Share your Steven Slate drumkits here...


May 28, 2010
Anybody have any kits they want to share? I'm looking for some good metal kits, but anything will do....
snare 2, snare 12, dreamsnare, kick 10, kick 15, greenkick, quick toms, fat toms :p

how do you all compress them? or if you parallel how and with what? :]
a cut at 150-180 and a cut at 500-800 than low shelf boost and high pass filter thats it. i dont compress it cuz i suck at compressing :/

i think if you use kick 15 you should get a cracky snare or dont know. btw how do you compress and eq your kicks and snares? i always found out that my snare sounds shit and weak lol
Love the slate snare, kick 10, green kick, Tommy snare, 12 obviously but it's been overused now. I find they don't take too kindly to processing sometimes. I usually have to carve a whole bunch out of 100-450 on kick 10, touch of comp 30ms attack 4:1. When using the toms I go through the multis of the toms I've sampled and run them through a tuner to approximate the tuning and then match the toms to that with the pitch shift in drumagog and then tweak by ear to match them as closely as possible as I only ever sample reinforce toms (if even needed) unless they're completely shithouse. I also tend to notch out those annoying overtones and ringing notes from the toms. Spectrum analyzer can help here and then carve out by ear narrowing the q until just the offending freqs are gone.
I blend at least 3 slate samples for each drum every time I use them. I actually don't like most of them on their own.