Rep Points

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V.V.V.V.V. said:
Yeah OK this probably wasn't a very good idea.
Yeah? No one could have guessed that: rep became a fucking failure last time and will be this time. Deron's version of "abuse" is once again a stupid subjective way of removing anyone he feels is being out of line for whatever reason. Just a "people should be grown up anyone being a meanie I will ban". YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE, WELL DONE DERON FOR ANOTHER BRILLIANT AND CONSIDERED DECISION. If he means abuse as in rep circle jerking then that only happened in the Chat forum and unofficially within forums where it just kinda happened because most people liked eachother so I have no idea what he's talking about.

This brings me to asking you to clarify how GoD abused the rep system because I'm not too sure what you mean tia :)
genocide roach said:
i think he meant



Int said:
Yeah? No one could have guessed that: rep became a fucking failure last time and will be this time. Deron's version of "abuse" is once again a stupid subjective way of removing anyone he feels is being out of line for whatever reason. Just a "people should be grown up anyone being a meanie I will ban". YEAH THAT MAKES SENSE, WELL DONE DERON FOR ANOTHER BRILLIANT AND CONSIDERED DECISION. If he means abuse as in rep circle jerking then that only happened in the Chat forum and unofficially within forums where it just kinda happened because most people liked eachother so I have no idea what he's talking about.

This brings me to asking you to clarify how GoD abused the rep system because I'm not too sure what you mean tia :)

im not sure deron ever makes sense with his moderation. i know ive questioned his judgement loads of time.
genocide roach said:
EDIT: oh look, they deleted her post. so now i make no sense.

This message has been deleted by Susperia.

Wasn't me.

Anyway, I think I'll be giving these out quite a bit, both ways...I'm sure I'll give real reasons to do so though...if someone complains to me about bullshit rep, I'll take action; please PM me with concerns.
MetalAges said:
You know, I figured by now most the delinquents have grown up and won't abuse the rep points system. So far Fag of Docility or whatever the name was (aka LilFag from here on) has proven me partially wrong. I'm going to have fun wiping his account tomorrow to go along with the fact that any user name he ever signs up with will get all posts wiped as well.

I hope noone else abuses this rep stuff. Thanks.
rep what you have lost paddy
Necuratul said:
I don't understand how simple a concept can be so mind boggling to grasp. Rep points do nothing for you in the long run except give you green boxes which demonstrate that a lot of people agree with you and/or approve of what you say, or red boxes doing the opposite. You give people rep by finding a post that you want to rep, then clicking the middle box to the far lower left of that post that has a check mark and an x. Then you either leave positive or negative rep and leave a comment if you want. That's pretty much everything you could possibly need to know about this.

It doesn't cover one important factor: what is the point of all this really? It isn't going to fix whatever the hell is wrong with this forum and if anything it seems more likely to cause even more bitching. On a forum where everyone seems to be getting into retarded arguments that generally degrade into personal attacks and name calling in less than 5 minutes, giving everyone the ability to anonymously leave negative feedback seems pretty much like a really bad idea to me.

And for the few people here who actually do make worthwhile contributions, the worth of those contributations will be evident by reading the posts themselves. I don't think we need a row of green boxes to drive home that point.
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It doesn't cover one important factor: what is the point of all this really? It isn't going to fix whatever the hell is wrong with this forum and if anything it seems more likely to cause even more bitching. On a forum where everyone seems to be getting into retarded arguments that generally degrade into personal attacks and name calling in less than 5 minutes, giving everyone the ability to anonymously leave negative feedback seems pretty much like a really bad idea to me.

And for the few people here who actually do make worthwhile contributions, the worth of those contributations will be evident by reading the posts themselves. I don't think we need a row of green boxes to drive home that point.

Who the hell ever said there was a point? It's not really meant to have some great purpose, and certainly not to fiix problems. It's a very simple tool. Either use it or don't. People seem to be making this far more of an issue than it actually is.
Susperia said:
Someone answered his question before me so I deleted it. :| Come on people not that hard to figure out.

It is when nobody knows what your post said.
Necuratul said:
Who the hell ever said there was a point? It's not really meant to have some great purpose, and certainly not to fiix problems. It's a very simple tool. Either use it or don't. People seem to be making this far more of an issue than it actually is.

you've entirely missed the point. ive never been on a forum which has had rep points before, and i dont remember it being used in the last 3 or so years ive been a member. the thread is about "THE NEW REP POINT SYSTEM". so why are you getting so worked up about people asking what the fucking point of it is? i now gather it is entirely pointless, but generally i give people the benefit of the doubt when they implement something - usually there is a purpose.

i cant mind read, and assuming doesnt tend to work as well as asking the question.
It's not a new rep points system. It's the old system that we can now access again. Why do you think people that were here when it was still accessible still have rep points from then? Deron should've just made an announcement about it and been done with it, because this sure as hell isn't Metal discussion.
Mort Divine said:
"Go outside and get a life" but yeah, that works too.

That's a bit ambitious for a 2 second clip of somebody opening a door, don't you think?
Yeah. And you can probably ease up on the deleting of off-topic posts as well while you're at it, especially when they're not offensive. There's nothing wrong with being off-topic if it doesn't derail the thread, and even then it's not always a bad thing.
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