say something about ... yourself!

Saw 'Until The Light Takes Us' in 2D. Was really grim actually! Great blasts, great rejects!

Saw this last year when the directors came through town. It was cool to finally get visuals attached to the places I'd only read about, but other than that it didn't present a whole lot that was new. The little kid staring at Frost on the plane was priceless though :lol:
Ballsacks. I took my memory card out of my phone for some reason and when I put it back in it didn't work. All my pictures, saved texts, contacts, phone numbers... bye bye :(
Saw this last year when the directors came through town. It was cool to finally get visuals attached to the places I'd only read about, but other than that it didn't present a whole lot that was new. The little kid staring at Frost on the plane was priceless though :lol:

It was pretty incredible to hear Varg himself retell the story of that night with Euronymous. There's still a ton of holes in his story, including some seriously paranoid delusions he seemed to treat as completely viable. "What confirmed my suspicions was when he wrote me a letter trying to be friendly" huh?

But other than that, the arc of the movie wasn't particularly well done; I think if I wasn't already completely familiar with the story already, I'd probably be lost.

Fenriz's bitchslap on the phone to that Dutch reporter was great too :lol:
These are not sexy so I post here. This was last week before using my tanning canopy, the condition that my arms had been in for at least the last two months:

And today, one week later. This pic's kind of blurry but you can tell it's better.

A little UV never hurt anyone :cool:

When I look close at this stuff I can see it's getting better. When it's active it's just red. When it's healing it takes on a sort of broken glass appearance, with white in it, and that's how it is today!
teaching a morning Muay Thai class at 6:15 am mon, tues, thurs. It's tough getting up and getting there by 6 to turn on the lights and get everything ready and warm up but it's super fun (being the leader of the class I can blast slayer and other heavy shit if I want instead of dance music like the night class haha). If being a personal trainer (I'm studying for NASM CPT and almost ready for my test) is anywhere near as fun as this I think my job is going to kick some pretty hard ass. If you live in or around SF and want to join it's at Promax which is near SF State; it's a super cool gym filled with super nice people and a tonnn of classes (membership is $65 a month and they usually give people free trials too). I've upped my conditioning and strength so much it's crazy and I went down from 205 to 182 lbs in less than a year I think.
These are not sexy so I post here. This was last week before using my tanning canopy, the condition that my arms had been in for at least the last two months:

And today, one week later. This pic's kind of blurry but you can tell it's better.

A little UV never hurt anyone :cool:

When I look close at this stuff I can see it's getting better. When it's active it's just red. When it's healing it takes on a sort of broken glass appearance, with white in it, and that's how it is today!


Ya i battle with it all the time. Totally sucks !!!

Try having it on your scalp :( and on your face, god it sucks, I hate being in fucking public cause of this shit !!

::Edit:: Not to discredit the unbelievable discomfort I am sure you are going through ... Sorry had to put that in there, with just the above text it seemed more like a "ya ... o please whatever" post. But believe me its not. I completely understand
Oh that sucks. Having it on my face is one of my worst fears. Have you tried UV treatments? It's works quite dandy-like for me.

I'm so ready for this outbreak to heal up. It had been years since I've had it this bad.