
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
It's just that I never had any good experiences with religious discussions. Well, as I said, I don't think it's really discussable. You can merely state your belief. If your believe in something, then how can you take arguements about it?

Well, of couse. A discussion on religion should only be informative, not persuasive. But once certain things can be agreed upon (it happens on occasion), you can discuss and persuade on issues that "logically" fall from that basis.
Asatru is an interpretation of how they THINK the ancient Nordic people believed. Since most all of the records were destroyed by the christians, they only have the Eddas and modern imagination to go on and that is what Asatru is born of. Personally, I find Asatru to have more small injections of christian ideology than I am comfortable with. I'm not saying it's a suck-ass tradition by any means at all, just that after studying about it I came to the conclusion that it doesn't suit me. Some of the dieties and runework is all I have adopted for myself from that tradition.
I believe that would go against his belief, as it would against mine :) Religion is personal, and personal does not mean you make followers by preaching... other thing is if others choose to follow you voluntarily (but even that can be positive and negative... if you seduce them or so)

However, it's always nice to see people sharing features of one's belief :)
Although i am still studying up on it by reading the eddas i am a believer in Norse mythology.....if that makes sense??.....i just like the ideology of applies to me a good bit plus am feel i am drawn to it...crazy stuff.....:grin:
Originally posted by Ziuwarian
Well, maybe some religion once was spawned because of some joke was misinterpreted, who knows? ;) Fate has tricky turns at times :)

Yes, i belive Buddha was a big fat bastard who was making fun of people and it got out of proportion.

So if you think about it,i am a fat bastard and i am making fun of people and it is getting out of proportions cause you fags cant take any humor or rants, so you might as well workship me.
Originally posted by WorldEater
Although i am still studying up on it by reading the eddas i am a believer in Norse mythology.....if that makes sense??.....i just like the ideology of applies to me a good bit plus am feel i am drawn to it...crazy stuff.....:grin:

Yes, it makes perfect sense :) The ideology of the Eddas - there's not a thing wrong with it at all. It's just the modern slant that's been added to it that takes the edge off of it. As for the pantheon itself, it's solid gold. I think that like any belief system, soon as you get into working in a group then things start to go awry and it gets too political and then the whole concept gets distorted. Actually, just about every Asatruar that i know or have spoken to says the same thing - that they were drawn to it. So that's not crazy at all. :)
I think that like any belief system, soon as you get into working in a group then things start to go awry and it gets too political and then the whole concept gets distorted.

I don't think I could agree with you more about that. 'Organized ' religion usually turns to crap really fast. It tends to steer from peoples ideas/beliefs and head more towards political/social standing. I'm 27 and I have yet to determine where I stand on my beliefs. I am studying the Eddas along with my bro (WorldEater) currently.
That's right, and sadly, it's not restricted to just christianity - heathen religions are very much the same way too, and in some ways worse I have found. That's why I've always refused invitations to join groups. When it comes to religious practise, I do this strictly alone. I have no problem teaching people, but never in a group situation.

What do you think of the Eddas so far? Are you enjoying them?
Originally posted by The Nomad

:confused: ...... :D

What do you think of the Eddas so far? Are you enjoying them?

I think the Eddas are great, but smth I think might be a reason many may think it sounds weird or unreliable, is that if they think about that they may have been changed a lot over the years, they only consider how it was before and after christianity came here. I think that it has been changed quite a lot more times than that. After all, there has never been only one ppl living up here. There has been many, and the Eddas say just that, even though many might think they only say there has been many different kinds of gods and other deities. And I think many of the poems, and Voluspå then in particular, is quite a lot older than what is commonly thought.