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I have tried to make logical arguments, more than the arguments based on the Bible.

Yeah, and it's respectable that you've tried, but the fact is that Religion will never be able to prove itself to me, so therfore I will always consider it to be meer fantasy.
Not to mention I lol'd at this :lol:

Mentioned Deaths in the Bible caused by God - 2,270,365 not including the victims of Noah's flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, or the many plagues, famines, fiery serpents, etc because no specific numbers were given. Caused by Satan - 10
Isn't that exactly what an Aethist does?

Well, technically speaking, the concept of deities is a scientific possibility. The problem is, there's absolutely no evidence to back it up. A skeptical person would choose the neutral standpoint, i.e., disregarding it as speculation. But if evidence arose, then the skeptic would gladly accept it as a scientific idea again. Until then, he doesn't believe there is a god. Which is very different from the common misconception about atheism, that an atheist believes there is no god. It's more like an atheist doesn't believe there is a god. Subtle difference in language, but worlds apart in meaning.
Why the fuck is everyone concerned about what the others think of? Especially on the net.
If you're so sure of what you believe in, then just keep it for yourself, but what the hell you guys already made a thread so... :lol:
I'm more worried about other peoples beliefs in schools and in government than on the net. I just watched that Jesus Camp film, frankly I was mortified by it.
^Exactly, you're concerned about people IRL, not over here :erk:

So there's no need to kick each others asses here :lol:
I'm more worried about other peoples beliefs in schools and in government than on the net. I just watched that Jesus Camp film, frankly I was mortified by it.

Jesus Camp film?

^Exactly, you're concerned about people IRL, not over here :erk:

So there's no need to kick each others asses here :lol:

Oh and btw, I'm just trying to fix the "miss-thoughts" , about the religion that I believe in and what is Evangelism. Also answering the possible questions which are maybe bothering ppl about christianity or sth. And that, that america's mendafentality(dont remember the exact word) christians are such a shame to the other christians in todays modernizing world..

Sorry for the lack of my vocalbulary and the misspellings etc. :Smug:
Jesus Camp film?

Just google "Jesus Camp" it's a documentary about a disgusting christian sort of camp thing. It's horrible it really is, teaching children lies and to hate other religions. They are practically trying to create little crusader soldiers :ill:
Just google "Jesus Camp" it's a documentary about a disgusting christian sort of camp thing. It's horrible it really is, teaching children lies and to hate other religions. They are practically trying to create little crusader soldiers :ill:

Well that is seriously fucked up. Religion(now im talking about ANY religion) should never be used like that way..
I bet the trainers at that camp, or what ever they used, didn't tehmselves really care about the religion. Just using it as a tool.. :erk:
^I was actually refering to the people who were kicking YOUR ass over here to calm down and accept the fact that people's opinions vary. :)
^I was actually refering to the people who were kicking YOUR ass over here to calm down and accept the fact that people's opinions vary. :)

Ohh? Well thanks then I guess..

Oh and Swabs, is the film just a movie or a thing that actually happened and someone recorded it??
It's a documentary so it actually happened and is happening now.

Well then its more than fucked up seriously, makes me feel sadness tbh..
Theyre doing it WRONG. Everybody should be free to decide on their own will, what they want to believe in, but I think that it's more than fair that ppl would get told about more than just the main religion of the country.. As we get teached of other religions on school. My decision to join Evangelic part of christians was my own choise and I'm happy about it. And I can flee it whenever I want also.

...there is a revival underway in America...
Just what I thought... :Smug:
Some people CAN rationalize and discover evidence of their Spiritual beliefs. Biblical Scholars are very intelligent people; I have read their philosophies which are given in an extremely logical manner.

Other people, atheists, have not been able to rationalize anything outside of the earthly realm.

Its all just your outlook on life, and no debate can ever be won on this subject.

Even people like me who have strong spiritual beliefs don't understand how God works. All the great philosophies were based on confusion, and 100% of the time the Philosophers never overcame the confusion.
Some people CAN rationalize and discover evidence of their Spiritual beliefs. Biblical Scholars are very intelligent people; I have read their philosophies which are given in an extremely logical manner.

Other people, atheists, have not been able to rationalize anything outside of the earthly realm.

Its all just your outlook on life, and no debate can ever be won on this subject.

Even people like me who have strong spiritual beliefs don't understand how God works. All the great philosophies were based on confusion, and 100% of the time the Philosophers never overcame the confusion.

In bold the most important part I believe as far as this thread is concerned.

I don't know about biblical scholar's using logic or intelligence, if that were presented to me I have to admit it'd be a new thing to me, but that shouldn't suggest I'm not open to the idea.

Since leandros cleared up that definition for me I think I'm pretty much sitting on the "Agnostic" side of the fence, don't believe I have yet had proved to me the credible existance of a creator, yet don't discount the possibility if someone does one day.
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