Screamer cancels US shows....

Because I don't think you would be able to bite your tongue after you saw all the Chris Black ballwashing that takes place there daily.

I would love to see the 500000 comments that would follow if you got on there and told folks how you felt about Dawnbringer.

Here, you are just speaking to the same 8 people.

That might be funny, but I don't want to get involved in Faceplant. You know, I haven't even told Black himself how I feel about the last two albums. He's never asked. I should probably bring it up with him someday.
That might be funny, but I don't want to get involved in Faceplant. You know, I haven't even told Black himself how I feel about the last two albums. He's never asked. I should probably bring it up with him someday.

Considering DB are playing more shows now than ever, my guess is he doesn't care what you think of them..

It would lead to some awesome FB fights though.
I'm still bummed Screamer canceled. But Zuul was really good so it cut that pain some. For the record I don't know how anyone could dislike Chris' various projects - Pharaoh, High Spirits and Dawnbringer are 3 of the best bands going today. That's just my opinion.