School question

King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
Does your school charge you for a copy of your transcripts? I called my registrar earlier for a couple reasons but this dude tells me they charge $5 for a copy of my transcripts and I thought he was full of shit. Saddly he srs as a heart-attack. I've never heard of a school charging you for this before so please, enlighten me.

And in case you were wondering, I'm going to go to my school and see if I can talk them out of charging me for it. If they refuse, I'll pay with pennies.
Depends on the school. Some will charge you after a certain amount per day and others will not charge you for any. My alma mater charges either 5 or 10 bucks for a processing fee, I can't remember.

EDIT: Also, School/Uni thread srsly
A couple of weeks ago I had to have doctors records sent from one doctor to another. They tried billing me .75 cents per sheet for nearly 100 sheets. GTFOH
Because people in the office have work to do, so digging for your transcripts takes time, and time is money, they loose money by giving transcripts out for free; so therefore they charge $5 so they aren't loosing money. Makes perfect sence to me.
Dude it takes a whopping two fucking seconds to type in my social security number to bring up my school records, and then another couple seconds to click on "transcripts" then "print."

Pretty gay if you ask me.

It's bad enough they are charging me $5, but the fact that I have to drive all the way down there because they refuse to mail, email, or fax me my own transcripts is pretty stupid as well tbph.
Yeah, sounds like they're trying to squeeze a few extra bucks out of you for no good reason. VCU simply makes students' transcripts available to them online, so there's no need to even go through someone for it. But I guess not all rules for a college are fair, so you may just have to take what you've been dealt.
Yeah, sounds like they're trying to squeeze a few extra bucks out of you for no good reason. VCU simply makes students' transcripts available to them online, so there's no need to even go through someone for it. But I guess not all rules for a college are fair, so you may just have to take what you've been dealt.

Well, you can view it online for free at most schools, but if you it sent to another school, you'll have to pay for it.
it makes sense so people can't falsify their records but yeah, no reason they couldn't do this online, perhaps via the collegeboard...
I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that universities will try to squeeze money out of you any way that they can. Such is life. Join the club, KD.