Saddest thing you ever heard?

One of my friends seriously said this to me like 3 hours ago after having an argument about music
I'll try to not make it sound so bad

"why do you listen to bands like (then she tried to spell some of the bands I listen to ) . Opeth (she got that one right) doesn't even make sense . One minute it's all normal and then it's all hard rock with anoying vocals that a 5 year old could do for sure. They can't even play guitar that well they just put parts (good attempt at Riffs) together to try and make it sound good"

well by that time I was about to rip her skull open and see if she really did have any brains ... and what I am about to say I don't even want to but I had to ask her what she thought was complex and well thought out music and she replied by saying some shit like
"have you even heard the moulin rouge soundtrack, now that's what music is supposed to be about "

Towelie said this a while ago about mudvayne:

Mudvayne sucks ass??? How do you figure? Their song writing is genius, it's different... the playing is amazing

...And then in the same thread, bleed for me said about mudvayne:

have u heard the bassist? he is simply metal bassist i've ever seen... !

now THAT is sad.
Some of the saddest things I've heard recently come from various Metallisheep on the Metallica board.

Alright... im not sure about otherz but I AM getting pretty sick and tired of hearing people say that Metallica sold out or is selling out.. IT DOes not mATTER!! ITS THEIR MUSIC IT AINT YOURZ..let them sell out.. when u have career u can do what u want to do.. second of all u fansss are the ones who put most of the songs on the radio.. SELLouts are bands who keep on doing the same things over and over again with records and or sellout to the fans which meanz write for them.. dO U SEE THEM AT THE TOP OF THE CHARTS OR ON MTV.. UMM I DONT...yea so what their first 5 albums rock.. but so do reload and load... its metallica.. why DONT U GUYZ PLAY THEIR MUSIC AS HARD AND AS good as them.. no not many people can do it.. for the old fans TRY TO appreciate the newer stuff.. cuz its not that bad.. im not knocking u.. i love all metallica fanz and friends..but i hate when people say tallica sold out.. they are nOT PLAYING MUSIC FOR U THEY ARE DOING IT FOR THEM SELVEZZZZZZ.. THEY SAID THAT MANY TIMEZZZZZ... ENUF SAID.. I HOPE EVERYONE HAS A GReat night and im sorry if i knocked anybody..

anyone who picks a CERTAIN TYPE of metallica to like and still condider themselves a fan, need to stick their nuts in a FUCKING BLENDER AND PULSE FOR ABOUT 20 min all those fuckers who say they sold out and dont like their new stuff this is a big fat FUCK YOU!!!!

i know for one thing that i wo;uld be soooo bored listening to andjustice for all on a newer level.. like the same set up.. god that be boring that show a lack of creativity and ideas.. so shut up.. go listen to maiden.. hahah.. tallica is better personally.. sing it with me guyz.. we are scanninga scene in the city tonight we are looking for u to start up a fighttt theres an evil feeling \in our brainssss...james is 38 and he is still rocking like he is 19 except he actually can sing better now and he is just a kik azz guy... stop complaining and grow over it... he dont care what u think. all u people who think they sold out have a lack of intelligence and shoud be checked for retardation...!!!
some people, including a cradle of filth fan saying all my music is:

"rah rah devil devil kill kill kil shit"