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Joh. 20:29.

Small point: If one doesn't believe the bible, quoting a bible passage as an argument has about as much effect as throwing oranges to end a fire.

And about the old-as-hell "irreducibly complex" argument: Random mutations determine thousands of possibilities. Survival of the fittest cuts those which don't work and the ones that are left pass their genes forward, so there's no need for "intelligent design"

Sure, thats possible, I believe that IS what happened. But im still not discarding the possibility of a god. I think if i would do that, i would be just as ignorant as a person that explains every unkown thing by using a god.
Small point: If one doesn't believe the bible, quoting a bible passage as an argument has about as much effect as throwing oranges to end a fire.

And about the old-as-hell "irreducibly complex" argument: Random mutations determine thousands of possibilities. Survival of the fittest cuts those which don't work and the ones that are left pass their genes forward, so there's no need for "intelligent design"


Virtuoosi said:
Joh. 20:29.
Leandro said:
Small point: If one doesn't believe the bible, quoting a bible passage as an argument has about as much effect as throwing oranges to end a fire.

Exactly, since I don't consider the Bible a credible source it doesn't really have much place in unbiased debate.

inhe said:
Exactly, and there's nothing wrong with this, if one wants to believe, and genuinely feel happy doing this then it's the right "way to go" for that person.

Exactly, to each their own.

Virtuoosi said:
Atheists believe that theres no reason for that they exist, amirite?

The only beliefe common to all atheists is that they don't believe in a God or God's. Whether your not they want to believe in any other reason to live or whether they want to embrace Nilishm is up to each individual.
Small point: If one doesn't believe the bible, quoting a bible passage as an argument has about as much effect as throwing oranges to end a fire.

And about the old-as-hell "irreducibly complex" argument: Random mutations determine thousands of possibilities. Survival of the fittest cuts those which don't work and the ones that are left pass their genes forward, so there's no need for "intelligent design"


Ex-fucking-actly. Btw I thought this would be a discussion about religion. Not about the existence of "God". In that subject I think that it is possible that and most likely that we were created either on purpose or by accident but to say that our "creator" is still alive and watching over us inspiring us and guiding us blablabla all that bullshit is just that, bullshit. Whatever set our existence in motion is long dead and probably had no idea that what it did, spawned the existence of well, Us. I mean it probably could have been an unintelligent life form if that.
:lol: If god existed, he must be dead.. I mean, why would he be such a faggot and just doesnt show himself to prove his existance? and why doesnt he manipulate the athiests minds so that they believe in him? and war etc blabla

But if he isnt dead.. then.. GAAAWD HATES US ALL!!1
Meh, every single argument that a religious person has given in this thread has been illogical or just fatally flawed anyway.
swabs said:
Meh, every single argument that a religious person has given in this thread has been illogical or just fatally flawed anyway.

IMO arguments for a God are always going to be flawed, because there is no proof the bible is anything more than fabrication and the fact that there could be a God, isn't reason enough for me to believe there is, I don't discount the possibility but won't take it as fact until I have evidence that wasn't man made or speculation.
Sure, thats possible, I believe that IS what happened. But im still not discarding the possibility of a god. I think if i would do that, i would be just as ignorant as a person that explains every unkown thing by using a god.

You don't have to discard the idea of a god to be an atheist.
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