[reviews] Novembre - Materia

Yeah I have to agree with Croma too - great song. I probably like 'Jules' the most though. Those two are my favourites so far, but the album just keeps growing on you the more you listen to it.
verne, aquamarine and comedia are my favs... i like the promise a lot even if it's not really by novembre
Haven't read any of the reviews posted on this topic, neither have I searched for some on the internet. I'd rather prefer to form my own opinion on Materia, not only because I have to write a review myself.
Oh Gosh! I've got yesterday my copy and have listened to Materia the whole night, just couldn't turn off my cd player, it was really impossible, I was dying of tenderness :hypno:
The new album has turned out so incredibly beautiful and breath-taking.. and at some moment I was simply on the brink of tears..
I bet none of these reviews are legit, i.e people who received the sampler form peaceville for review.

If only some people thought how disrespectful it is to comment about the album of a band that's not even out yet, be it for good or bad, much less to review them. Not to mention what some people wrote in their guestbook, as Pierrot pointed me out...

Nostalgiaplatz said:
I bet none of these reviews are legit, i.e people who received the sampler form peaceville for review.

If only some people thought how disrespectful it is to comment about the album of a band that's not even out yet, be it for good or bad, much less to review them. Not to mention what some people wrote in their guestbook, as Pierrot pointed me out...


:guh: Labels give sampler to 'zines to review them before the releases are out, to prepare people and make promotion... there's nothing disrespectful, it's a normal thing, don't be like the nun annoyed and ashamed when she hears the word "cock" :)
:guh: Labels give sampler to 'zines to review them before the releases are out, to prepare people and make promotion... there's nothing disrespectful, it's a normal thing, don't be like the nun annoyed and ashamed when she hears the word "cock" :)

Samplers sent by a label/band are for legitimate purposes, as you mentioned, downloading an album and making reviews of it prior to (and even post-)release date is disrespectful.
Nostalgiaplatz said:
Samplers sent by a label/band are for legitimate purposes, as you mentioned, downloading an album and making reviews of it prior to (and even post-)release date is disrespectful.

Downloading an album and making reviews of it prior to (and even post-)release date is promotion anyway, I would review it too if i had time these days.
There're really very few zines I like the way they write, the great mass of the reviews are usually written by some wiseacres who think they know everything the better way, facts, facts, facts and no feeling :Smug: In my opinion guys who write reviews after downloading an album make even a better job and promotion of course. They do it for "free", just for being a fan of the band and really because they have the urge to spread the word and not just to do their duty only 'cause they have received a promo.
The new album is brilliant to me :notworthy
Another thing... hey you, italian fellas, has anyone of you any idea what Carmelo is singing about in "Geppetto"? I'm dying to get it :cry: but unfortunately I can't :blush:
Drynwhyl said:
In my opinion guys who write reviews after downloading an album make even a better job and promotion of course. They do it for "free", just for being a fan of the band and really because they have the urge to spread the word and not just to do their duty only 'cause they have received a promo.

:notworthy I agree :)

Drynwhyl said:
Another thing... hey you, italian fellas, has anyone of you any idea what Carmelo is singing about in "Geppetto"? I'm dying to get it :cry: but unfortunately I can't :blush:

I've got "Quel giorno il vecchio si alzò sull'onda di un brutto sogno e capì che era giunto il momento di andare" that means "That day the old man got up on the wave of a bad dream and he understood that was the time to leave" or something like that in better english :heh: I didn't get very well the second line, then he says "Quel giorno il mare era un quadro di colori scuri, disse - guarda un po' chi c'è, mi sei mancato compare" that is "That day the sea was a paint of dark colours, he says "Hey look who's here, I've been missing you friend"" and again some uncertain words :goggly:
Carmelo's vocals are sometimes hard to be understood even for italian people without booklet :lol: