say something about ... yourself!

I certainly don't disagree that the main responsibility is with the owner, not the gun, but the flaw in that argument is that most "other ways" are less lethal.

I'm somewhere in this mindset.

There's nothing inherently wrong about owning a handgun, but some people just shouldn't own one, regardless of rights. If you pose with a fucking gun in a picture you post on an internet forum, you shouldn't have a handgun.

I've been around handguns all my life and if I had waved them around, posed with them, or done anything but clean them and shoot at a target with them, I would've gotten my ass beaten half to death.

Irresponsible gun enthusiasts seem to think that acting responsibly with a handgun means not shooting children in the face and not shooting yourself in the foot and everything else is ok, then they defend themselves by saying, "I'm a responsible gun owner!" No you're not. You're posing in a picture, glorifying yourself on the internet with a handgun, and that's irresponsible use of a handgun.

And how many times have I heard, "Oh yeah, I can handle a firearm just as well as the military or law enforcement!"? No, you can't. If that were true, you wouldn't be posting pictures of yourself online with your handgun, pointing it at your own head, and treating it as if it were a toy. You would never handle it unless you were cleaning it or shooting it. If you acted that way in the military or law enforcement, they'd take your weapon away from you and send you to a psyche evaluation, so that whole argument is completely bogus. Knowing how to clean your weapon and shoot it doesn't mean you're trained to use it. Go ahead and point your weapon in any direction besides downrange in the military and see just how many people put you on the ground. Even if you're in the military and are well-trained, accidents happen. A Security Forces guy here who has had extensive military training in all firearms got complacent one day while he was changing shifts and accidentally shot himself because forgot there was one left in the chamber when securing his weapon. He had done it a million times and let his professionalism and safety guard down and shot himself. Accidents happen and no matter how much training you have, you have to have total focus and absolute respect for the firearm at all times. Now if someone who has been to a warzone can let it happen, are you telling me that someone who likes to shoot beer cans off his fence out in bum-fucked Egypt is exempt simply because he has the right to own one and knows how to clean it and shoot it? No. That argument is just as ridiculous as the people who think they're trained to use a handgun because they know how to fire it and clean it.
Irresponsible gun enthusiasts seem to think that acting responsibly with a handgun means not shooting children in the face and not shooting yourself in the foot and everything else is ok, then they defend themselves by saying, "I'm a responsible gun owner!" No you're not. You're posing in a picture, glorifying yourself on the internet with a handgun, and that's irresponsible use of a handgun.

And how many times have I heard, "Oh yeah, I can handle a firearm just as well as the military or law enforcement!"? No, you can't. If that were true, you wouldn't be posting pictures of yourself online with your handgun, pointing it at your own head, and treating it as if it were a toy. You would never handle it unless you were cleaning it or shooting it. If you acted that way in the military or law enforcement, they'd take your weapon away from you and send you to a psyche evaluation, so that whole argument is completely bogus. Knowing how to clean your weapon and shoot it doesn't mean you're trained to use it. Go ahead and point your weapon in any direction besides downrange in the military and see just how many people put you on the ground. Even if you're in the military and are well-trained, accidents happen. A Security Forces guy here who has had extensive military training in all firearms got complacent one day while he was changing shifts and accidentally shot himself because forgot there was one left in the chamber when securing his weapon. He had done it a million times and let his professionalism and safety guard down and shot himself. Accidents happen and no matter how much training you have, you have to have total focus and absolute respect for the firearm at all times. Now if someone who has been to a warzone can let it happen, are you telling me that someone who likes to shoot beer cans off his fence out in bum-fucked Egypt is exempt simply because he has the right to own one and knows how to clean it and shoot it? No. That argument is just as ridiculous as the people who think they're trained to use a handgun because they know how to fire it and clean it.

