Royal Carnage design out of 10

are you talking about this forum? or the old site?

i would like to see the forum a little cheerier ... I like the white themes ... like The End and Elitist boards

edit ... just realised The End is no longer on UM

i get bad enough eyestrain at work from staring at irritatingly bright Excel worksheets, don't need that here.
what is this easy on the eyes shit? :lol:
the last few posts were like some old ladies posting
well we don't all have 20/20 vision dontchaknow. :loco:

i did until a few years ago though, not sure what happened. gaydom i guess.
JayKeeley said:
You know the layout is all a part of UM right? I'm ok with it. Like J said, it's not really a "to do" action item.

As far as I'm grateful for this forum, I think it doesn't look too good. Oh well...