say something about ... yourself!

You can point a gun at yourself all you want. Hell, load it and pull the trigger for all I care. Just make sure you don't injure someone else in the process, because that's what usually happens.
No, I'm OCD-tastic when the guns are loaded and people are nearby. Ask Glenn how meticulous I can be. But I shant insult your sensibilities with gunplay humor again. Don't think I care to set the board off into a civil war again over it.
It wasn't aimed at you, so to speak. I just used that picture as a single example of the poor judgement and casual manner in which we view handguns these days. I'm sure you're a competent shooter and safe as well.

I'm not exempt from this, either. Growing up, I've made careless mistakes with firearms and I got the living shit beaten out of me for it.

New drinking glass...


Notice how thick the rim is. Can bludgeon someone to death with it.

And since I promised not to point guns at my head anymore...

My mom made those amazing tahini-cookies which I know sounds odd, but they are AMAZING. Melt in your mouth and so yummy. That has been my breakfast in the past week, and now I am finishing up cookie # 3 and I just wanted to share this magical moment with you.

Shitty morning. I have a USPS package that's been "out for delivery" for two days now but it hasn't come. And I had a UPS package scheduled for delivery this morning. I checked the tracking at about 11:00 AM and it said it was delivered to the front porch at 10:44 AM. it wasn't!!? I'd been watching and waiting! Sooo, I called UPS, they told me I had to call the company I ordered from to open an investigation. I did that, then they called UPS. Then UPS called me: "Miss Taylor, I talked to the driver and he says he thinks he delivered it to the right house but that there's a possible chance he left it on the next street over. He won't be able to go and check until 6:00 PM."

6:00 PM?! Derick and I drove over to the next street, and sure enough, there was my package sitting on the porch of the wrong house, on the wrong freakin' street. NICE.
My mom made those amazing tahini-cookies which I know sounds odd, but they are AMAZING. Melt in your mouth and so yummy. That has been my breakfast in the past week, and now I am finishing up cookie # 3 and I just wanted to share this magical moment with you.



I shall be collecting my monthly tribute in tahini cookies this time, Karen.
Forget what I said about the limited time only Honey BBQ Chicken Sandwhich.

Whataburger has this honey bisquit chicken strip sandwhich. OMG. I was pretty drunk but it may have just been the most orgasmic thing I've ever eaten.

I also had lobster for the first time at my job the other week, how I've been missing out!