Amen, Chris.
Couldn't have said it better myself.


eh, in a way, yes. But it was 5-4. that means that 4 Judges needs fucking bitch slapped for not respecting the constitution.
Pretty sad really

pfff.... read a little about the history, the ideas and the REAL reason they even had the second amendment.
In a nut shell,it was to allow the people to form militias if necessary to fight a corrupt government or foreign government.
I really don't see the fun in going to the range (indoor, or outdoor) and spending all day there shooting. When i'm at the range to sight in the M4 or to qualify it's usually 100 degrees and we're in our IBA's and ACH's. And when we've actually had to shoot back, it was never closer than 500 meters so you guys at the 200 yard range can suck a dick, because all we've ever shot at was muzzle flashes. So if you enjoy shooting that much, fucken enlist or sight in your shit and lock it up because you will never need it.
My dad has an antique rifle collection, and that's all it is, a collection. Just there to look at, admire, and polish. Not loaded; he doesn't even have ammo for them. Does that make it wrong, or, irresponsible for him to handle them if he's not cleaning them or shooting them? He does take them out just to look at their details. Omg!
Well a big part of collecting antique guns is about the physical appearance of the guns. David and Frank seem to collect their non-antique guns based on that as well. So, why would it be wrong just for them to take their guns out to study details? Just saying because Chris said you shouldn't handle a gun unless you're cleaning it or shooting it.

Antique or new, they're still GUNS capable of shooting.
Well a big part of collecting antique guns is about the physical appearance of the guns. David and Frank seem to collect their non-antique guns based on that as well. So, why would it be wrong just for them to take their guns out to study details? Just saying because Chris said you shouldn't handle a gun unless you're cleaning it or shooting it.

Because you do not keep an antique collectable weapon besides your bed, waiting for the possibility for someone to break in your house so you would kill/shoot them and justify the fact that you own one.

An antique gun, for the most part is not used for shooting/crimes

Most antique guns are not even safe anymore to shoot with, so most of them are out of commission and those guns are only there for one's pleasure and collection, unlike Frank's weapons that are 100% killing devices and last time I checked: not at all out of commission and function quite well.

I suggest never to visit Frank’s house after he goes to bed with a 6-pack of beers and a friendly visit in mind, because you will be shot to death.
Not everyone who collects new guns keeps them by their bedside, exactly, and for the purpose of shooting someone. Don't consider Frank, or David for a second. What I'm trying to say is that some people collect new guns for the same reasons that some collect antique guns. Is it wrong for them to handle their guns if they're not cleaning or shooting them?

And if it's wrong for them to have guns in general, then I don't think it should matter if they're new or antique. An antique gun CAN kill someone, doesn't matter if it shoots like new or if it's out of commission. Just because it's antique doesn't mean you should discount it's capabilities.
Pistols are made for killing people. They have no other purpose. You don't hunt game with pistols. Therefore, I find the restraint of such bloodthirsty people inclined to own them rather admirable when they don't kill people with them, and instead, appreciate their admirable contours.
Well, anyway. My stance is that the government could take guns away from good people, but criminals will always have them. Guns will never just *go away* and criminals will have them regardless of laws. They are criminals, afterall. Criminals have things that are illegal. The more illegal they are, the more they will have them! That considered, hell yes I would have a gun in my home for protection. I don't see the need of having an armory in my house, but I think one gun is necessary unless you are just so totally skilled with a samurai sword that you can deflect bullets off the thing.

My grandmother probably would have been raped and maybe killed if she'd not had her pistol to point at the guy breaking into her house. He'd been looking at her through the window and then decided to come in. I doubt a knife would have deterred him. Maybe a crossbow? :loco:
I'm happy with my Machete and bō staff. Unlike others I've actually been trained in bōjutsu and also with kodachi-sized wooden swords. Good ol' Karate. Not that that would mean I can dodge or reflect bullets, but people don't really use guns up here. Guns are pretty stupid.
There's a bigger problem of people killing others or themselves through mishandling of cars they own, than of people killing others or themselves through the mishandling of guns they own (not including intentional crimes committed by criminals, who will always have guns regardless). I'd feel safer sitting in Frank's house than being in a car on the highway, honestly.

Yes, cars are made for transport and not solely to kill. But they sure do a GREAT job of killing people if operated irresponsibly.
Not much to tell, guys. I was wasted, he was wasted, we were fighting over something stupid, once I fell to the ground and got stomped he pretty much won.

I will try the ice and make up, thanks guys. God I hope I don't get fired for this.