say something about ... yourself!

I don't know, man... I work in a restaraunt. When I got hired I signed something that pretty much said the proprietor could fire me for any reason he wanted to without explanation. It's not nearly as bad as the last black eye I had, but it's really unprofessional.

Also, I don't know what the fuck is going on with my dads corpse right now. He's been dead for like a month and a half, his cunt blond gold digging wife who only married him a few months prior won't pick up the phone for me, my mom, my dads mom, my aunts. We're in a huge argument with her. We know someone down in the valley that could cremate him for free, the bitch insist on waiting. Claiming she can do what she wants to legally, etc.

Once she brought up "heaven" I started shouting at her so hard she hung up the phone and kept it that way. 5 of the 6 morges or cemetarys or hospitals or something, (this is what my mom just told me, I forgot the word she used) don't even have a record of him.

Also, before he died, he was out of ICU for like a week and doing ok. Then it happened really suddenly. The bitch also fucked me out of life insurance using the last of his money for a court case with her ex husband.

My mom said the social security place thinks I should hire a lawyer.

I don't know what to do. :/
Focus only on what you can control and that is a necessity for your living and future. Keep ice on the eye as often as possible, explain to your boss what happened and that it was an accident and that you realize that it looks unprofessional. He'll understand and will most probably not even care since you're a good worker.

As for her, what kind of money are we talking here? Are we talking at least 6 figures? Because if not, don't even waste your time with a lawyer or whatever, just let it go. She's no longer a part of anyone's life anymore...your dad is dead (sorry, btw) and she has no ties to the family and vice versa. Cut that bitch off and let her hang herself.

Not to sound harsh, but your dad's body is her problem now, and although you'd like to see a proper burial and all that sentimental stuff, eventually it will get done and whichever way it's done won't change the fact that he's gone. Since she's in control of everything that means it's her responsibility, so let her handle it. Wash your hands of it and be done with it all. When she comes looking for help or advice or whatever (and she will), you can then tell her that it's her responsibility and if she no longer wants that responsibility then she can sign everything over to you, including all financial assets.
Thanks DW. I've pretty much been doing just that, but since he died my mom has been drinking daily and comes at me with all these ridiculous theories. I disregard it and realize it's out of my hands, I guess she was starting to get to me.

I don't care about the life insurance, it's just the principal of low long she's waiting and the fact the won't even tell his son or mother where his god damn body is.
Well, anyway. My stance is that the government could take guns away from good people, but criminals will always have them. Guns will never just *go away* and criminals will have them regardless of laws. They are criminals, afterall. Criminals have things that are illegal. The more illegal they are, the more they will have them! That considered, hell yes I would have a gun in my home for protection. I don't see the need of having an armory in my house, but I think one gun is necessary unless you are just so totally skilled with a samurai sword that you can deflect bullets off the thing.

Quite a few guns will go away if you outlaw them. Will some criminals still have them? Sure, but a lot won't. There are several countries with far stricter gun control laws than the US and their gun violence is usually lower.

My grandmother probably would have been raped and maybe killed if she'd not had her pistol to point at the guy breaking into her house. He'd been looking at her through the window and then decided to come in. I doubt a knife would have deterred him. Maybe a crossbow? :loco:

You're using an exception to prove a rule. Statistically, your grandmother is much more likely to shoot herself, the neighbor's kid or you with that gun. Alternatively, she will have that gun stolen and then used in a crime, probably with her as the victim. The likelihood of her actually using that gun for effective self defense is much lower than either of those other outcomes.

The best home defense is still a good dog. My friend had her home invaded by a knife wielding man while she was in the bedroom with her three kids. Luckily, she fought him off and chased him away. A dog would have helped her, a gun would not and a dog would have helped your grandmother just as much as a pistol. Probably more since I doubt she'll have enough advance warning to locate her gun when a man wants to break into her home.

That said, I am a firm believer in gun ownership but done smartly. There is no reason for assault rifles to be legal since they have no practical use for home defense or hunting. If you want a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle, be my guest. Just go through a waiting period, go through gun safety training, register it properly and be responsible for what happens to that gun.

Responsible gun owners are great!
There should be a driver's license exam for gun owners. Want a gun permit? Go through a proper training course, written and practical examination including target qualifying at range. If you can't pass the test and you can't shoot, you can't own a gun. The military and law enforcement have to do it and so should all these people who want to play Army.
There should be a driver's license exam for gun owners. Want a gun permit? Go through a proper training course, written and practical examination including target qualifying at range. If you can't pass the test and you can't shoot, you can't own a gun. The military and law enforcement have to do it and so should all these people who want to play Army.

