
Hmm... I allready gave my views on religion, uh, somewhere else. Reactions topic, methinks. But what I was REALLY going to say is:
Whether Jesus lived or not (though I'm pretty sure he did... at least from what the historians say... tho I doubt he was the "son of god" or any such thing)... he it matters much. If he hadn't lived\been "invented"\whatever, Christianity wouldn't have existed. Which again would have changed most our lives drastically. Hell, maybe we'd all be arabs now. Or better yet, maybe the entire world would have been brought under Norse rule. We'll never know.
My point is still, don't act as if the existance of Jesus means nothing. Much would have been different without him. Maybe better, maybe worse... but different, none the less.
I don't think anyone is debating the existence of Jesus - in whatever form it may be, Vanir. it's the Christian ideology and not Jesus that presents the real problem. ;)
I think that depends on just what you indicate when you say "christian ideology". Many of the norms and values are after all a part of most ideologies. That would exist no matter what happened to christianity! But the rest...? I don't know... But believing in smth made up, would mean believing in fairy-tales, and would that last long? Hardly think so!
Originally posted by Vanir
But without JC & the boys, would there even be a Christian ideology?

well, without JC - yes because it's the boys who created all the hype around what they wanted him to be and what they wanted him to say. I will maintain that Christianity is nothing to do with Jesus until some Christian scholar can prove to me otherwise.
Personally I can't say I fit in with any one religion. I enjoy nature and respect the earth and all creatures... but I wouldn't call myself Pagan (because there's more to it than that). Each religion has its own positive and negative aspects. To each his own, so long as you are content with yourself and your own beliefs.

Originally posted by Vanir
I repeat myself, but I am a member of my own religion. I am pope, priest, prophet, shaman, whatever, there's noone else to tell me what is right or wrong to believe.

You must be really confident about yourself and your
own belief to "believe on your own", if you know
what I'm trying to say.... If you really practise a
religion, but do it all alone you have all my respect,
and one more thing, I am really happy that you have
found something to believe in.

My best mate is a muslim, and we're just *different*
but somehow she has something to 'lean on' which
I don't have... She calls me a heathen, and we've
had plenty of great religionbased discussions, but
she totally understands "my way".

But she's more confident about things I think, and
has an explanation for questions I can only DREAM
of finding an answer to! :o)

One view I have on this is that you're the one who
know if things are right... If it feels good then it's
right for you... So, hm... I should start a religion
based on music, that's my thing to lean on to...but
hell, it doesn't explain why I'm here, and where I'm
going! lol >:o)
My best mate is a muslim, and we're just *different*
but somehow she has something to 'lean on' which
I don't have... She calls me a heathen, and we've
had plenty of great religionbased discussions, but
she totally understands "my way".

Well, seems you admire her for that fact, Blackspirit?! That she has something to `lean on´ as you put it... but I think one should admire you more, cause you can deal with situations WITHOUT religion :)

Alas, I think religion shouldn't be an excuse for one's actions or give one cause to force them upon others or intruding with others beliefs or pesonalities, it is something personal,a dn personal only.

Besides, did your religious discussions produced any good results?? I always had conversations about it which lead to argues and fights in the end, even though I tried to keep it in a calm and friendly way... I just stopped discussing about such things, as I found them indiscussible

As for having an own religion - it isn't more difficult than living with morals nowadays, or with having an own way of life... which means, it is difficult, but not if you set yourself that target ahead of you and go for it. At least it's better than spending a life-time to ensure one's own relaxing life after retirement :)
@AnzusAstral: Indeed. All I can say :)

@Blackspirit: Well, it's simple. If you're told what to believe, you're no longer believeing, you're obeying. I just believe what I want to.
Originally posted by AnsuzAstral
Well, seems you admire her for that fact, Blackspirit?! That she has something to `lean on´ as you put it... but I think one should admire you more, cause you can deal with situations WITHOUT religion :)

Alas, I think religion shouldn't be an excuse for one's actions or give one cause to force them upon others or intruding with others beliefs or pesonalities, it is something personal,a dn personal only.

Besides, did your religious discussions produced any good results?? I always had conversations about it which lead to argues and fights in the end, even though I tried to keep it in a calm and friendly way... I just stopped discussing about such things, as I found them indiscussible

As for having an own religion - it isn't more difficult than living with morals nowadays, or with having an own way of life... which means, it is difficult, but not if you set yourself that target ahead of you and go for it. At least it's better than spending a life-time to ensure one's own relaxing life after retirement :)

I'm not sure I admire that fact that she has something
to lean on, it's more like I want it too, but I can't find
one, cause religion is too complicated and almost like
an easy way out...

I admire her for standing up for her religion when we're
having our discussions... I admire her for being open to
what I think, "believe" and "not know"... And I admire
her for just having something...

Good results? What do you mean? I don't think a
discussion can give you anything else than an open
mind and understanding other people. I don't think I'll
ever change my mind during a discussion, cause if
you're in one you (should) know what you're talking
about.... It is just exchanging views and learning to see
things in a new way. I love discussing things, but only
if I know enough to get my point accross >:oP hehe....
Ok, I see your points Blackspirit :) And I am glad you get along so well with your friend, then!

It's just that I never had any good experiences with religious discussions. Well, as I said, I don't think it's really discussable. You can merely state your belief. If your believe in something, then how can you take arguements about it? I wouldn't, but then, my belief is my thing, not any others. And it concerns me, what the others do, is their thing, not mine. That's what I find most annoying about religions, the missionarism. Just a so human aspect I'd say... and no good one.

Well, I'll end my contribution to this thread here, else I might get stuck in it. It's endless and pointless for me to discuss about religions.