say something about ... yourself!

Oh believe you me, I'd MUCH rather fall asleep in the peace and quiet of the wilderness than loud banging city areas. It's just that I got used to it eventually :)
Earthquakes waking people up, feh. I'm from California, and earthquakes make me sleep BETTER. It's like a nice massage in my dreams.
I u sed to live right by a trainyard where they connected trains together 24 hours a day. Every time they connect, they slam the cars into each other and there's a huge "BAAAAAANG" followed by shaking earth. Sometimes it's worse than other times. I remember the first night I was there, I was just falling asleep and then "BANG!!!" I woke right up and thought "Oh great, this is what I'm store for with living here?"

A week later I never heard the trains while sleeping again. Got used to it :)

There's something they do next to my house that's also like that. But it's just tracks, not a trainyard, so I guess maybe it's the sound of them changing tracks. But yeah it is a HUGE, shaking noise. The first time I heard it I thought a train had derailed or something. But now it'd be weird NOT to hear it :loco:
I find it hard to sleep without my fan running all night, every night. My fiancee didn't like it at first but she got used to it and now can't really sleep without it.
But what gets me is that she can sleep with the lights on, That would drive me to madness.
I find it hard to sleep without my fan running all night, every night. My fiancee didn't like it at first but she got used to it and now can't really sleep without it.
But what gets me is that she can sleep with the lights on, That would drive me to madness.

Same here. The fan has to be on. When I lived in our laundry closet I would keep the vent fan on while I slept. I can, however, sleep with the lights on. I HAD to do it for so many years that it's not a problem. Darkness is much better though.
People don't understand what deafening silence is unless they're used to sleep noise. I CAN sleep in absolute quiet, but it takes effort.
I can sleep with lights on/ off, fan on/ off, noise/ silence, tornado outside, windows open/ close, earthquakes, aliens landing on earth, Poseidon rising from the deep seas, etc etc...
I can sleep anywhere and under any conditions.
Of course, some nights are better than others and sometimes I can't sleep either (from numerous reasons) but for the most part: I can sleep, and I can sleep good no matter where I am.
I can sleep when its quiet, like when the power goes out. The problems is that whenever a noise does occur I'm up and wide awake. If it stayed quiet all night I'd be able to sleep until I needed to wake up the next morning.
Cara- Why would you have to sleep with the lights on all night?
Cara- Why would you have to sleep with the lights on all night?

Never had my own room growing up, never. My teenage years were spent sleeping in our living room (on a cot) with the kitchen light shining right in my face, because my brothers stayed up all night. I guess they were too lazy to turn the light off when they weren't in there, and my mom would never enforce any rules upon them. They always got what they wanted, I always got the shaft. Isn't the baby of the family supposed to be the spoiled one? :loco:
Usually the first born gets it better from what I've seen.

As for sleeping with distractions, few sleep when in the same room after I ate some heavy caliber foods.
Usually the first born gets it better from what I've seen.
LOL! not really. Atleast not in my family. My brother did get his fair share but once he moved out, it was I who got teh spoilz!

I remember like 10 years ago, i was spending the night at my sisters place since we were gonna go somewhere or something the next day. That morning, balls early, there was a small earthquake. I was like "Ashgfdhfgd wha---" and then went back to sleep. I really thought i dreamed that but the phone was off the hook (since it was on the wall) and some of my sister's nicknacks were all toppled over. It was only like a 4 pointer...Living in California makes you rather apathetic toward earthquakes. (unless theyre huge.)

I have to sleep with the fan on and air circulating, otherwise i cant sleep or im constantly coughing. Air must circulate no matter what. Thats why i cannot sleep in really hot conditions.
I picked up Maggie from the vet today. she had a cancerous tumor removed from her mouth/cheek area.
She is in very good spirits, one side of her face is puffy right now. I'm a bit bummed because the doctor mentioned that he felt a mass in her abdomen while he had her under. So she may have more.

Poor little Bassett.
actually, scratch that... I know when I CAN NOT sleep: when it's hot.

I keep my house REALLY cold at night and stay under the comforter. SOOO NIICEEE

I do the same. When I wake up in the morning my bedroom is freezing.

YES. One of my favorite sensations in the world is bundling up under the comforter in a cold room, especially during the summer.
Yus! No camping this weekend, I'm gonna go home, sit down with some Supergoose and a bowl and surf the Neverboard all night long.

Also, sleep in tomorrowwwwwww :headbang: