Revolver Magazine: 50 Heaviest Bands

blind_cynic said:
actually Neal,you totally missed the point.check out the title of the list:50 HEAVIEST bands.sorry for you but Deftones might be "crazy" live but for sure they ain't don't tell me The White Stripes is a heavier band than Iron Maiden.I'll repeat myself:this list is american bullshit.actually this is one of americans biggest problem,everything is related with a toplist.if something is not related with a toplist it isn't part of reality.
white stripes? what the fuck are you talking about? i like maiden, but barely distorted harmonized leads over some bass tripplets isnt heavy in the least when compared to something like melvins or electric do you think 'heavy' means? its not "50 mostest fast and technical metal bands" it doesnt even say "50 heaviest metal bands". its just the 50 Heaviest bands. sorry they didnt include all of your favorite 80s mullet warriors.

(also, i wasnt defending the Deftones inclusion on the list, only comenting that i felt they are a great live band after someone else had said they sucked. and another thing, i dont like top 50 lists either. they try to be too all-inlusive and usually end up pretty absurd)
neal said:
you're a putz.
How inspired.


actually let's ask 10 rock listeners what heavy means to them.last time I checked mainstream magazine list were made for masses not for the way that list is full of 80's mullet warriors,that's another confusing thing.

edit:and by the way,in what you belive heavy means,Testament and Megadeth are heavier than 95% of the list.
blind_cynic said:
actually let's ask 10 rock listeners what heavy means to them.last time I checked mainstream magazine list were made for masses not for pros.
well revolver is aimed more at the hard/metal crowd, this isnt fuckin spin or something....

blind_cynic said:
by the way that list is full of 80's mullet warriors,that's another confusing thing.
so anthrax and metallica = full on a list of 50?

blind_cynic said:
edit:and by the way,in what you belive heavy means,Testament and Megadeth are heavier than 95% of the list.
how the fuck do you figure that? have you even heard electric wizard or eyehategod or melvins or godflesh or neurosis or high on fire or or or etc? if you think by my logic megadeth is heavier than ANY of those bands above, NOT TO MENTION 95% of the list as you so boldly claim, than you have not understood anything ive said (typed), and certainly have no fucking clue what i think it means to be 'heavy'
Black Sabbath are heavy as shit, in a different way than bands like Hypocrisy and SYL though, but the opening riff to the song 'Black Sabbath' is what heavy truly is, has nothing to do with speed or volume really.
Celtic Frost is every bit as heavy, if not heavier than all the bands before them.

They were amazing last night by the way!
Neal,I heaven't heard the Electric Pelvis,that's why I put 95%,though I heard Eyehategod,Neurosis,etc,and they totally suck ass.anyway,since Metallica or Anthrax are in the list and they are 80's bands,I thought Testament wich is heavier than both combined should be on the list too.I don't know why I am wasting my time here with you anyway,have a good day.