Rhythm guitar 101

Agreed on moving away from Jazz III's for rhythm playing, but I could never go back to a full-sized pick; I'll give the sharps a try, but I'm really loving the Tortex Pitch Black Jazz picks atm (similar shape to the Jazz III, but slightly thinner, bigger surface area, more rounded tip, and flat edges) Also, I LOVE these:



Bigger than the pitch blacks, but smaller than the Jazz III XL's, which I honestly can't stand - thanks to Joe (Davis) for introducing me to 'em!
I don't have a problem digging in and getting chunk with a jazz III, I think it just comes down to how used to the pick you can get and accuracy. Not every pick will suit every players right hand. I can get the attack with a jazz iii that you might not be able to, but chances are you're able to get a similar sound with a different pick that I can't. I think it's silly to say that certain picks can't do certain sounds. Obviously some can't, but it mostly comes down to right hand strength, angle, accuracy and playing style.
Jazz III XLs have made my rhythm playing so much tighter.

I can't use the normal Jazz picks, I hold my pick funny and end up hitting strings with my thumb and forefinger more than the pick, but I love the Jazz III point, rounder points have too much drag for the way I pick so these things are a life saver.

I'd love to get a gemstone jazz III XL but I'd have to get it custom made and it would cost a fortune and I'd be too terrified of losing it to ever actually use it.

P.S. Nuts to you Marcus! :p
I favor Jazz III XL's, the sharpies are cool too but I find them too "intense" for most music styles.

Oh, and +1 on Loomis being an amazing rhythm player, alongside his amazing soloing skills.
Red Jazz III here for some years now...didn't take me too long to get used to them, and they fit my way of digging into the strings really nice.
I used the yellow .73 dunlop before and also the sharp ones for some time, bit I didn't really like them after all, that's why I switched to Jazz III.
only thing with those is that they don't have a lot of grip, so dropp them very rarely at gigging.
Jaymz told me about some jazz III with better grip, but I haven't come across these since then. Isn't too bad though, didnt drop one in ages now

edit: for recording cleans I use different picks though, normal dunlop nylon 0.88
like the sound of it more than with the jazz III.

schaffer plays huge ass picks without sharp edges btw, my hoodie once caught a pick at an Iced Earth concert :lol:
One thing I love about the Sharps is that they force you play hard. If you don't you're pretty much screwed because you won't get the force to push the string around, since the pick has virtually no 'give'. I find the 0.88s a lot easier to chug with, but they're less violent and hard-on inducing.
+1 for the inability to use a jazz III. my reasons come from when I started guitar though. 1. I have fairly huge hands, wit a jazz, I always hit the strings with my fingers. 2. I played a butt load of thrash, lots of heavy downpicking, I couldn't get the chunk or accuracy with the jazz, and finally, I like that when use my .88 it almost feels like it's grabbing and throwing the string around, I couldn't get that with jazz III or any smaller pick.
Pickboy Carbon Nylon 1mm, just about perfect for me.
However by now I have burned through about a hundred of them, because they don't hold up well. Especially not when digging in hard. Which is, as was stated numerous times, pretty much mandatory for good tone.

So now I'm eager to try the Ultex Sharps, because they seem to have pretty much the same size and form, but will hopefully hold up much longer.
i think jon schaffer is overrated, i admit i don't know many iced earth songs, but c'mon gallopping "fake-triplets" at 220 or something, its not that hard
loomis and hobbs eat him for breakfast
also, stamina-wise, that guy from origin is probably the best, he literally tremolo picks all the time

i love those discussions about who's better
i know its pointless, but it makes me feel like a 14 year old again
like "joey jordison is the best drummer in the whole world" haha

hey man when you say "fake triplets" you mean something like messhugahs "bleed"? where you are always play down up?And if so,how come you figured Schafferr plays that way?