Rick rubin producing next metallica album is a rumor no more.

Thrillho said:
I I make fun of them because I think Lars is a Cunt and I can't stand Jame's voice and I think Kirk is a pussy for letting them rape him again and again. Jason and Cliff are still the only two members of Metallica I respect. Cliff was taken from us when the band was in their prime, and Jason actually had the balls to say "enough is enough" and leave. .

I feel the same on that subject. James voice after the Loads kinda took that whole rock-a-billy turn, and, eh, I am not a big fan of it. I do dig some of his singing on St. Anger, it had its moments. I have a book on them called "So What" and you can really start to see some of the inner turmoil come to surface with Jason. You can see that with Load, he didnt like the turn Metallica took. But, I digress, this is the Anthrax message board. Scott and Kirk are buds, as I am sure they are with the other members. I still respect their music as a fan. I can always pick up MOP when I need a good does of old school metal along with ATL and Souls of Black).
Isn't obvious how much downloading has hurt even the mighty Metallica. They couldn't afford to pay for production on their last album, Lars couldn't afford drums and had to bang on garbage cans, Kirk couldn't afford to pay anyone to write any solos for him, and James budget to afford singing lessons ran out a long time ago. So please pay for Metallica's albums so that maybe one day, they'll be able to put out another good one.
ThraxDude said:
No one can polish a turd.

But no matter what Metallica sounds like, I'll "steal" their next album out of spite. I downloaded St. Anger for free even though I knew it sucks. As long as Metallica continue to release albums, I'll be there to download it for free. It's my holding a grudge against Lars getting me kicked off of Napster.
So you can't get free shit anymore. Poor you.
nafnikufesin said:
Isn't obvious how much downloading has hurt even the mighty Metallica. They couldn't afford to pay for production on their last album, Lars couldn't afford drums and had to bang on garbage cans, Kirk couldn't afford to pay anyone to write any solos for him, and James budget to afford singing lessons ran out a long time ago. So please pay for Metallica's albums so that maybe one day, they'll be able to put out another good one.

Man, 3 pages long. If only Anthrax could get this kind of attention on thier message board. Oh wait... this is their board.
karrokid said:
Man, 3 pages long. If only Anthrax could get this kind of attention on thier message board. Oh wait... this is their board.

so true, but the most contriversial thing they have done is switch singers (either time) and we all know what happens when we talk about that!! And the fact that Bob Rock has yet to produce an album for them, thank heavens.
bigcn said:
so another band fucked up by the commercial machine!!! just like RCHP were!!! tut tut. sold out coz of a li'l gay ex tennisplayer!
I like how the general feeling towards those who download music for free around here is that of scum. I steal my music. I admit it. I say fuck anyone who thinks it's wrong. Including the artist. I am known to buy local bands shit - but that's b/c it's their bread and butter we're talking about. Not because poor album sales means they have to buy a Navigator instead of an H2.

Cry me a fucking river.
in retro spect, even back in the day copying music on to tape was "stealing" but "that is how bands got known." Same today, but there are more people downloading entire albums, or even hacking into studios computers to get unrelealsed stuff and so on. Its a double edged sword. On one end, you get promotion, basicly for free. On the other side, album and single's sales pay your way too. Coming from a musicians point of view, if I spent 10,000's of dollars to record and album and I was breaking my ass on the road trying to just make enough to pay for said album and all the expenses on the road, I too would be pissed. Maybe my turnout would be good, but hey I got this album here buy it please. "no, I already downloaded it and so did my friends." Thanks for coming, please buy one of out $40 t shirts, or come see us again for $20 instead of $15 so we can make up the difference.
GregadetH said:
I like how the general feeling towards those who download music for free around here is that of scum. I steal my music. I admit it. I say fuck anyone who thinks it's wrong. Including the artist. I am known to buy local bands shit - but that's b/c it's their bread and butter we're talking about. Not because poor album sales means they have to buy a Navigator instead of an H2.

Cry me a fucking river.
God you're such a pussy.
And you're a warrior, I guess.

I think that if you really love the band, your support is what matters most. Bands make more money off of ticket sales and merch then they do CD's, and you can't download that shit. CD sales hurt the label more then the Artist. I agree that downloading has two sides, couldn't have said it any better myself. But if it's a band I really like, I'll always buy their shit. Even when CD's become $50 bucks a pop, I'll still buy Anthrax, Megadeth, Exodus CD's.
I can't justify buying a CD if there's only 2 or 3 good songs on it. But if I like all the songs on the album, I'll BUY THE ALBUM, even though I am a douche.
Movies cost millions of dollars to make. CDs cost thousands of dollars to make. Yet CDs are almost priced same as DVDs. WTF??
Well I don't know anything, so I'll shut up now.
no, that's an excellent point.

You pay anywhere from $9 to $10 to see a movie at the theater. That is way overpriced. You pay almost $20 for most CD's and DVD's. Also overpriced. Hollywood bitches about downloading - but have they done anything to make us want to stop? No. Lower ticket prices and CD prices and sales will increase. I know it's not just their call, but you would think the industry would have more sense.

Shit, my $41 dollar dream theater ticket just cost me $51. Explain that one? Thank you, ticketmaster.
Thrillho said:
no, that's an excellent point.

You pay anywhere from $9 to $10 to see a movie at the theater. That is way overpriced. You pay almost $20 for most CD's and DVD's. Also overpriced. Hollywood bitches about downloading - but have they done anything to make us want to stop? No. Lower ticket prices and CD prices and sales will increase. I know it's not just their call, but you would think the industry would have more sense.

Shit, my $41 dollar dream theater ticket just cost me $51. Explain that one? Thank you, ticketmaster.
I don't think "almost 20 dollars" for most DVDs is "overpriced"; Warner Brothers said it's costing them hundreds of thousands to restore and transfer the new Searchers DVD. And Criterion DVDs are priced at 30-40 bucks and not your run-of-the-mill Wal-Mart DVDs.

Here is YET ANOTHER fucking thread about Metallica that has spiralled into downloading. To think the topic is about Rick Rubin.
Actually, Drokk, I think the topics of Metallica and downloading are one and the same. After all, Lars put the band up as the poster children for the music industry.

Honestly, I see good and bad in downloading - check out sites like dimeadozen.org, which put up shows from only bands who allow taping. Yes, we should pay for the music we listen to - but downloading is a great way for an up-and-coming band to get their name out there, IMHO.

I, too, don't think $20 is too much for a DVD - hell, I have bought every season of The Simpsons 'cause I really believe it's worth the coin - but it is outrageous for a CD. Jesus, I used to buy day-of-release records for $6.98 back in '87.

The music industry really has missed the boat in that I truly believe if they set up a source for people to buy music at 25 cents a song, people would be shoveling money at them before they could count it. Start with some of the out-of-print records from the '60s and '70s, the times that people like me were growing up. I'd gladly pay a quarter a song for some of the music I used to listen to in my parents' record collection that still hold great memories for me.