say something about ... yourself!

yeah dude Norway's a tough place to live financially my friend rents an apartment and she pays like 9000 kr a month which is roughly 1500 bucks, and everything is super expensive, she gets paid 21 bucks an hour as a bartender at Kafka's but she still struggles.
So you create a comprehensive system of social services that costs everyone so much to fund it that they are much more likely to need to take advantage of it, thereby justifying its own existence.

Someone is pulling a brilliant scam.
No, Norway has such a good social system because they have huge oil reserves and their population is so small. Part of it is taxes and the other part of it is that they're so wealthy. If you don't have a job, the government gives you enough money to truly live on...enough to rent a flat and feed yourself. You won't be buying plasma tvs but you'll be able to live decently. They also give grants to artists...big grants. Wanna start a band? Apply for a grant from the government and you'll be able to afford some new gear.

The rest of Europe doesn't have as good a system as Norway because they don't have the capital, but Scandinavia as a whole has a really good system. In Finland you are issued a personal laptop when you enroll in university. A friend of mine here visited friends in college in Sweden and she said she didn't want to return to Italy because their life there was so good. It's not without it's problems, but it's kind of a one of a kind system.
Norway could be as broke as we are and I would still want to go. I don't know. I feel drawn to it. Metal aside, forget Borknagar, forget Vortex, I would still want to go. I wish I knew Norwegian instead of Japanese. It looks ridiculously easy to learn for an English speaker.

Karen-I see your point, however I often imagine the worse that could happen and then it DOES happen. I've been doing what Max said said though. "Whatever". It's truly a great piece of advice.
yesss, I took an upper division humanities class by accident (I'm a freshman) and thought I was doomed and would fail but on my first essay I got a B+, maybe I might survive after all :kickass: