Sex Tranquillity

Originally posted by atlantis

Why d'you think I want a harem, sweetheart?:spin:

it beats me, really... :confused: perhaps you're interested in studying eastern cultures?

Originally posted by atlantis

We are friends, and friends (not the F. Friends:)) just help you when you find yourself in times of troubles, or when you need someone to go at the movies, start removals etc etc;)

why do i find this simple, sensible sentence full of troubling undercurrents? a drink needs me, apparetly. ;)

Originally posted by atlantis

And oh:"bodies rolling in the sand"? Why the sand and not, for example, the grass, mud or anything else?

first i have to help you with removals, then i end up lying in the mud... why does marriage have to be so difficult and messy?

rahvin. (still single, upright and clean)
Originally posted by rahvin
it beats me, really... :confused: perhaps you're interested in studying eastern cultures?

No, simply I don't want to charge you more than needed. You can just pay the bills, that will do. The harem will adore me.
Can you see how big is my love?

Originally posted by rahvin
first i have to help you with removals, then i end up lying in the mud... why does marriage have to be so difficult and messy?
rahvin. (still single, upright and clean)
Human relationships (Evangelion teaching) are always difficult and messy. But mud can be hot&fetish enough for your tastes.
If you don't want to marry me, I'll work it out.
[ngenius, where art thou?:rolleyes:

let's see:

Turn offs:
-manipulative tendencies

this i have.

-really sarcastic




-rap-metal, preppy, punk, or gothic look
-spiked up hair

i score _a lot_ on this. i've got spiked hair and a punkish look. not gothic, thanks heavens.


well - and that too.

Turn ons:
-the death metal look (long hair, black clothes)

oh, not at all.


not in a thousand years.

so, mousewings, i'm not the guy for you.

...what? i am not a guy? oh well, yes, i was forgetting this, also. :lol:

Hmmm i haven't watched the whole thread, but as far as i can tell ppl have been posting their turn ons and offs. So i will post mine (turn ons only) too:

Loving, caring, making me feel safe, understanding, patient,
intelligent, honest, brave (in all meanings of the word).
Having deep and wide knowledge on computers and technical stuff, good musical taste (not necessarily metal), wide range of interests, able to hold a talk on most subjects and keeping me interested ;p.
Appearance-wise: clean, wearing nice clothes, not fat, are extra bonuses.
Above all, being a man (in all meanings of the word again).

Siren (did i mention chocolate? :loco: )
@Siren: I strongly recommend you to define that wide meaning of the word "man", unless you mean the Linux help manual. I don't advice you to marry someone who call himself a "MAN" in capital letters, you would get disappointed.

|ngenius (Neither a man, nor a robot, just a person)
Originally posted by Siren
Above all, being a man (in all meanings of the word again).

I was just noticing that the Men's factory seems in trouble, lately.
Low quality, far too high prices.
Where have all the old Men gone? (Or they never existed??)
This is to subscribe, underline, point out the wise Siren's words.
@|ng: it's really hard to define... *sigh* it's every quality that makes a male person a man. for me it includes being straight for sure. it also includes being grown-up, being logical but not afraid of being emotional too, responsible, and a whole set of qualities... :rolleyes:
i certainly don't mean those pricks who pretend to be men, using their muscular power over women, pretending to be macho and stuff. i'm mostly talking about inner qualities. hope i'm clearer this time :)
hmmm, and i _think_ that in the meaning of the word "man" i should include as a definer, the certain feeling that would make a woman shiver.... or smt like that. ;)

Siren (indeed, where have they gone? :cry: )
I am gonna answer your question with another question.

Where all the women have gone?

All you get today is a bunch of chicks looking for superficial things such as money, cars... It's not just a stereotype, it's just true unfortunately. They look for someone who is regarded to be "cool", in the more kinda "poser" meaning of the word. They re not looking for someone that he can express his love for them back, they look for someone that will scorn them, ignore them, curse them, and treat them like shit. They want him because they feel they cant have him: " He is not the type of guy that bonds, but I will make him" etc....

Women also NEVER know what they want. One minute they're like yeah I want this , next thing u know they hate that... same thing with guys, one minute they might like a guy, next minute they might think he can be "just a friend" ( :lol: ) etc....

anyone agree?
@Narcoloth: Hmmm your theory just collapsed cause i said the exact opposite from what you suggested, in my previous posts :p

Of course i admit that the kewl guys often get my attention (i can only speak for myself), but i can smell the danger and i can say it's something that does _not_ attract me.

Of course, the bottom line is there are always exceptions in the rules. I agree most women must be the way you described them, but not all of them. Most men are gone, but there are still some left.

The only part i completely agree with you is that women NEVER know what they want :lol: :p

Siren (who once found herself close to her dream and pushed it away :err: )
Originally posted by Narcoloth

Where all the women have gone?

Hahahahahhahaha! Indeed! The main question is: "why they look for the opposite of what they wish?". Women use to say tones of these chupi "turn-ons", but after that, you can see them passing by with the worst "someone" ever. A "cool" man. :lol:

|ng ( :flame: )
@Siren: Of course there are always exceptions to the rules, it would be strange if there weren't. But the fact that women never know what they want is also highly annoying and can drive someone that eventually you really care for away, never to look back if he's fed up (as most of the guys here, I speak from first hand) . So be careful of that!

@Ingenious: Don't get me started on this... Really nice women going out with less than humans... The best place to see this is a lil' greek island called Santorini...
Originally posted by |ngenius

A "cool" man. :lol:
|ng ( :flame: )

Well, I won't generalize, or open a new thread about sexist competitions- (it's quite stupid, old fashioned and off topic, I think)- but anyway, as a very personal opinion (ok, veeeery superficial:)) let me say: OF COURSE!

(ok, just kidding, mostly;))
Ohm, I don't wanna start any sexist competition. Concerning to the male side, they are mainly rude, silly and over-confident, especially in a sexual way. (The penis size is a great example of that, competitions about your size and these stupid things). Both things, about males and females are (generalizing) quite true.

Originally posted by Narcoloth
Where all the women have gone?

All you get today is a bunch of chicks looking for superficial things such as money, cars... It's not just a stereotype, it's just true unfortunately.

Some friends agree with me in this theory:
Girls (the most of them) aren't more that the mentioned stereotype, so if you want to have a relation with a girl, you have to be very lucky to find an intelligent person, but if you cand find her, you don't have another option than get interested only in her body.

I know this sounds misogynous, but I don't know enough wemen that makes me think in a different way
it's kinda hard to find girl that dosent complain about your own style... most of them wants you to look the way they want to... intelligent woman are sweet & simple. they know how to care for a person rather than their own wants... chicks that want only your wealth are from hell... :)

- red_beef
well, i see it quite differently from most of you. i don't think women or men went anywhere in particular: humanity tends to be kinda selfish and full of superficial needs regardless of gender. the vast majority of ppl never indulge in analysing themselves enough to even care about taking responsibilities and being open enough to achieve some mutual, meaningful goal in a relationship.
this is not about wanting to go out with the coolest guy/girl in town: i daresay for all your talking none of you would want less for him or herself than the best thing around, intelligent and handsome and caring and motivated. the point is in passing the judgement about what's cool and what's not.
i'm faced daily by ppl who think cool means a blank stare behind a malicious smile and a series of childishly passionate assumptions: they'd go for the one who drove on a highway naked (reason? unknown) or the one having sex with his spiked hat on. this goes for both women and men, and while we can mourn the disappearence of love and true feelings all day long, those ppl will be sure to entangle us in their web of fake romance and preposterous strong feelings.
instead of quarreling about who threw the first rock, i'd suggest bombing this superficial ppl real hard real soon and then, hopefully, move on to something sweeter.

about measuring the size of our own collective penis, i always wondered (but not much) how it was accomplished in the first place. i try hard not to think of young boys in locker rooms making comparisons based on factual evidence, complete with measurements under all possible physical circumstances. it's just too sad. the worse i've experienced so far is some guy in junior high daring me to show him i could masturbate. i gladly passed my, huh, hand on this. :s
