One of the most accepted "theories" of our universe is that it was created through a singularity, and that singularity is thought to be: "Nothing cant not exist unless something exists, so something must exist or else nothing can not exist."(Keep track of those double negatives!

There is also a major flaw in this theory: Something cant be created from nothing, but nothing can be created by something.
This implies that there was something in the beginning, which became nothing, that born something.
Yes, this is some big fucking mindfuck! I've thought of this too occasionally. I know what you're saying with those double negatives, and it is really interesting.
A simple explanation to end the "what was before big bang?" question is "what is south of the south pole?", that I picked up while watching Stephen Hawking's videos on youtube. However, this is really hard to grasp since we are so used to think linearly, due to time. But according to him, time did not exist until big bang "decided" to explode, and since there was no time "back then", big bang never really "waited" before exploding.
But still, this is major mindfuck to me because it still doesn't answer WHY, or HOW big bang could possibly exist. This theory clears up a few things, sure, but it assumes that big bang just existed and that's the end of that, no reason to think more about it. Ok so anyway, big bang exploded in a clusterfuck of holy shitness and gave birth to not only energy (matter), but also whole dimensions. So what is the ultimate fate then?
The universe will either continue to expand until it is so big that every atom is torn apart and nothing can exist anymore (except single atoms in a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge vacuum), or it will fall back and collapse into a new singularity and start over. The latter is interesting because this sort of implies there is an eternity, even if not in time, but the fact that this cycle repeats itself over and over again, is sort of like eternity. It still doesn't explain where it originated from though...
As Jeff has mentioned; Time is considered to be the fourth dimension.
But if time is a fourth dimension, doesn't that mean everything is pre-determined? I have a hard time accepting time as a dimension because all the spatial dimensions we know contain something in them already. What I mean is, if you pick a vector and start traveling along it in space, you will bump into lots of things on the way, because they are already there further ahead than you. So if time is just another dimension, then there will already be things "on" time, that we bump into eventually.
So I think time is something different... can't say how though, I have absolutely no idea. But I also have a hard time saying time does NOT exist and that it's just an illusion of the human perception, because I can clearly see how things happen in a sequence... I know f.ex that if I throw a ball on the ground, it will bounce x times before stopping. Each bounce is a process which the ball goes through, and I can see that they don't happen at the same time. Kinda hard to deny something you see and acknowledge
But on the other hand... EVERYTHING we see, hear, smell, taste, feel and so on, is nothing but electrical signals. I don't know if this keyboard I'm typing on exists, I'm assuming so merely because I'm being fed with electrical signals that tell me so. So how can you really be sure of anything?

(This one is also a mindfuck if you think about it long enough).
My theory of everything is: It's a fucking computer simulation. The Big Bang is some nerd hitting "Enter" on his version of "The Sims", and here we are. But then... where did the nerd come from? This is actually the same thing as the popular question "If God exists, who created him/where did he come from?", which in turn is no different than "Where did Big Bang come from?".
So here, we might just have found the answer to this thread: Science cant explain why the f-ck big bang even could happen, and what it was before, and where it came from.
Major mindfuck going on.
Right on dude, all of this off-topicing has finally lead to an interesting question... or whatever that is!
Last friday, when we were at a friend's and drinking, we managed to slip into some existential discussion and man... it's not easy when you're drunk to boot! All kinds of crazy ass theories were flying across the room like freakin' lazer guns man, I tell ya... haha, I wonder what would happen if all of us from UM got together and did the same thing.