say something about ... yourself!

Great job Altitudes, you guitar videos are actually worth display. I pick easy ass songs. :)

I'd like to ask, how should the amp and speakers the background of a song are in be distance-wise from the webcam? the earthquake last night woke me up at 5am, only I wasn't aware of it.
I remember waking up, looking at the clock and thinking I still have time and went back to sleep, but this morning I heard there was an earthquake in the DC area around 5am.. Shrike didn't even bark... nothing.

Back to normal.
Same thing happened to me when we had one on Halloween morning year before last. It struck just after midnight. I woke up, looked at the clock, was happy to see that it was barely past midnight, and went back to sleep. Then when I got up in the morning I found out there had been an earthquake right at that time. Strange, because our house rattles from passing trains all the time, and that never wakes me up!
Yeah, but I doubt trains can cause the same effect as an earthquake can. I've been to shakey houses before due to noise/outside factors, and I have felt several earthquakes in my life, and the latter is such a strange feeling... comes from within... so odd, in a bad way.

I bet your body was like: "hey whats that?! it ain't no train!" (same with mine this morning at 5!)

..I'm just so amazed Shrike didn't bark...
Yeah, it's just a natural "uh oh, this isn't right" kind of reaction our bodies have. I'm surprised Shrike didn't bark either; animals are particularly sensitive to that kind of thing. Maybe he knew it was so mild that it wasn't worth waking you up for with his barks, aww.
haha, well, he does wake me up every storm because he is terrified of thunders... he is shaking like a little leaf and wants to come inside my bedroom to sleep by my bed. So cute. I let him in when there are storms.

But yeah, our bodies definitely know trains from earthquakes :lol:
I u sed to live right by a trainyard where they connected trains together 24 hours a day. Every time they connect, they slam the cars into each other and there's a huge "BAAAAAANG" followed by shaking earth. Sometimes it's worse than other times. I remember the first night I was there, I was just falling asleep and then "BANG!!!" I woke right up and thought "Oh great, this is what I'm store for with living here?"

A week later I never heard the trains while sleeping again. Got used to it :)