[reviews] Novembre - Materia

Nostalgiaplatz said:
If only some people thought how disrespectful it is to comment about the album of a band that's not even out yet, be it for good or bad, much less to review them. Not to mention what some people wrote in their guestbook, as Pierrot pointed me out...

I also agree with Drynwhyl.

I do understand what you're saying, and I did think before posting. I also carefully thought about what I said in trying to not say too much in my posts, but I don't think it's too big a deal to say an album is good or a song is good before it comes out. I've already discussed it being good at another forum where two non Novembre fans (who where maybe unaware of it's release) thanked me and said they'll buy it when it comes out. Also, I've been buying their albums since Wish I Could Dream It Again came out, so it's not like me downloading it is going to affect my decision to buy it either. If I spoilt it for anyone (any more than reading the reviews have done) who hadn't downloaded it, I apologize.

But anyway, it's now the 17th in my country ;)
I can't find out whether it comes out today in my country, but at least it does in some countries.
h8sh8 said:
I also agree with Drynwhyl.

I do understand what you're saying, and I did think before posting. I also carefully thought about what I said in trying to not say too much in my posts, but I don't think it's too big a deal to say an album is good or a song is good before it comes out. I've already discussed it being good at another forum where two non Novembre fans (who where maybe unaware of it's release) thanked me and said they'll buy it when it comes out. Also, I've been buying their albums since Wish I Could Dream It Again came out, so it's not like me downloading it is going to affect my decision to buy it either. If I spoilt it for anyone (any more than reading the reviews have done) who hadn't downloaded it, I apologize.

But anyway, it's now the 17th in my country ;) Can't find out whether it comes out here or not today, but at least it does in some countries.

It's not about you. I agree reviews are promotional WHEN THEY ARE POSITIVE. This is not to say they should only say "Hey, wow, materia is great" but at least put some respect, since they haven't bought the albums, they shouldn't be saying what they think of it prior to its release.

Now let me quote, a couple of promotional messages (all of them give you the idea that you'll want to buy this album):

From a review you linked here:

"Perhaps it is due to the fact that Peaceville have been spoiling us with some excellent releases over the last couple of months that I have been totally surprised at being so underwhelmed by Materia but this album really is as dull as dishwater. www.novembre.co.uk"

At their guestbook:

Date: 2006-04-14 21:58:19
A friend ( no email / no homepage) wrote:

I have listened to Materia 5-6 times know...Unfortunately it not as good as I expected to be..Firstly many songs are in Italian.Yeah sure the guys are from Italy but they sell to other countries too..Materia lacks creativity..It's like the guys were bored too much to do a better job. Classica was one of their best CD's so far...Waiting for their next release..

Ambivalentika ( imhungryand@ieatcatsforfun.com / no homepage) wrote:

Listening to Materia, immediately the feel of the album presented itself. Somewhat nostalgic, it is as if 'Arte Novecento' was reincarnated as Materia. (Very surprising given that stated on this website, all the musicians least favourite Novembre tracks are from 'Arte').
Materia lacks Giuseppe's extensive technical genius, and it's not until the dying minutes of the fourth track, Aquamarine, that we get a mere taste of Carmelo's unique growling vocals.
I always enjoy hearing new Novembre creations, but Materia will be far from my favourite album. I look forward to your next release.
Nostalgiaplatz said:
It's not about you.

Sorry mate, I got a bit overly defensive there. :o :D
Thought you were also meaning the comments in this thread.

Yeah I agree with what you've said about those examples. Especially going out of their way to come to the bands own website and then bag them is disrespectful - on top of that they got it for free. Once they buy it, and consider the actual music for what it is, not some idea in their heads of what they thought it should have been, and then are disappointed with their purchase, then maybe fair enough. But why even bother??
I'd like to know their true reasons behind doing it?

And any reviews that are not legit are obviously just trying to get out there first to get more hits to their site. Someone like that I certainly don't respect. The only thing is figuring out those who are legit, from those who are not. I would assume the bigger websites are the more likely to get promos (if they do at all), but who knows how many they give out?

