I'm just laughing at comments like "Royal Pinkage" each time Agalloch wins another round. It's like for years, fucking gr1m forest upstart trollops have called bands like Maiden or Megadeth gay (for using clean vocals or whatever), and now the worms in said forest are turning.

It's funny about the age thing though - how the older people are rooting for "Reign in Blood" and the younger folks are voting for the "oh woe is me, let me slit my wrists" music. I mean, I thought I liked Empyrium because I was mellowing out in my old age. :loco:
I guess I think the age thing is bull, because I'm 27, closer to 30 than 20, and I'll take Agalloch or Burzum (who is hardly something new) over RiB, which I thought was generic as they come.

But yeah, I know what you're saying. And as far as this forum, as of late there have been a helluva lot more tad metal/doom threads than black metal.
I think it's hilarious that probably half of the people that will vote for Burzum are doing so because it's more "metal" than Agalloch and it just wouldn't be right for a band that is less metal to win, regardless of which is the better album.
Erik said:
Agalloch is SO MUCH MORE traditionally metal than Burzum. Burzum is like abstract ambient fuzzy stuff with barely any roots in Sabbath and Priest and co and Agalloch has like guitar solos, discernible riffs, leads, melodic shit, you know, the stuff that's INSTANTLY tracable back to something like Maiden or Priest. But what do I know

Not much. Agalloch can't win bcause the don't have a legacy and they are only 6 years old. Fuck you're dumb.
J. said:
I guess I think the age thing is bull, because I'm 27, closer to 30 than 20, and I'll take Agalloch or Burzum (who is hardly something new) over RiB, which I thought was generic as they come.

Right, you're not falling into the nostalgia trap because you heard everything around the same timeframe. Of course most people are going to vote for RiB because they've spent more time with it.

But yeah, I know what you're saying. And as far as this forum, as of late there have been a helluva lot more tad metal/doom threads than black metal.

I think you're interpreting several threads to be reflective of the forum's general tastes. Surely that goes out the window now when you see these tournament results. You do realize that, for example, in the Manilla Road thread, there are 4 people in it.

Start a Burzum thread and I guarantee 30 people will enter and it'll be 8 pages long within 24 hours.
J. said:
Not much. Agalloch can't win bcause the don't have a legacy and they are only 6 years old. Fuck you're dumb.

BUT AGALLOCH ARE WINNING!!!! That's the ENTIRE POINT!!! I can't believe that the people voting for the winning bands are somehow feeling like they're in the minority here!
Henrik Main said:
I feel that Lurch, for one, is more open minded when it comes to newer music than a lot of the younger ones around here, tbh, even though he's WAY OLD LOLZ :)

hehe ... thanks, it means a lot coming from you :loco:

my method of thinking is very simple when it comes to "METAL" ... it should be metal ...

I don't like bands like Agalloch and the like because they seem to me as real emo, slit your wrist bands that are playing soft stuff ... and hiding under a metal banner. I don't know ... I can't explain it. Maybe it does have to do with age as when I grew up, metal was metal ...

I listen to all kinds of music, jazz, classical ... soft rock, etc.

I think JK put it best in some post no too long ago ... but I cannot find the post.

Burzum, I don't have a problem with ... the guy is a fuckign wacko ... but he's the real deal ... his music reflects his shcizo emotions ... and he seems to wear his bloody heart on his sleeve.

One thing is great about Agalloch making it this far ... everyone will be sick and tired of talking about them for awhile. :loco:
JayKeeley said:
BUT AGALLOCH ARE WINNING!!!! That's the ENTIRE POINT!!! I can't believe that the people voting for the winning bands are somehow feeling like they're in the minority here!

12-9 Burzum. But yeah, I'm happy that Agalloch has made it this far, quite impressive, though I'd like to see them win it all.
Erik said:
You're comparing one of THE most notable, well-known bands in black metal etc with an obscure, cult US trad metal band. Do something like a Judas Priest/Burzum comparison and it might be valid

My point is simply this: this forum's general tastes are reflective of more extreme, dark, depressive, melancholic, doomy metal -- I'm not sure why anyone would think otherwise - which is why it confuses me when people like Nate think that the only thing we talk about here is Iron Maiden. Wouldn't the tournament results contradict that?

Actually, for the top 4 bands in the tournament to be Burzum, Metallica, Agalloch, and Iron Maiden, I couldn't ask for a better result. Just as long as the votes are real -- you know, not something like 'Drudkh 24 - Pagan Altar 4' or whatever. :loco:
Erik said:
I personally think it's awesome that I started with 128 albums, and out of those the two finalists are:

* My favourite album ever (split with BMD)
* The album containing my favourite song ever

Just goes to show what excellent taste I have :D

Like I say, we REALLY REALLY need to branch out to other forums and spread the love. :tickled:

*remembers people telling me that RC is a black metal webzine :ill: *
Playing with deer antlers in the snow, Mr. J. William W = Not Metal :loco: :tickled:

lurch70 said:
I don't like bands like Agalloch and the like because they seem to me as real emo, slit your wrist bands that are playing soft stuff ... and hiding under a metal banner.

I don't understand this? Hiding under the metal banner? What the fuck does that mean? Search out Haughm's comments in The End forum and you'll see he doesn't really want to be classified as metal, but more neo-folk. His fans just happen to be metal fans. If Agalloch would have been released on some obscure label with Sol Invictus, metal fans would not be listening to Agalloch. So he's hardly "hiding". Are you thinking Agalloch want to be metal?

Look at this forum's love-child, Empyrium. THey aren't metal, but their fans are metal listeners.
Search out Haughm's comments in The End forum and you'll see he doesn't really want to be classified as metal, but more neo-folk.

so why were they included in this contest?

I mean, then we can go ahead and throw some Eagles, Rolling Stones etc. in the mix as well
you know ... I think I got it what the deal with Agalloch and the like is for the new generation.

it's a great band that is just heavy and excentric enough that plays soft stuff ... so the "real" metal heads don't feel like they are selling out or are Posers :loco:

in my days we had the hair bands and the like to soften things up ... you have Agalloch.

I mean, I am listening to the Mantle right now, just to make sure I am not goign crazy ... and this thing is maybe 20% metal ... then we have strumming acoustical passages all over the place ...

Now I am not saying this is bad music ... downer as hell and certainly not in the spirit of metal.
Agalloch are absolutely metal, I think it's the metal fanbase they try to disassociate themselves from more than anything else (you know, the GMD types), but I speculate.

Hey, this was only posted a few minutes ago:

Erik said:
Agalloch has like guitar solos, discernible riffs, leads, melodic shit, you know, the stuff that's INSTANTLY tracable back to something like Maiden or Priest.

That is exactly right. Shit, Agalloch even use harsh vocals.

Re: Empyrium, their first two albums are metal through and through (or certainly as metal as Agalloch anyway). I think it just so happens that people who tend to listen to "avante garde" metal will also listen to other forms of avante garde music as well, which is why transitioning from the first two Empyrium albums to the last two isn't too difficult. I guess in the same way, people that enjoy 'jazz metal' might like some jazz.