[reviews] Novembre - Materia

the best part is one of the comments.

"they sing most of it in Italian and it’s not heavy at all so it comes off like some Ramazzoti b-sides with guitars… "

That type of comments/arguments, remember me of the fucknuts at opeth's forum, who spent a couple of posts telling Novembre is written in an incorrect way and that it writes November. :D
Nostalgiaplatz said:
That type of comments/arguments, remember me of the fucknuts at opeth's forum, who spent a couple of posts telling Novembre is written in an incorrect way and that it writes November. :D

Reading things like this, you understand how much they know about Novembre and their Music...:rolleyes:

Anyway, I have not found any reviews yet...
Nostalgiaplatz said:
That type of comments/arguments, remember me of the fucknuts at opeth's forum, who spent a couple of posts telling Novembre is written in an incorrect way and that it writes November. :D

well you know not everyone speaks italian or french :D
haha that reviewer wants to come off smart or something?

"With the exception of those few really noticeable clams, there is an abundance of spine-tingling, unobtrusive clean singing which pours forth like a cornucopia of unearthly delicacies"

can't the guy express himself with normal words?
i think that reviewer spends just a little too much time going through his thesaurus looking up big words. :rolleyes:

just a side note... am i the only one that hates 'turn loose the swans'?? i bought that album years ago, and hated it. ive pulled it out several times since then and tried to give it another chance... and it just doesnt do it for me... maybe cause im not really a doom fan, but i think celestial seasons 'solar lovers' is far superior.
That guy's a complete fuckwit. He probably read the reviews at anus.com and thought they were actually intelligent, and was inspired to write some of his own.
Nostalgiaplatz said:
Post here some links for Novembre - Materia, reviews, if you please.
Here's one I found at a comment by a blabbermouth's reader.


....I didn't read the review, but the only think I can say is....: Materia is awesome, an album full of emotions ( every kind of emotion )....... i can't say any other exact word to explain the beauty of Materia....

(I promise that I'll buy Materia...the original....)
I haven't read any reviews, but I have listened to the new album. And I find it very interesting. I am not a fan, this is the first Novembre album I have listened to and my impressions are very good.
Thank you Nostalgiaplatz! :kickass:

I listened again to the album and I discovered much more hidden elemenets I missed in the first listen. Really very good.
Nostalgiaplatz said:
welcome orfanos and h8sh8!

Cheers Nostalgiaplatz.

Yeah I agree what you said about the treehouseofdeath review. I actually didn't think the review was too bad myself - much better than a small review that says very little, like at the link I posted.
"Perhaps it is due to the fact that Peaceville have been spoiling us with some excellent releases over the last couple of months that I have been totally surprised at being so underwhelmed by Materia but this album really is as dull as dishwater."

I'm making a big effort to contain myself..