^ aye, I can definitely get behind that.
There should be a driver's license exam for gun owners. Want a gun permit? Go through a proper training course, written and practical examination including target qualifying at range. If you can't pass the test and you can't shoot, you can't own a gun. The military and law enforcement have to do it and so should all these people who want to play Army.
CA more or less does this. *shrugs*
It's the only thing I can think of without banning handguns that could be a viable option. I'm never for the stripping of freedoms, even ones I deem unnecessary, because it's not about me but rather about the entire population. Of course the gun nuts don't share that sort of willingness to meet in the middle on the issue, but then again they're the ones who I'm scared of the most, not criminals. To them it's, "I want to be able to buy a handgun at the grocery store right by the impulse buys next to the checkout counter and you're trampling on my rights if you don't give that to me!"

Yeah, if I ever get shot, it'll probably be from someone waving a pistol around playing cowboy rather than some thug breaking into my home. I have a dog and a big giant club next to my bed, and I wouldn't even want a handgun. I'd take much, much more pleasure in bashing someone's skull in for trying to break into my house than shooting them.
Who cares. I think you're just afraid of guns, really. I'm wasting my breath talking to you about it, as you are me.
I wasn't using my grandma to prove a point that a good person should be able to protect his or self with the same force of a gun wielding criminal attacking them. I don't know that the guy even had a gun. Just saying in that instance it was good she had it. She'd seen him peeking in and had plenty of time to go get the gun before he started breaking in. She had several dogs but they were all in the back yard. Had they been in the house they might have gone after the guy, but she never would have had a dog for the purpose of protection. Too much of an animal person.

Mexico already does a wonderful job of smuggling people, drugs, and guns. Outlawing guns in the US wouldn't stop that. If guns were outlawed they would become a lot more valuable to criminals because it would make it easier to prey on the general population who can no longer have them.
Mexico already does a wonderful job of smuggling people, drugs, and guns. Outlawing guns in the US wouldn't stop that. If guns were outlawed they would become a lot more valuable to criminals because it would make it easier to prey on the general population who can no longer have them.


Guns have saved my ass more than once. Way too paranoid to tell the stories.
My parents have always owned one revolver for protection. It's put away, but within fairly quick reach. I was maybe 5 years old when they showed it to me. They explained exactly what it was, exactly what it was for, exactly what it was NOT for, what could happen if I played with it, etc...and that was it. I understood and I had no desire to mess with it. I've seen the thing maybe 2 or 3 times in my 26 years of existence. It's always been around and no one's ever been shot with it.

I agree that the rednecks waving their guns around "playing cowboy" are stupid and shouldn't be doing so, but a lot of idiots shouldn't be doing a lot of idiotic things.
My family did the same thing with me, they taught me to respect them. We had a .44 and a .357 in the gun cabinet and holstered. I was never allowed to touch them. My rifle and shotguns I was allowed to use only with supervision until I got to the age where I went hunting on my own.
Who cares. I think you're just afraid of guns, really. I'm wasting my breath talking to you about it, as you are me.

I'm not at all afraid of guns...I've been shooting since I was 8, when I got my first single-shot 20 gauge shotgun to go squirrel hunting with my dad. I hated it at first...too loud and kicked too hard. He decided I wasn't ready and waited till I was ready again, and then by that time I was used to it and able to use it better. At that time he had a .38 in the top drawer. I always knew it was there, he showed it to me and explained to me what it was used for and that I should never, ever touch it unless he was present in a shooting environment. I never even dared put a finger on it.

But in the last 20 years, people have become de-sensitized to guns and no longer respect them, and that's when people get killed. I'm not afraid of guns, I'm afraid of people who use them carelessly and call it a hobby like it's stamp collecting or something.
I'm not at all afraid of guns...I've been shooting since I was 8, when I got my first single-shot 20 gauge shotgun to go squirrel hunting with my dad. I hated it at first...too loud and kicked too hard. He decided I wasn't ready and waited till I was ready again, and then by that time I was used to it and able to use it better. At that time he had a .38 in the top drawer. I always knew it was there, he showed it to me and explained to me what it was used for and that I should never, ever touch it unless he was present in a shooting environment. I never even dared put a finger on it.

But in the last 20 years, people have become de-sensitized to guns and no longer respect them, and that's when people get killed. I'm not afraid of guns, I'm afraid of people who use them carelessly and call it a hobby like it's stamp collecting or something.

If I say 3 Our Fathers and 4 Hail Marys, and promise never to point a gun at myself again in humor, am I absolved father? Will you lay off? Or shall I flagellate myself a few times?