If someone can send me short DI tracks (my guitar is dismantled at the moment) of EMG 81 or something (preferably a quad tracked riff), I'll give it a go though I honestly SUCK at tweaking amps :)

Here you go...
some old DI stuff (The Haunted ripoff), 4 tracks, EMG-81 @ 18V, LTD Deluxe M-1000, M-Audio FW Solo

Can you please upload also one single mono track processed by Revalver?
So here's a quick test done with 4 different amps you get in the new version using Wild Hades DI tracks (I warned you I sucked at tweaking amps, especially since I'm so lazy and can't be arsed to fix things annoying me, haha)

Mix of RevalverMkIII (the four tracks panned -100 -80 +80 +100)

[ And the four mono individual tracks: 6505, 6505+, JSX, TripleXXX ]

If you like it, it's because Revalver is good, if you don't, it's because I'm terrible and you'll get much better sounds ;)
Out of those I think I like the JSX tone best. Ill most certainly buy this as soon as it comes out (50% off pending), purely for other modelling flavours. Right now because I'm between my studio and university a lot and bands want their mixes fast its nice to have different tonal varieties. Having said that, I'm sure I could get pretty close to those tones with existing technology. Its hard to judge these by listening to peoples clips as the guitar and playing etc have such a huge role in the tone.

Cheers for posting that Brett.
To clarify, does the HP version allow you to import your own impulses like the full mk3 does?
