Relentless Reckless Forever (Out March 8th, 2011)

The intro is really cool.
The chorus is pretty generic and not that good though. And the rest of the song misses the Bodom factor (and I don't mean just like the old albums with that)
The solo is good though.

Dare I say that overall it isn't as good as most of the stuff on BD? Not yet.
I like it. Pretty complicated when compared to BD-stuff. Verse has a neat time signature, sounds almost like progressive-metal. And I wonder how Alexi is supposed to sing and play guitar at the same time in 2nd verse, feels impossible. Chorus is weak part of this song, it just doesn't fit there. Would be nice on another song. Solo is just great, sounds like Sinergy. Did you notice, there are no keyboard solo!
I hate myself a little for listening to that. What shit quality.

The chorus "sounds" good and I really dig the ending but fuck if I cannot make out any of the riffs or music in general to make a clear conclusion regarding the song.
I like it. Pretty complicated when compared to BD-stuff. Verse has a neat time signature, sounds almost like progressive-metal. And I wonder how Alexi is supposed to sing and play guitar at the same time in 2nd verse, feels impossible. Chorus is weak part of this song, it just doesn't fit there. Would be nice on another song. Solo is just great, sounds like Sinergy. Did you notice, there are no keyboard solo!

There's a keyboard harmony during the interlude at least.
Verse has a neat time signature, sounds almost like progressive-metal. And I wonder how Alexi is supposed to sing and play guitar at the same time in 2nd verse, feels impossible.

I think the odd time sig stuff Alexi has been writing in this album is actually really lame. Stuff like WIWI and this verse just sound unnatural and forced. Doesn't fit at all to me. Progressive riffs are best when they don't necessarily SOUND like odd time sigs due to blending so well but they in fact are. With these riffs though it's just like what the fuck, stop trying so hard to be cool Alexi.

Also, remember that Alexi has Roope to play. It's likely if they played this live Alexi wouldn't even play guitar at all during the verse other than on accented hits.
The song gets better the more I listen to it. I have to agree, there is some Sinergy-ish parts in the song. So now I'm waiting for the first one to say that this might have actually been composed for Sinergy at first and now just recycled for RRF....
The song gets better the more I listen to it.

It has been that way for WIWI and Ugly.... probably this song when a higher quality version is available and more than likely the entire album. The last grower album for me was Hatebreeder other than that I pretty much instantly had an opinion regarding the album after the first listen and still stick to those opinions to this very day.
Sounded pretty mediocre, not bad but not spectacular either. Solo and chorus were better than average, and the stupid vocal effect wasn't overused, which is good. Verse wasn't that interesting, but had a bit of ImpNaz-feel, so props for that. Overall, a pretty good song.
CotN's not bad but nowhere near Bodom's best stuff, although I like the chorus a LOT! Hope that NMF is still a lot better 'cos if the best song on the album is at about Bodom's top 30 from about 60, then the album can't be good :(
Some people even claim that CotN is the best song on the album. That would be very, very disappointing and also very wrong. Ugly is already a better song.
From the samples I got good hopes for Roundtrip and Relentless though.
Some people even claim that CotN is the best song on the album. That would be very, very disappointing and also very wrong. Ugly is already a better song.
From the samples I got good hopes for Roundtrip and Relentless though.

I think it IS maybe slightly better than Ugly thanks to the chorus, the verse is pretty bad in CotN though... And after about 10 more listens i'd say maybe Ugly is better.
@DeadBeat: K, I like mainly the Chorus and the first solo (Wrote there verse, before noticing what I did)

@Arcane: You figure songs out by ear in a DAY? Wow. I can figure out some short parts easily, but would never have the patience to try to figure out a whole song especially if it happens to have a solo, and most of the songs I like have a solo...

Ps. When was the Japan release date??? Was it the 3rd?
I like this song. For me it's ranked the same as Ugly. Both really good solid tracks, nothing particularly amazing yet. I really like the fact that this song has a great breakdown into solo. The second solo section doesn't seem to stick, though. Maybe it will after the inevitable million listens. Looking forward to a solid guitar pro for it.

Still can't get over how much I'm loving the tone on this album. Anyone else see this particular song fitting into Are You Dead Yet pretty well?
Sounded pretty mediocre, not bad but not spectacular either. Solo and chorus were better than average, and the stupid vocal effect wasn't overused, which is good. Verse wasn't that interesting, but had a bit of ImpNaz-feel, so props for that. Overall, a pretty good song.

Do you realize how much you contradict yourself in one post? Which is it?

Not Bad?
A pretty good Song?