say something about ... yourself!

Shitty morning. I have a USPS package that's been "out for delivery" for two days now but it hasn't come. And I had a UPS package scheduled for delivery this morning. I checked the tracking at about 11:00 AM and it said it was delivered to the front porch at 10:44 AM. it wasn't!!? I'd been watching and waiting! Sooo, I called UPS, they told me I had to call the company I ordered from to open an investigation. I did that, then they called UPS. Then UPS called me: "Miss Taylor, I talked to the driver and he says he thinks he delivered it to the right house but that there's a possible chance he left it on the next street over. He won't be able to go and check until 6:00 PM."

6:00 PM?! Derick and I drove over to the next street, and sure enough, there was my package sitting on the porch of the wrong house, on the wrong freakin' street. NICE.
I have to deal with this crap more often then I would like. Half the time when I declare something as missing when UPS of Fedex says they shipped it they send me this email saying that, "This package was signed off by this signature (insert squiggly line that looks like a three year olds drawings on a wall) and multiple times (insert same exact squiggly line three more times) so the package must have been delivered".
Normally I end up calling the local terminal and bitch them out about not being able to have their drivers deliver things like they're supposed to. At least some random person didn't snatch your package.
Sucks, Justin. I understand accidents happen but this was still quite aggravating. I'm sure they mainly use GPS to find locations, but damn. Can't they even take a glance at street signs? I knocked on the door of the house where it was delivered; didn't want to just snatch something off their porch without them knowing. Butttt they didn't answer, so I snatched :goggly:

The company I ordered from (Zappos) was actually very helpful in resolving the situation, so I sent them a thank you email, and in return they are giving me free overnight shipping on all future purchases! :kickass:
Just got back from my vacation in Santa Cruz. It was pretty awesome. I went to Monterey and saw some of my old stomping grounds. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is huge now! They even have penguins! (pics later when i unsard) The best part was that most of Monterey and Santa Cruz hasnt changed much at all in the past 20 years. So nostalgia was there. I saw Corey Feldman's band play on the Bandstand at the Boardwalk and saw the movie The Lost Boys on a huge screen on the beach. It was great!
Just got back from my vacation in Santa Cruz. It was pretty awesome. I went to Monterey and saw some of my old stomping grounds. The Monterey Bay Aquarium is huge now! They even have penguins! (pics later when i unsard) The best part was that most of Monterey and Santa Cruz hasnt changed much at all in the past 20 years. So nostalgia was there. I saw Corey Feldman's band play on the Bandstand at the Boardwalk and saw the movie The Lost Boys on a huge screen on the beach. It was great!

You're an old Monterey-ian? I went to PGMS and PGHS back in the early 90s