say something about ... yourself!

But of course!

Friend's having a wedding upstate on Sunday (ON WORLD CUP SUNDAY GPDDDAMNNITIT...), so I thought I'd get a couple days in the City beforehand. Bums that you can't make it out! I'll have to settle for the far less sexy Will. And the slightly far less sexy Max.
Summer seems to have finally come to Seattle. I got burned like crazy in Colorado and now I have to stay out of probably the only week of warm weather we'll get in Seattle this year.

I've been so ultra busy lately with a new job and running around and being tired all the time. I barely have time to even hang out on the internet for fun anymore, and to be honest... I feel mysteriously OK with that. I'm sitting trying to think of something to tell you guys, but every time I do, I decide it's pointless because who would care anyways?

Also, I'm not happy with my camera any more and I think I might actually sell it. I have zero inspiration and lugging that huge thing around with me now feels more like carrying a backpack full of rocks than a backpack full of a fun hobby. I sort of miss how easy my old lil point and shoot camera is to operate and get unique angles from and what-not. It's much easier to use in spur of the moment type settings. I dunno, we'll see. I don't want to sell it, but I genuinely have no motivation to use it anymore. I thought taking it to Colorado would help fix that, but it surely didn't. It was mostly just a burden to have to keep track of it the whole time I was there.
Max - I'm going to NYC tomorrow, but it will be in the early morning. I'm buying a Bela Lugosi autograph from a guy for $350, and we're meeting at his apartment in the Upper West Side of Central Park, then celebrity stalking, then doing karaoke with Brooks.