Steven Slate Drums EX?

Ηι there Slate..

Definitely the price was the big issue with your amazing packs. Now with the smaller packs everything is better. What I could suggest which I believe is the best for the marketing of our days, is to have samples for every drumset you have on your website and also have a PRICE for each package. If for example what I use is only sonor drums I would prefer to buy a package from you based on Sonnor with 30 euros instead of buying ten kits with 100 euros.
Keep drumming our senses.
Take care.

I'm posting this here since we have a lot of metal users and quite a few users from this specific forum and I value your feedback..

Given the rough global economy I realize money is tight... So we are considering releasing an SSD 3.0 EX... this would have 10 drumkits, two metal kits, two pop kits, four rock kits, and two vintage kits.. none of them would be the official models, but they'd be 10 really slammin kits. It would be downloadable and be $99 bucks.

Are there many people here who want to buy our drum software but couldn't because of the price, that WOULD seriously consider the EX pack at this price point? Also, how would the downloadable factor influence your decision?

I really appreciate all your feedback... and we begin next week recording a new cymbal pack with an emphasis on more mix ready rock and metal cymbals.. as according to the demand on this very forum!
I guess it's all about the marketing. You know, if you knew everyone was gonna buy 1 gog file for 1 euros, maybe most of us would have tried some and bought let's say for 30 euros. In the way he processed the production of SSD, I guess that would be dangerous for him. But that's something that diserves to be thought
the issue about offering individual drums or single drumsets is the licensing of our player from NI.. it just wouldn't work...

The EX pack for $99 is going to be killer, 10 kits featured in the new 3.5 player with our 3.5 encoding (platinum and le guys will get this as well).

Again, our 3.5 update will make SSD the top player in the drum market with our new advanced AMG antimachine gun mode (physically modeled velocity and round robin system with 3 different modes), our new transient enhancement, new more mix ready presets including some of the best metal presets I've offered yet, new tube saturation feature, new DEEP switch on the kicks, and the list goes on...

The official Sneap forum discount will start tomorrow..

And yes, there may be some special upgrade deals on le to platinum in the future, thats all I can say about that..
The deal from LE to platinum may interest many ppl like me who couldn't afford yet it, at least not right now :) Consider me as a potential future customer ! I've taken time to try some gog files and they sounded great, I did really love the possiblity to choose from process ones to natural ones, they sounded really great. I'll get deeper this weekend into the SSD player.

What you're saying about 3.5 is really interesting. What is "transient enhancement" ? Make the attack clearer ?
transient enhancer makes it more punchy... in fact, its called the puncher knob. Works great.

Just stay tuned for LE to Platinum upgrade specials..
I wish you guys offered the kits individually. I've wanted to buy the Slate drums forever, but cant really justify paying all that money when Im only going to use maybe one or two kits from it...but I may go for something like this...99 isnt bad.
I have a little question for you who have tried SSD vst (so, reaktor) inside reaper. how the hell do you use the output mixer to send audio to tracks in Reaper ? I don't get how to be able to mute the midi track, and have a track for a drum sound in Reaper. I don't see how to connect a mixer output to a track input.
havent used reaper for a while, but i think when you create a new channel, and make the vst insert there is an option of the fx window saying build multi-out