Going to the toilet???????????!!!!!!!!!! In the good old days you made good use of the pocket of the person next to you and didn't miss anything. This country!!!!

Bit hard for me to do that Bert, I haven't got a willy!! :grin: Have you ever tried to crouch over a person's pocket without them noticing? lol It's not easy - they tend to get a bit annoyed! :grin: As a rule though, I don't go to the toilet (or bar) during a gig - but I suppose if I was going to, it would be during that song, or a guitar or drum solo :)
I am in San Antonio, Texas....not that any one cared to ask!

I am so hurt.......

Yeah......But it says san antonio texas as your location under your name mate...:lol:

And you told me you were from pensylvania originally too..

I was curious as to where some of the American people on here were from because i was wondering if anyone was to near to where my dad emigrated to which is pensylvania, planning to go and see him this year!!
Yeah......But it says san antonio texas as your location under your name mate...:lol:

Oh yeah!!!!..forgot about that....I fell better now!

And you told me you were from pensylvania originally too..

Enjooy my home state! I am originally from State College (the home of Penn State University) about 75 miles NE of Pittsburgh, in the center of the state.
the dates are getting closer

still some tickets missing....

[looking very forward to meet some of you guys in berlin

Tickets now bought for:


May try to go to Munich and Osnabruck (if I can scrape the money together).


Goss.:rock: :kickass: :rock:
Aaawwww Goss are you not coming to Glasgow this time!!!!! That's garbage cos I was soooooooo looking forward to ripping some of your patches of your jacket and sticking them on to mine:lol:

Aye damn right I'll be at that Hammerfall concert - not for Hammerfall of course - BUT FOR THE MIGHTY KROKUS. That is gonny be absolutely MINDBLOWING. I dont fancy the other band though - The Poodles - I dont think I've ever seen a more gayer looking band than those runts:lol:

And I'm just going to get my tickets right now for UFO at Glasgow Carling Academy for March 22. BRING IT ON:rock: !!!!!!!
if I can scrape the money together

sell your car and come over :lol:

good ticket-choice btw :)

I'm looking forward to my first Saxon live gig

i am sure your money is well invested :rock:

I'm so jealous of you guys! I wish I could go to one of these gigs........:waah:

beg steal or borrow :)

fetch your money - throw your job away - take the next plane and join us :rock:

you are surely well cared of here in our little europe !

we have small girls - tall girls - brutal girls - gentle girls - ugly girls - beautiful girls - sexy girls - big girls - tiny girls - fat girls - girls with long hair - girls with short hair - girls with fat asses - girls with small asses - girls with big airbags - girls with small airbags - stupid girls - intellectual girls - old girls - young girls - girls with "§(/$"§&(%/&§

erm ??????? what am i typing here :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

do NOT forget that it could be the last saxontour EVER !

that´s a fright that comes up by force when musicians get a little bit "older" which means of course "better" too....

they start to join other projects or they try to stand on "two feet" in case the one foot is not that fit any more - i hope you know what i am trying to say

we can hope and pray that the fantastic saxon five will tell us all when they will start the last tour they will make :waah:

but that is not guaranteed

and things change very fast

so get your ass up on the plane - enjoy the nice on-board-servicegirls - and come over here

the fact that the last 747 planned us-tourdates (unfortunately yesterday 4 eastern europe gigs too) were cancelled does not higher the chances that it will be realised in the future at all - what reasons ever....

IF I WAS YOU... <-- why do i type this ??? :lol:

i would get the next plane

i am sure thay you will find a group of honest saxonfans here in europe (no matter if they come from england scotland wales germany belgium netherlands or anywhere because they are ALL the same niceguys) to travel with

this crazy chicago-banger-guy here for example --> <-- is joining us for four gigs here :lol:

so go for it !

cu soon :rock:
Tickets now bought for:


May try to go to Munich and Osnabruck (if I can scrape the money together).


Goss.:rock: :kickass: :rock:

Nice one Goss, my Berlin tickets arrived yesterday. We should try to arrange a meet up, with Saxonator, Northern Lady and Saxonfan and anyone else who fancies it. :notworthy