The review link I posted, that guy is just a knob - whether legit or not. As I said a "meathead". I'm confident there will be many more good reviews come that will show this guy up for the what he is. I know that's harsh, and it's just his opinion, but read some of his other reviews at that site (and Nostalgiaplatz's quote). He was not going to like the album no matter what it was like. "Lack of variation" my ass!! :heh:
Yeah, really, why bother posting mean comments in Novembre's guestbook, are those people really that bored?! I bet they're are just some narrow minded lads who think to have the opposite opinion is just cool even if they can't explain it properly or give some constructive feedback.
@Worn_Carillon: Hey, thanks a lot for taking your time and translate some of the rhymes, really appreciate it. Now I'm not that clueless, could imagine how it goes further on :) First I thought this song has something with the Pinocchio story in common, you know, Geppetto.. :D And I love how it begins, with Carmelo's deep-toned voice.. :cool:
Bands (and fans) should accept even negative reviews, when they are followed by motivations as these reviews are (though we disagree about them). I agree about guestbook messages, they're unkind and there's no need to write that in the guestbook, but anyway it's their opinion as customers, they are fans and dislike Materia and want to tell the band that... but they're out of place, I agree.

Drynwhyl you're welcome :) And nice quote in your signature, July rules ;)
Oceana said:
verne, aquamarine and comedia are my favs... i like the promise a lot even if it's not really by novembre

en particular todos los temas del disco son mis favoritos.. en particula la version que hacen del tema de arcadia - the promises..
tremeda potencia que le dan al tema...

aqui subi la version original de the promises.. por si alguien no la a escuchado..

data del 85,

arcadia - the promises

y aqui la de novembre... tambien por si alguien no la a escuchado


que belleza no??. como hablar de aquamarine,

simplemente himnos..
Syrinx, muchas gracias. Tienta escrebir en ingles, los otros non entienden su lingua

And I am dead sorry if I made all possible mistakes trying to look smarter by writing in spannish :D

I also thought it was about pinnochio, my avatar proves it! :D
Nostalgiaplatz said:
Syrinx, muchas gracias. Tienta escrebir en ingles, los otros non entienden su lingua

And I am dead sorry if I made all possible mistakes trying to look smarter by writing in spannish :D

I also thought it was about pinnochio, my avatar proves it! :D

ok, understood, asi you would entenderan to me better, hare the possible thing to write in ingles or spaninglish jej. the subject is that it is understood... thanks for the suggestion

traduci with a translator online, salio ahy mas o menos bien.

PD: ahy publishes post and upload the promises by novembre :)

C'mon guys! He just said some words in spanish and you say you don´t understand! Spanish, portuguese and italian all of them are from the same lingual family, which is Latin! You can understand the context because they are similiar. I don't complain when you post in italian!

No les hagas caso Syrinx, Estos babosos son unos fomes! Poné tus post siempre en español, para que ellos busquen un diccionario y aprendan un poco.

Cada vez que oigo el Materia, me decepciono más, hasta ganas de suicidarme me dan... :erk:
yeah but i dont speak italian either :mad: stupidos!

well just a bit maybe... ;) i had french and latin in school. and i tried to tutor myself some spanish a few months ago... just the basics:

Hola! Soy antz0r, soy olanda. Encantado!
Te gustaria tomar algo?
Tu es muy bonita!
sure! of course! in each language you only need to know only 3 things:

1. How to curse (this is usually the first thing friends teach you ;) hence the stupido and cazzo ;) )
2. How to order beer (dos cervezas por favor! and if you don't know how to pay, just make sure you drink your beer in one big take, so it's in the tummy before the bouncer comes to kick you out of the pub ;) )
3. How to pick up a girl (Tu es muy bonita! Donde vives? En el centro de ciudad? Muy buenos!)
Stasera Piovon Gocce... said:
C'mon guys! He just said some words in spanish and you say you don´t understand! Spanish, portuguese and italian all of them are from the same lingual family, which is Latin! You can understand the context because they are similiar. I don't complain when you post in italian!

No les hagas caso Syrinx, Estos babosos son unos fomes! Poné tus post siempre en español, para que ellos busquen un diccionario y aprendan un poco.

Cada vez que oigo el Materia, me decepciono más, hasta ganas de suicidarme me dan... :erk:

I don't think anyone has anything against people speaking different languages than them. But if everyone tries to communicate using only their first languages, we get a big linguistic mess.
In reference to the guy's post, it was just amusing that he tried to use an online translator to turn his message into english. Can't blame him for trying, it just turned out funny :p

Btw, El Salvador is in central america if I'm not mistaken. Where did you get your cd from?