Science cant prove everything?

Gojira... the interpretation that time is a dimension doesn't imply that everything is predetermined. We still move through it. It's no more sound to say that we can determine everything that will happen in China if we carefully record every butterfly's wings in the States. In fact, before modern physics came and ruined our shit it was believed that we might be able to determine everything about the past and future... and that got thrown out the window.

And if everyone got hammered and got into existential philosophy, I'd be firing literal freakin' lazer guns.

The universe will either continue to expand until it is so big that every atom is torn apart and nothing can exist anymore (except single atoms in a huuuuuuuuuuuuuge vacuum), or it will fall back and collapse into a new singularity and start over. The latter is interesting because this sort of implies there is an eternity, even if not in time, but the fact that this cycle repeats itself over and over again, is sort of like eternity. It still doesn't explain where it originated from though...

You are talking about the theories of "big rip" and "big crunch", but the universe might as well reach an equilibrium.
The cute thing here is that even if the universe meets an equilibrium, it doesn't mean that anything will survive because we might get "big freeze" before that.

Last friday, when we were at a friend's and drinking, we managed to slip into some existential discussion and man... it's not easy when you're drunk to boot! All kinds of crazy ass theories were flying across the room like freakin' lazer guns man, I tell ya... haha, I wonder what would happen if all of us from UM got together and did the same thing.

The best part about being drunk and talking about those kind of things, is when you look back at it the day after and go "How the hell did that make any f-ing sense!?". :lol:
I'm going to reiterate my recommendation.



Serious dudes, pretty much if you posted here, you'll love it.
Gojira... the interpretation that time is a dimension doesn't imply that everything is predetermined. We still move through it. It's no more sound to say that we can determine everything that will happen in China if we carefully record every butterfly's wings in the States. In fact, before modern physics came and ruined our shit it was believed that we might be able to determine everything about the past and future... and that got thrown out the window.

And if everyone got hammered and got into existential philosophy, I'd be firing literal freakin' lazer guns.


Yeah we still move through it just like we move through our regular spatial dimensions (but we don't get the choise of stopping and going backwards). I guess it makes sense to me because of the way I envision time, and that might be the wrong way of course, but atm I don't know any other way of looking at time :)

You are talking about the theories of "big rip" and "big crunch", but the universe might as well reach an equilibrium.
The cute thing here is that even if the universe meets an equilibrium, it doesn't mean that anything will survive because we might get "big freeze" before that.

The best part about being drunk and talking about those kind of things, is when you look back at it the day after and go "How the hell did that make any f-ing sense!?". :lol:

Ah yea I had forgotten about the third state, equilibrium but if I recall correctly, this is what is thought to be least likely to occur given the fact that everything is STILL accelerating, not just expanding but also still accelerating to expand? Dude, come to think of it... what is the speed of universe's expansion? I guess that is the only speed that can "break" our current laws?

But let's say it did end up in an equilibrium, the universe is stable but dead. Neither collapsing, neither expanding. Then this means that the Big Bang was only a one time thing. This is where mindfuck begins :( Why/how the fuck was there a Big Bang and where did it come from? How is it possible... wtf!

An endless Big Bang - Big Crunch cycle is easier to accept than a one time bang. For me atleast.
"Where did it come from?" is itself a limited question because it implies that everything was somewhere else to begin with.

As far as the speed of the universe's expansion... it doesn't 'break' our current laws, that's the answer given because explaining relativity fully is time-consuming and hard.

As for the 'one time thing'... no, it means the universe might have gotten quite a bit of practice and finally got it all right.

"Where did it come from?" is itself a limited question because it implies that everything was somewhere else to begin with.

As far as the speed of the universe's expansion... it doesn't 'break' our current laws, that's the answer given because explaining relativity fully is time-consuming and hard.

As for the 'one time thing'... no, it means the universe might have gotten quite a bit of practice and finally got it all right.


Oh yea I guess relativity explains it. An expansion might not be equal to something traveling in FTL (faster than light), and I guess it's something like that you mean... or maybe not.

Well anyway, fuck the universe, question after question... no "true" answer, time to do something useful :D

(I do have more questions regarding your post, that would take the discussion a little further but I don't have the energy for it atm, maybe we can arrange an internet-date sometime and drink booze and chat about the universe... and fire lazer guns!),2933,468268,00.html

The Sun operates on an 11-year cycle, alternating between active and quiet periods. We are currently in a quiet period, with few sunspots on the sun's surface and fewer solar flares, though the next cycle of activity has begun.

It is expected to peak around 2012, bringing lots of sunspots, flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). CMEs can interact with the Earth's magnetosphere, causing problems for satellites, communications, and power grids.
Youtube comments. There has to be something that makes every single one of them the most dumbest stringed together words (if that) so fucking retarded.

It's more of a mystery than something to prove though.

Well uhm no!
youtube comments got sometimes sense?
can you say the same thing for Blabbermouth comments?
"I'd pee in her butt?" remember that? lol
hahahah lol
What's this about? Are you proposing this is a proof for the 2012 crap that people talk about?

For fuck's sake, I may not believe in it but with ALL the huge talk going on about this crap, I'm gonna be really fuckng disappointed if nothing happens in 2012.

I hope we get really fucked.

not proposing it as proof, no. i just like the idea of armageddon, and think this is a pretty nifty coinkydink.
not proposing it as proof, no. i just like the idea of armageddon, and think this is a pretty nifty coinkydink.

Ah I see. Well yeah, it's cool that it peaks at 2012 and all, but the galactic alignment that was also supposed to happen then already has happened according to... Wikipedia.

SocialNumb, isn't it cool to be around when the world ends? Of all people who has lived on this planet, you might be one of the last. That's one hell of a way to die I say!

If it is true, I will be drinking booze with some friends up in a cabin, probably in the mountains of Norway, and be as necro as I can... even though I sort of hate black metal.
SocialNumb, isn't it cool to be around when the world ends? Of all people who has lived on this planet, you might be one of the last. That's one hell of a way to die I say!

i would love this, however i do not feel that we are lucky enough to experience this in our lifetime. what makes us so special?
2012 might just be a really nasty year.
Some "pseudoscientist's" claims that the supposed Planet X's orbit is very close to earth, and that it will hit our solar system in ~2012, and its said to fling meteorites at our planet.
Now i usually don't give much tho these "pseudoscientists", but astronomers has found a gravitational pull that appears randomly, but the random appearances seems to be within an elliptical orbit, that supposedly is between us and mars and continue out in space.
There is no solid evidence of this, but apparently there has been some proofs of that a planet has interfered with ours somehow in the past, i cant remember the story that well though. ;X

So I dont really have a clue what to think, but there sure seems to be a massive amount of horrible things thats supposed to happen in 2012, but that might just be because people have looked so much for them.
i would love this, however i do not feel that we are lucky enough to experience this in our lifetime. what makes us so special?

What makes us special is that there is more wars going on now then ever before, and we have enough nukes to completely destroy the earth several times.
The atmosphere is going to hell, and the polar switch is thousands of years overdue, and if it switches it would mean massive floods, and places that are land will become the ocean, and the ocean will become land.

Not that it suggests the year 2012, but there is a shitload of stuff that really could go to hell right now.
There ain't a single fucking thing we can do so... whatever happens, happens.

However, if it does happen, one could wonder about powers that our higher than us, since apparently, 2012 is not only from Maya, but it has its traces in like every religion... I've heard. Dunno if it's true or not.

I do know that a mathematician named Terra McKenza or something made a formula from the chinese I Ching and the the formula showed the novelty effect through time. Guess when it ends? ... =)

2012 might just be a really nasty year.
Some "pseudoscientist's" claims that the supposed Planet X's orbit is very close to earth, and that it will hit our solar system in ~2012, and its said to fling meteorites at our planet.

Could be true, if we would hear anything about 2012 and immediate dangers to earth, it would be from amateur scientists anyway. I don't believe for one fucking second that the government of whatever country would step up and tell the people of the world "Hey everybody! Guess what? YOU'RE ALL FUCKED IN A COUPLE MONTHS! Kthxbye".

If a whole goddamn planet is approaching us, we would probably not know about it until we see it with the naked eye. Now, I'm not sure how easy/hard it is for f.ex NASA to detect a planet coming into our system, but if they did, I don't think they would say shit anyway. Why would they?
Erm, NASA is actually pretty good about that sort of thing. Keep in mind that it's full of people who actually know what they're talking about; leaking things that the public should know about is certainly something we could expect from them.

2012 is bullshit. The world already didn't end in 2000, 1987, 1982, 1967... can we finally shut the hell up about this and look at *real* threats that could end the world that don't require harmonic universal mystical magical mystery convergence?
