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I believe that freezing thing is not possible. And if that would of happened with the bible, where all the electric things would of had disappeared by then when he gets unfreezed? I don't agree at all with your idea.

Stop drinking Finlandia dude.. The freezing thing IS possible when thinking in portals, and the electric things were eaten by pirates
There's "evil" AKA Satan, which is also creation of God. God created him to test people on their faith. Whether they still love god when they feel sorrow and pain, or they do not. He makes also decisions based on that.

God sounds like a sick fuck if you ask me. If he wants peace and harmony, why would he have created evil and "Satan"? His own sick pleasure? You and the bible contradict itself so much it is not even meant to be taken seriously.

Sounds more like mankind's evil creation.
Stop drinking Finlandia dude.. The freezing thing IS possible when thinking in portals, and the electric things were eaten by pirates

I was drinking last time like 3-4 weeks ago ;) But I don't know much of science, just what I've learnt on school.

Do you think religion should be taught in schools?
Yes, we have that as 1 subject. Though we get teached of many religions of the word. Everybody should be able to learn from all of them, not just the one where they were baptismed(??)/ raised in. My parents haven't raised me with the religion or anything, it was my own decision to join the protestantic christian church that I'm a member of atm, and I can flee it on my own will.
Meh.. I could understand him creating evil, for the balance thing.. What is "good" is theres not "evil"

There is a slight contradiction their though. Because 1: this proves that God is hateful (malevolent = hateful) and wants to punish people. 2: It is believed by most christians that Satan was not created, he was an archangel who rebelled against god as he thought he was more powerful than god, but god supposedly pwnt him down to hell.

But whatever, he doesn't exist anyway :lol:
God sounds like a sick fuck if you ask me. If he wants peace and harmony, why would he have created evil and "Satan"? His own sick pleasure? You and the bible contradict itself so much it is not even meant to be taken seriously.

Sounds more like mankind's evil creation.

Read my answer and think about it. He created it to test peoples FAITH on him. Those who believe strongly on him, and those who don't. And he makes decisions based on what they do. Also, I'm pretty fucking much tired as I've been answering all of you'r questions alone and its 2.19AM and I've had pretty tought day.
There is a slight contradiction their though. Because 1: this proves that God is hateful (malevolent = hateful) and wants to punish people. 2: It is believed by most christians that Satan was not created, he was an archangel who rebelled against god as he thought he was more powerful than god, but god supposedly pwnt him down to hell.

But whatever, he doesn't exist anyway :lol:

I'm glad you are around to keep me sane! :lol:
Yes but :lol: What i mean is, "goodness" must be measured/compared (however you want to call it) to something to actually be "good".

Good basicly means "better than evil".. So if there is no evil, then everything is good? If everything is good, then its "normal" thus making the word "good" kinda useless :lol: (hard to explain :S)
But why create evil in the first place? He could have just as easily created a world without evil. Hard to imagine, eh?
Now listen. You know the creation story about Adam and Eve? They made sin by eating from that tree, and they got punished by they couldnt live anymore on the paradise, and they had to leave it to the real world. God also cursed human because of this. He didn't promise that it wouldn't be easy to live on the world, we have to get our own food and giving birth will be painfull, also theres death diseases and robbery and the evil itself. But after it, loong after it there was Jesus. He died on the cross and took all our sins to himself. We will get forgiven from our sins, if we want to, but god didn't promise us that living in the world would be easy.

There is a slight contradiction their though. Because 1: this proves that God is hateful (malevolent = hateful) and wants to punish people. 2: It is believed by most christians that Satan was not created, he was an archangel who rebelled against god as he thought he was more powerful than god, but god supposedly pwnt him down to hell.
But whatever, he doesn't exist anyway :lol:
2. Theyre those fenda(whatever i dont remember..)christians of america who think so.

RE-EDIT: I'm tired and not up to answer arguments again. Just when I feel like it, it's so late
Isn't masturbation and sex before marriage prohibited, according to the bible? ( I know many other things are, but eh, it was the best example I could think of)
Anyone who says that they have never tried the first, is a fucking liar! :lol:

Edit: I hadn't read Mick's post (tl;dr:lol:).
Evil does not exist as a substance, all that comes from God is good. Humans, having the gift of free will are free to turn away from this good into the nothingness that is evil.
The unbeliever has read some Augustine!
Isn't masturbation and sex before marriage prohibited, according to the bible? ( I know many other things are, but eh, it was the best example I could think of)
Anyone who says that they have never tried the first, is a fucking liar! :lol:

Edit: I hadn't read Mick's post (tl;dr:lol:).

Read the thing up there where I answered to the big list of Altidudes or some1 else.
Now listen. You know the creation story about Adam and Eve? They made sin by eating from that tree, and they got punished by they couldnt live anymore on the paradise, and they had to leave it to the real world. God also cursed human because of this. He didn't promise that it wouldn't be easy to live on the world, we have to get our own food and giving birth will be painfull, also theres death diseases and robbery and the evil itself. But after it, loong after it there was Jesus. He died on the cross and took all our sins to himself. We will get forgiven from our sins, if we want to, but god didn't promise us that living in the world would be easy.

:lol: That is sweet and all, but come on. You are far to deluded :lol:

By the way, don't get the impression I am a bitter and evil person. I believe in the moral lessons of the bible, I just don't take the events literally. I believe the further I separate myself from an organized religion the closer I am to being a good moral person.
We all have evil inside of us. :loco:


:lol: That is sweet and all, but come on. You are far to deluded :lol:

By the way, don't get the impression I am a bitter and evil person. I believe in the moral lessons of the bible, I just don't take the events literally. I believe the further I separate myself from an organized religion the closer I am to being a good moral person.

I'm nothing but deluded. I myself realized god true, and felt his love by that moment. I didn't believe in him or the bible either before, but now I do. I'm proof of god's work. You seem to be evil and bitter person by asking those questions. Please read the thing where I answered to your big list of things. You usually HAVE to pray understanding from God, when reading the bible. My faith AND religion is more based on the New Testament, written after Bcr. If you want answers, you can try and read bible or either ask from god. That needs your full mind of willing take him to your life and his word.

Are you saying thou have never twingdangdoodled?
What you mean??
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