Rhythm guitar 101

The jazz iiis are almost useless for rhythm, loved em for years though.

That's quite a bold statement there Ermz, I've always found the black Jazz III's to be pretty hefty in their attack and cant imagine playing with anything else now. I might have to break the bank and order a pack of the sharpies to put my mind at rest! Not sure about going back to such large picks either, especially for leads.
According to John Petrucci's website in his gear list under "picks" :
"Jim Dunlop JP Shield Black Jazz III"

As far as well rounded metal guitarists go, Petrucci is one of the best. Insane rhythm chops and pretty blistering lead technique (not quite as accurate and precise as Paul Gilbert, but to be fair very few rock/metal guitarists are as far as alt picking goes).

While his tone isn't very good, Malmsteen is admittedly a really good rhythm guitarists, but obviously that aspect is overshadowed by his crazy lead technique.
Also a Jazz III user.
diggin the blue 1mm sharpies over here. i had the 1,5 for some time but the pick attack is definitely an aquired taste. not quite sure how the loom manages to sound like that with those picks ;)
the 1mm have a similar playing response, but less pick attack.
really digging the heavy ibanez picks, the ones with the sandpaper like anti slip thing. play and sound great, but you go through them reeeeally fast, they're not exactly sturdy.
Have you guys tried the Ultex sharps?
If you haven't, then give em a go
Perfect all round pick for me

I always used to use them...

Can't play electric guitar without a jazz III

But now I have this problem :D I've got so used to jazz III picks I can barely play without one, all other picks just feel too big or awkward, I like the way with a Jazz III you can get really close to the strings, i don't really know how to describe it but its just closer and easier for faster playing :D
i tried the jazz III back in my petrucci fanboy days, but i dunno, the small size doesn't really go along too well with my style. i like to dig in hard, and you just can't do that properly with such a small pick. imho.

anyways, on topic, my favorite rhythm players:
- jeff loomis (best metal guitarist there is IMHO)
- vogg
- schaffer
- pat o'brien
- chuck schuldiner (surprised noone mentioned him so far, that guy was a beast all around, fantastic songwriter, fantastic player)
hetfield used to be great back in the days, but i feel he's lost it and/or became lazy.
I loved the Jazz IIIs for years, but just found the larger picks to be a lot more effortless for rhythm playing. I'd scrape half my forefinger skin off on the Jazz IIIs when digging in adequately. They're great lead picks for sure, but for me they're nearly useless for truly chunky rhythm guitar.
And shut up your noob fucking mouths, you bastardz!

Whilst we're on about picks, a little gem of knowledge I found out really pissed off some u2 fan boys i know. A lot of people as you may gather go on the quest for the u2 tone, but don't actually know that the edges chimy guitar tone starts majorly at the source as he plays with his plectrum upside down :D.
Jeff's thick-ass picks contribute to his tone a lot as well:




Ive been looking for these picks forever. Thank you.

But seriously Mr. Loomis is insane. He really opened up to a different side of his lead playing on his solo album (Zero Order Phase) and The Obsidian Conspiracy.. No one should consider this guy a one dimensional guitarist anymore.

On a side note..

Probably the nicest guitarist I've ever had the chance of meeting.. Got to talk to him about Axe Fx and Engl for awhile when I met him. Got to have a beer with him too. It was awesome.:kickass:
Whilst we're on about picks, a little gem of knowledge I found out really pissed off some u2 fan boys i know. A lot of people as you may gather go on the quest for the u2 tone, but don't actually know that the edges chimy guitar tone starts majorly at the source as he plays with his plectrum upside down :D.

I used to play with 3mm Stubbys, I thought they were great. One thing I found was that for a nicer clean tone you could turn the pick around and play with it backwards. I hate to use the "tone description clichés" but one might have indeed described the sound as "chimier/more chimey".

Nevertheless, I'm using Jazz IIIs now. I have no idea how I got used to the bulbous shape of those Stubbys and managed to ignore the "squeak" they made when hitting the strings...
I still want to try those 1.5mm white tortex sharps. I've been using the thick yellow dunlop gel picks for the last two years or so after trying them out because Rusty Cooley used them for a long time. I'm very used to them and like them a lot, but would like to try out those picks Loomis is using sometime.


I've never liked the Jazz III's.... I've tried them multiple times... tried the black kind, the red kind, and the translucent yellow Ultex kind.... too thick/too small for me. Sure, a few great players like Petrucci use them, but plenty of great players use rather normal picks too.