say something about ... yourself!

eh, in a way, yes. But it was 5-4. that means that 4 Judges needs fucking bitch slapped for not respecting the constitution.
Pretty sad really

You really think the founding fathers had the foresight to know what would be best for this country nearly two-and-a-half centuries in the future? You gun toting patriotic idiots really need a lesson in critical thinking skills.

Put me on that judge panel and I'll vote against your pro-gun laws every single time.

"So, gun control ISN'T necessarily crime control. In fact, the National Academy of Sciences reviewed HUNDREDS OF STUDIES, and could NOT document a SINGLE GUN REGULATION that REDUCED violent crime OR murder."

but we shan't let FACTS get in the way of some good liberal suburban fear-mongering ignorance :loco:
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You really think the founding fathers had the foresight to know what would be best for this country nearly two-and-a-half centuries in the future? You gun toting patriotic idiots really need a lesson in critical thinking skills.

Put me on that judge panel and I'll vote against your pro-gun laws every single time.
I dont own guns because they are good for the country.
I own them to have the ability to protect myself. Fairly fucking simple.
I guess you're ok with having someone break into your house and not have a chance to stop them. smart man.
Blaming the gun in a murder always makes me think of the dumb cunts who blame the video game in the same situation. The person was psychologically unstable, not the inanimate object. Thinking the person's violent mental state would have been pacified without a firearm is always good for a laugh. They'll just lash out another way.
Truth in that as well.

Just not a supporter of putting heavier restrictions on obtaining a firearm legally. The ones who pass the gauntlet of checks are typically the most responsible folks and least likely to use their legally-bought-in-their-name guns illegally. The illegal ones are the killers, and they're a lot easier to come by.
We've had this gun discussion before, and as I recall I was right, some of you were in between incorrect and correct and the rest of you were flat out wrong, misguided and moronic.

Let's just leave it there.

(p.s. I don't give a shit what Americans do with guns in their own country. You don't really travel with them, so please continue to shoot each other in the faces/knee caps/legs/feet/ears.)
I've had the same type of responses. Left there.

And I feel the same way, although I don't direct at one country. Let the fools keep killing each other worldwide if they like. And let the politicians keep passing futile laws that have zero effect on gun violence.
Anything I can do to reduce a black eye before I have to go back to work Friday? It's not all that bad, but my manager certainly won't like it. There's not much swelling just a bruise.
Time is the only sure healer. A cold compress will help, but I don't know how much - it certainly won't make it disappear. Failing that, the internet says vitamin C can work, but I sincerely doubt the studies that suggest that.

Make up, is another option. A little foundation may take the edge off of it! :)