Roope Latvala

Noone in specific. It just annoys me when people are like "lolomgfanboi" just because someone buys a guitar that their hero uses or one that's similar. Yeah, I bought an RR that has one pickup but I don't think I've made one complaint about that guitar yet. In fact, it's the nicest guitar I've ever played and I don't regret it one bit and I'd actually rather THAT guitar have one pickup just because it'd look "wrong" with two and I already have an RG with two so it's not like I'm missing out. Same goes with the kids that buy their ESP RV's or AL's or whatever they're called. They're gonna be over the moon about their purchase so calling them names isn't really going to change that, ya know?
I completely understand. If the guitar is just what you wanted, who cares what other people think. I wasn't trying to poke fun at anyone with an Alexi guitar, I was stating that Roope's guitar doesn't sell because of his exposure and image. Hell, look at Zakk Wydle's ugly ass guitars. Doesn't stop hardcore Zakk Wylde fans from buying them :lol: If you are satisified at the end, that is all that matters.

btw, I would slay for your guitar :lol:
Roope will only have 2 solos on Blooddrunk and I think that sucks. But thing is, Roope composes his solos himself and they're not bodomish, whereas Alexi composes most of Janne's solos by guitar.. Maybe Roope will do more on the cover songs?
^Janne is good at his thing.. but Alexi is the one who composes the entire thing of the solos and duels, so obviously he composes them.. This has been said, due to the interesting thing that this is the reason Bodom's keyboard solos are a little unlogical for a keyboard player.

About Janne.. the only solo I know he's made is the one on Lake Bodom.. They don't really let us know, but it would be nice to know which ones of his solos he's done and which Alexi..

I guess for example maybe the solo on T,L&S and Chokehold are Janne's handwrite..
^Janne is good at his thing.. but Alexi is the one who composes the entire thing of the solos and duels, so obviously he composes them.. This has been said, due to the interesting thing that this is the reason Bodom's keyboard solos are a little unlogical for a keyboard player.

About Janne.. the only solo I know he's made is the one on Lake Bodom.. They don't really let us know, but it would be nice to know which ones of his solos he's done and which Alexi..

I guess for example maybe the solo on T,L&S and Chokehold are Janne's handwrite..
I'm pretty much 100 percent sure thats wrong, seeing as a lot of the stuff Janne plays would be completely impossible to write on guitar, such You're Better Off Dead, or Living Dead Beat. Unless Alexi is actually Allan Holdsworth masquerading as an alcoholic Finnish metalhead, then I can't see him writing anything like that on guitar, and I can't see him having the patience to write down every single note. I think he does write all the melodies and chords that Janne plays but I'm sure Janne said all his solos are improvised.