School uniforms?


Metal Keyboardist
Feb 2, 2002
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What is your opinion on going to school in uniforms (that is if you dont already or if you even go to school at all.) I am one of the few people who actually am for the idea of wearing uniforms. At school, alot of people dont talk to me because I always wear black clothes and band shirts of bands they never heard of. On the other hand, at work, I have to wear a uniform and everyone talks to me. I could solve this probelm by buying trendy clothes and going to school but I refuse to do that. Opinions?
I hate them, our school doesn't have them, we just have to wear ID tags.

I like being able to spot a dumbass by if they have a shirt on with one of those "witty" quotes from "god" :rolleyes:

And I talked to a girl about deathmetal because she had a morbid angel shirt on, and she asked about my opeth shirt, otherwise we never would have talked. You can tell about a person by what they wear.
I like to look at catholic school girls in there uniforms, lovely seriously, my college is locted directly across thes treet from an all girls catholic school, the uniforms these girls weay..OMG :lol: Thats just harsh put an all girls catholic school, across the street from horny 20 yr old guys smoking cigarettes and talkin about metal all day...:D
I agree with the original post here. I would not mind wearing uniforms in school. I think a lot of the problems with teenagers would be solved as far as judging people and looking down on others because of their clothes. The superficial Abercrombie etc. companies would hopefully no longer dominate and make lots of money because they are a name. People would learn to make friends based on the person and not what they wear.

I do agree that it would be harder to find people with similar interests possibly such as a distinct band shirt or sport shirt or whatever. However, it would hopefully open the communication barriers and allow people to converse more in order to find people with common interests. I agree with the idea of uniforms overall, but there are problems that would arise I'm sure. People will continue to judge others based on trivial matters, and the world will continue to fall apart. Nice, isn't it? :D
I agree...there's no real reason not to wear uniforms, and if you don't like them because you afraid you look like a clown then you're fucking shallow (ahmm...choking paradise...ahm)
Well even if my school had uniforms i wouldn't look like a "fucking clone" as mentioned above. I am one the only males at my school that have long hair. So if males having short hair would be part of the uniform I would say hell no to them. I can still stand out among the crowd because long hair is different and different is bad. At least where I live.
And in reply to those who say it would be hard to find people with similar interests. I tend to disagree. Not everyone who likes metal, dresses metal, so its not necessarily ture. I would be talking to alot more people if we had school uniforms and I would be finding out more about them. Anyway, I am already friends with the metal heads at my school so if uniforms started next year for some reason, it wouldnt change anything.
Yeah, I never had to wear uniforms so I am not sure what things would be like in that situation. People would actually get to know each other better. Then, they'd form groups and look down on others because they aren't like them. It really doesn't matter. I'm no longer in high school so I don't care anymore. Clothes don't matter. Let's all get rid of them. Ok, nevermind. :)