Rites Of Darkness

I still await some scholarly disquisition explaining to me why Stoner Doom Metal is seriously deficient in value vis-a-vis bands such as Black Sabbath and Pagan Altar.

Electric Wizard might be my favorite Doom band, period. And that's saying a fucking lot, considering how much I love Candlemass.
All I see is herp derp stoner doom herp derp it sucks herp derp.

I don't enjoy brutal death metal but I don't go out of my way to say certain established bands in the subgenre suck just because I don't enjoy that type of metal.
Why is the fact that they're "established" relevant to his opinion of their music, and how do you know that his dislike for Electric Wizard is founded solely upon his distaste for stoner doom?

I don't have a whole lot of experience with the genre, but I generally think that all of the stoner nonsense is fucking awful simply due to the constituent elements of the style. The overstated "dirtiness" of the bass-heavy fuzz sound; the aimless "psychedelic" composition style, the generally "positive" atmosphere and common "chill" themes (I'm fully aware this is a generalization and that EW deals with Lovecraft and other dark themes, but their presentation of said themes totally weak and uninspiring to me); it's faux-heaviness. Compared with the genuinely macabre nature of bands like Reverend Bizarre or the esoteric darkness of Pagan Altar's first album, the archetypal stoner band is just kiddie shit.

With that being said, there are plenty of great bands that utilize "stoner" elements (don't even try to call me on hypocrisy by mentioning Black Sabbath); but the style in its purest form is just fucking gay.
I hate to sound like "Yeah dude what he said!" in regards to Guy's post because he's my friend in real life and has a major influence on how I listen to things, but...What he said.
Regarding the Sabbath/stoner thing...

For the life of me I dont see how any of you faggots can like sabbath or doom metal in general and not like Electric Wizard. Master of Reality is "stoner metal" as fuck and I never hear anyone talk badly about it, fuck it's where the sound came from.
Well it's pretty easy to like Sabbath and not Electric Wizard, since Sabbath is about 1000x more talented.

I like Electric Wizard because of the atmosphere of the music. It's like a deep murky pool of oblivion I can get lost in.
I love how positivity is viewed as a negative thing for music to possess. :p

It's not a negative thing at all, but I just don't like the way every stoner band I've heard expresses it. If I want to hear some spiritually uplifting music, I'll listen to an orchestra instead of a band of burnouts. Again, personal preferences and such.

Edit: Speaking of Pagan Altar...

"PAGAN ALTAR (UK) confirmed for an exclusive US show on Saturday, December 10th at Rites of Darkness 3!!!"

I came.
This is like a fucking arms race between RoD and MDF. Obviously MDF is losing big time, but the fact that it's so much more affordable for me...
Yo, I just was wondering how many people from this forum are actually planning on attending this fest, mostly just to inquire about any hotel situations etc... I just saw on the Rites Facebook page about a special deal at the Super 8, its like 70 bucks a night, which also includes free breakfast \m/ Its probably the best deal considering the price and the location. I would assume the 5 of us from the Peoria Crew will just split a room. I dont even know if there are enough people willing to go from here to get a full other room.