Science cant prove everything?

theory =/= proof

Yup. Science can't proove anything. It can just give theories that are considered to be true.

Math can proove something though, but only if you give it some assumptions.

Kurt Godel really got us with his incompleteness theorem. "Yeah, we're pretty fucked now"
I only have one thing that was bought up only this year and that's the fact that we still pretty much don't know shit about the way the human brain works from one person to another. There are studies galore but there is still a fuck ton of research left to be done.

I suppose that's not a proof problem though, so much as a research issue.

Yeah, but we know what part of the brain that does what, so I guess we are half way there. ;)

Okay I got one: Science can't prove why electro-shock therapy works sometime and doesn't do shit another time.

If it cant be repeated with a certain percent of success, isn't it supposed to be considered scientifically disproven by todays standards of "scientific approval" ?

If religion hits the subject, im out, thats for sure.
-"Oh, whopdidoo, god cant be fuckin' disproven."
Science cannot Prove anything, merely disprove the alternatives to reach the conclusion...

Just thought id throw that out there!
Yeah, but we know what part of the brain that does what, so I guess we are half way there. ;)

Yeah we got the "what" down pretty okay. We just don't really know shit when it comes to "why" and "how" (although how is a little more clear than why). :lol:

Quite honestly I don't think we will ever get the full idea of why the brain works the way it does. Long term memory and all that shit.

If it cant be repeated with a certain percent of success, isn't it supposed to be considered scientifically disproven by todays standards of "scientific approval" ?

Good point. But they still use it when they get to the point of "well, shit we don't know what else to do. Wanna try it?" But yeah your right.
Some of you are confusing "science hasn't proven" with "science cannot prove".

Science is a method, that is all. It cannot generate absolute proofs, but it can and does provide us with the best possible explanation for all things in the realm of human experience. Obviously, it can be refined over the years and theories can be overturned or perfected - but that only happens through more science - not the arrogant dismissal of its importance or superiority!

And for anyone who would say that scientific theories are no more valid than any other, as it seems someone always creeps in with such a claim, tell that to a person at 30,000 feet as you are both held up there because the science was accurate! :)
Sorry, I have to throw this in there. "Intelligent Design" :yell: is NOT science! You sneaky ass creationist! :yell: Get the fuck out of our children's science classes! :mad:
Some of you are confusing "science hasn't proven" with "science cannot prove".

Yeah, I noticed that too.
Thats why I started this thread, because I could think of thousands of things that hasn't been proven, but not one single thing that science cant prove.

Sorry, I have to throw this in there. "Intelligent Design" :yell: is NOT science! You sneaky ass creationist! :yell: Get the fuck out of our children's science classes! :mad:

Evolution has some major flaws, but its not like Intelligent Design: "Hey, the circulatory system is so advanced, its impossible that it just came out of nowhere!" :rolleyes:
(They forgot the part about gradually evolving over billions of years! :lol:)
Yeah, I noticed that too.
Thats why I started this thread, because I could think of thousands of things that hasn't been proven, but not one single thing that science cant prove.
science has theories for everything, even god
some people come up with shit just for kicks, like Tesla's earthquake machine

you can't take everything as provable just cause theres some's far easier to disprove (like was mentioned before) so until someone jumps into a black hole, or travels in time/dimensions & lives to tell about it, it ain't's just some nuts theory
in fact there are people who still believe the earth is flat, so you can't go around believing every nuts theory
science has theories for everything, even god
some people come up with shit just for kicks, like Tesla's earthquake machine

you can't take everything as provable just cause theres some's far easier to disprove (like was mentioned before) so until someone jumps into a black hole, or travels in time/dimensions & lives to tell about it, it ain't's just some nuts theory
in fact there are people who still believe the earth is flat, so you can't go around believing every nuts theory

What does any of that posturing have to do with whether or not something is provable? We do not have a comprehensive knowledge of, for instance, black holes, but who says we won't in hundreds or perhaps thousands of years?
What other method but science will bring us to that understanding, should it ever come?

In regards to scientific theories, the word theory does not mean the same thing as it does when speaking about some deluded individual's ill conceived "theory" about the Earth being flat or some other ridiculous idea. Scientific theories are derived through research and experimental evidence, and must survive a rigorous examination by the entire scientific community before they become accepted. Scientific theories carry some weight - whether or not they're perfect.

People live their lives day to day, every minute exploiting some long accepted scientific principle that could be called "just a theory" or "just an approximation", but that doesn't stop us from enjoying the fruits of whatever level of understanding we have achieved. At what point can we consider something proven, or more importantly, at what point can we call something unprovable?
In regards to scientific theories, the word theory does not mean the same thing as it does when speaking about some deluded individual's ill conceived "theory" about the Earth being flat or some other ridiculous idea. Scientific theories are derived through research and experimental evidence, and must survive a rigorous examination by the entire scientific community before they become accepted. Scientific theories carry some weight - whether or not they're perfect.
that's just the thing though, even science doesn't agree on all theories
& we have to base it on current knowledge & technology, cause what if the world blows up tomorrow?? that's a theory too
Religion nor Science can prove Virgin Birth.

Nature can: Female Sharks and large Lizards can get pregnant and give birth to young without a male sperm donor.
Please expend on this "theory". Right now with my limited knowledge on the subject it sounds: :lol:
it was just hypothetical :P
though there are those who believe it will end in 2012

Two years ago, Patrick Geryl, then 51, quit his job as a laboratory worker for a French oil company. He'd saved up just enough money to last him until December 2012. After that, he thought, he wouldn't need it anyway.

Instead, Geryl, a soft-spoken man who had studied chemistry in his younger years, started preparing for the apocalypse. He founded a "survival group" for likeminded men and women, aimed at living through the catastrophe he knew was coming.

That's because Geryl believes the world as we know it will end in 2012. He points to the ancient Maya cyclical calendars, the longest of which last renewed itself approximately 5,125 years ago and is set to end again, supposedly with catastrophic consequences, in 2012. He speaks of the ancient Egyptians, who, he claims, saw 2012 as a year of great change too. And he points to science: NASA predicts a sharp increase in the number of sunspots and sun flares for 2012, he said, sure to cause electrical failures and satellite disruptions.
i mean come on, if you listen to every nutbag with a theory out there you gotta be as crazy as they are...everything should be taken with a grain of salt
it was just hypothetical :P
though there are those who believe it will end in 2012

i mean come on, if you listen to every nutbag with a theory out there you gotta be as crazy as they are...everything should be taken with a grain of salt

I've got to quote myself on this one:

In regards to scientific theories, the word theory does not mean the same thing as it does when speaking about some deluded individual's ill conceived "theory" about the Earth being flat or some other ridiculous idea. Scientific theories are derived through research and experimental evidence, and must survive a rigorous examination by the entire scientific community before they become accepted. Scientific theories carry some weight - whether or not they're perfect.
you're wrong though, because not all theory can be put to practice or through experimentation

besides, there's even the "proven" stuff that that gets overturned all the time...i remember a few years back they said not to drink cold water while exercising, now they say you should, or stretching before, now they say you shouldn't, & recently the whole debacle with 0 carb diets