Hi everyone,

I am currently in the process of trying to book a large group rate for The ProgPower crowd at the Res. Inn for next year.

I've asked if they would extend that to those who have already booked their rooms for the event and they said it shouldn't be a problem.

Right now I'm looking at booking 40-80 rooms under the group rate for Thurs, Fri and Saturday. Since I don't know who's all staying there and who would be coming in when, I've only got about half that for Thursday night. They also said that if those rooms are booked and more call, they would be willing to extend that date.

As of right now, it's in the works and nothing is set in stone, but I should know with in the next 24 hours or so.

If you have booked there already, please let me know and if you are looking to book there, please let me know as well so I can get a good guestimate of how many rooms to book.

There is no change in booking, you would call in yourself, but you would mention that you are with ProgPower 9 and they would give you the group discount.

Anyway, once I get the details, I will post.

I'm also looking to book a block of rooms at the Courtyard Mariott (which is about 1/4 mile away) as well.

Since the rate hikes are so large this year for hotels, and I know we are all on a budget and they tend not to give block rooms away, I'm just trying to look out for everyone.

So if you are planning on booking there, or already have, please let me know. And of course let me know if your reservations have been made and for how many rooms and the dates... this is just to see if they would be willing to offer us a huge discount.

Of course, if you are booked there and don't want to share the information with me... you don't have to.


They are affiliated with a hotel down the street as well. So I asked them to check both, although I'm hoping they'll stick with the one. I did tell the woman that there will be a ton of people calling with in the next week or so and asked if those already booked could be added to the group rate. She seemed to understand that it might have to be done a little backwards, but she's talking with the managment and they are getting back to me.

I'm in! I have two rooms booked at the RI up the hill from the venue. So if this pans out, we just call with our res # and tell them we are in the PP group?

Do you need to know ahead of time what kind of rooms we have or will they just adjust the rate depending on the room type?
Which is which? I'm confused. Which is the closest and which were you talking to? The one at 1041 West-Frigging Peachtree or 1365 Just-Frigging Peachtree???
I've already booked a suite there, so I would definitely be interested in a group rate. Thanks Metalrose, this is very cool of you.
Hey girl, I'm in for one room at RI 1365. I told the gal that a friend was working on the rate and she confirmed that I could call back to have the rate adjusted. Thanks for hammering this out for us! I hate answering No to the "are you with a group" question when it comes to ProgPower! YES, DANG IT! YESS!! :lol:
Did they give you an estimate of how much the discount might be? Just curious. Anything is better than nothing of course.
Which Courtyard are you looking into? I booked my room at the Courtyard at 1132 Techwood, I think that is the one you are talking about. I booked earlier today.
1. No idea on the Discount size, that is why I am here trying to figure out how many people are booked there or will book there. I should have that info tomorrow.

2. I am looking into 1365 Peachtree as the main hotel right now. But if you are booked at the other one (Tech) let me know as well as I might be able to get a discount there too.

I would switch to the RI in an instant if we can get a better rate than the Courtyard where I am currently located.

There is also a second Residence Inn that I stayed at during PP VII 1041 peachtree.
One room booked from Wed. the 24th through Sun. the 28th.

Thanks so much for doing this (no matter how it turns out). :headbang: