to find all kinda shit here from opinion to fights over opinions, just deal with it.
A forum is a place for everyone to come and voice opinions...

I remember somewhat vividly you giving me shit for saying this exact same thing once... Whatever, I hate you all. Call me when there's some news on the album.

I like a couple of songs of Offspring :lol:

They were my favorite band for yeaaars. Honestly, I didn't give a shit about music before I started listening to them. I still like them a lot, but I'm a big fan of that style of music in general. =)
Since this appears to be getting boring.. to sum up the review, the guy who wrote it seemed to have this order of preference for the songs (again, it might necessarily mean absolutely nothing in the end):

Cry of the Nihilist
Not My Funeral

These two he put on top of everything. Cry of the Nihilist he described as: "pure melodic thrash metal with twinklings of sublime keyboard virtuosity and more glorious gallops than you could shake Benjamin Hur’s ranch at" and Not My Funeral as: "fantastic song; the usual swirling of Janne Warman’s keyboard layers the ferorious drum patterns and Alexi’s trademark vocals."

Shovel Knockout
Roundtrip to Hell and Back

I think these he categorized as other good ones. Ugly was described to "open with a chuggy Bodom-esque bass gallop that forms the backbone for the song."

Relentless Reckless Forever
Was It Worth It
Northpole Throwdown

These I think he didn't especially mention anything specific about so they're probably not the most special...

Pussyfoot Miss Suicide

Declared by him as probably the worst.