Rep Points

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Someone said to me 'you stupid homo' :lol:. Would that be abusing the reputation system or if someone is being a stupid homo you can tell them.
i have 10 points. i assume thats what you start with. how do you find out when people send messages and what peoples reps are? also what is supposed to come of this? what do rep points do for you?
anonymouswierdo said:
Ummmmm... think a bit about what can be done with it...
Nothing, really.

The Bringer said:
The question I have is:

On a different forum I am part of I click on User CP to see what posts I have gotten rep from. Is that the same here?

MetalAges said:
That's called abuse and it ain't gonna happen this time as I will ban those abusing it. We're big boys and girls (mostly) so it shouldn't (keyword: shouldn't) be a problem.

Support your local music forum, report circle jerks!
No, seriously, how does one "abuse" the rep system. Someone'll make a post, if you like it, you plus rep then, and if not, you negetive rep then. So where does "abuse" fall in that equation? Why you ignoring the question?

Well would it be considered abuse if I got a negative rep by someone and all they left was ''HEY DIE PLZ" ??

edit: Nissan- Simply put, people can do what the above mentioned person did to me. If they don't like you, they can give you negative rep points for no reason other than simply because they don't like you. And in the end it makes me look like a bad poster, which I am not.
Susperia said:
This doesn't make any sense. Why do I have such bad rep points? Because I'm the token feminist? I'm the only one here with bad points, even ender, spectacular views and Dodens are better than mine.

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Is it possible to make it so, in the rep section of the User CP to show who left the rep for you? Or would people just have to leave their name if they wanted you to know?
Okay, Suspera, I get ya... But I mean, that's pretty much the same as posting an insult, really... Is that not allowed on this forum, too? Anyway, enjoy your day.
Mort Divine said:
Is it possible to make it so, in the rep section of the User CP to show who left the rep for you? Or would people just have to leave their name if they wanted you to know?
Yeah, it is possible, and I think it's a good idea. I mean, you'd want to know who gave you the point. But then again, someone might not want you to know, and if they do, they can just leave their name after their "rep message".
Another idea would be to have an actual numeric representation of your rep under your avatar. Bars don't tell you much...
Susperia said:
This doesn't make any sense. Why do I have such bad rep points? Because I'm the token feminist?
because you're REALLY A TERRIBLY SHIT POSTER and maybe now that people can tell you so anonymously they won't hold back

EDIT: and this is all the rep system brings, anonymous backstabbing and pointless circle jerks
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I don't understand how simple a concept can be so mind boggling to grasp. Rep points do nothing for you in the long run except give you green boxes which demonstrate that a lot of people agree with you and/or approve of what you say, or red boxes doing the opposite. You give people rep by finding a post that you want to rep, then clicking the middle box to the far lower left of that post that has a check mark and an x. Then you either leave positive or negative rep and leave a comment if you want. That's pretty much everything you could possibly need to know about this.
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Erik said:
because you're REALLY A TERRIBLY SHIT POSTER and maybe now that people can tell you so anonymously they won't hold back

EDIT: and this is all the rep system brings, anonymous backstabbing and pointless circle jerks

You didn't seem to think so before a few months ago.
Susperia said:
You didn't seem to think so before a few months ago.
it takes some time to notice how much of a complete fucking moron someone is through random internet posts and i'm willing to give people the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise but it really shone through after a while in your case
Necuratul said:
I don't understand how simple a concept can be so mind boggling to grasp. Rep points do nothing for you in the long run except give you green boxes which demonstrate that a lot of people agree with you and/or approve of what you say, or red boxes doing the opposite. You give people rep by finding a post that you want to rep, then clicking the middle box to the far lower left of that post that has a check mark and an x. Then you either leave positive or negative rep and leave a comment if you want. That's pretty much everything you could possibly need to know about this.

people like to over complicate things when it makes them look bad
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