Science is Awesome!


Who'r u calling a Junior?
Nov 11, 2003
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Let's post some cool sciency stuff!

I think the most appropriate way to start this thread is with Richard Feynman:

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Physicists Create Quantum Link Between Photons That Don't Exist at the Same Time

This is excellent! That opens up some very practical possibilities. The one the article mentions was sort of the first thing that came to my mind too: long distance close-to-instant communication. That should be quite handy when space travel takes on larger scales. They basically have to create a key out of their primary measurements and there you go. Chat with your friends on Alpha Centauri! MSN WILL RISE AGAIN!

What I wonder is: can photons be untangled and re-entangled, and if so, will the original measurement of the first pair persist? If not, the original problem still exists, namely that you need a key to decode the message, but that key needs to be decoded too.

Please note that I have only VERY basic knowledge of this theme, and I'm pretty much just trying to connect what information I have in a practical way... which usually doesn't work so well with quantum mechanics :D
Unfortunately, information still can't be sent faster than light. That's what the article says too:

"Physicists hope to create quantum networks in which protocols like entanglement swapping are used to create quantum links among distant users and transmit uncrackable (but slower than light) secret communications. The new result suggests that when sharing entangled pairs of photons on such a network, a user wouldn't have to wait to see what happens to the photons sent down the line before manipulating the ones kept behind."

Entanglement keeps spin of particles in sync. I'm not sure, but either you can't manipulate the spin or the manipulation of the spin breaks the entanglement. But if you wait for the spin of the particle to change spontaneously, then you can observe that the entangled particle changed to almost instantly (faster than that would take light to get from one particle to another).

I'm not a physicist, but that's how I understand the entanglement.
What did you do?

EDIT: ...or still do?

It's a touchy subject but as most of you probably know on here my girlfriend fell pregnant early this year, and due to her mental health/pregnancy conditions (hyperamesis, absically she threw up everything including water and was drastically losing weight, to the point that the pregnancy would've been recommended to be terminated anyway, and failing that would've either killed her or resulted in a severely underdeveloped child), we chose to abort the pregnancy.

But so it wasn't a complete waste we donated the foetus to stem cell research, which 'm immensely proud of,especially because a few years ago a close family friends life was saved after a 12 year struggle with cancer thanks to a stem cell transplant
I respect people like both of you so much. I intend to give my body for science if ever I die as well, even if it ends up in the end of students, I don't care, it's part of progress.

...But seriously, I love reading some of the stuff mentioned in these previous posts... there's so much happening right now... some of the articles I've read and felt quite "wow"ed by are where they've managed to find easier ways to harvest stem cells from normal cells (along those lines, I'm simplifying it as I can't find the article right now) and the guy who has had to have 75% of his skull replaced, and rather than using bone grafts or odd fitting metal plating, they've used 3D printing to produce the replica parts...
It's a touchy subject but as most of you probably know on here my girlfriend fell pregnant early this year, and due to her mental health/pregnancy conditions (hyperamesis, absically she threw up everything including water and was drastically losing weight, to the point that the pregnancy would've been recommended to be terminated anyway, and failing that would've either killed her or resulted in a severely underdeveloped child), we chose to abort the pregnancy.

But so it wasn't a complete waste we donated the foetus to stem cell research, which 'm immensely proud of,especially because a few years ago a close family friends life was saved after a 12 year struggle with cancer thanks to a stem cell transplant
Oh, must have missed that thread. I though you might be doing some research yourself. I'm sorry to hear that, but you should fill proud!
I respect people like both of you so much. I intend to give my body for science if ever I die as well, even if it ends up in the end of students, I don't care, it's part of progress.
Yeah, some people are like "what if some students get to play with my body". YOU'LL BE DEAD, what do you care? And it will bring them a stop closer to helping people.
I intend to give my body for science if ever I die as well


Sorry man, just thought that was tooooo funny.

Reminds me of the scene in Team America.....

"Promise me you will never die?"

"I can't promise you that!"

"If you promise me you will never die, I'll make love to you right now."


Carry on.